Beating a slump! Taking a break VS Playing through it?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Sit yourself down Pal and have a think.....

Iv been where you are and it isnt nice and to a point i get like that at times.... I always have to know how and why the square peg goes in the square hole and the round in the round hole..... It should be as easy as 1,2,3.... But we dont make it that simple.......

Iv done the analytical jobbie and to be honest i learned a lot from it but it got to a point with me that i was striving so much to change my swing to something that I Believed was a perfect ballflight that i lost the point of what the ultimate goal was... Get the bugger in the hole in the least amount of shots.... Not the nicest most textbook way possible

Do yourself a favour.... The next time you practice or are at the range... Think of nothing.... Setup to roughly where you want the ball to go... Close your eyes and just swing away.... Get the feeling of what way your body is reacting to the swinging of the club.....You'll be amazed that when you swing back your ankles may roll a little right then left.... Everything seems to work the way nature intended it to.....

You go back years ago and everyone had a golf Swing Not a golf hit..... Everything now seems to revolve around distance and power..... For the most part its not a bad thing..... But to be fair...Everyone knows that there is no point in bombing it long into the cabbage.....Look at the single figure seniors at any club to see just how to score.... They wont be long but they'll more than likely be straight up the middle all day.... Why?
Because they swing within themselves... They wont try and get the last out of their PW or try knock the name off the ball with a driver....
And im not throwing stones here pal.... This is something that ive only learned recently.....

Everyones is different... I was guilty of having lots of angles..... I had the triangle going on with the club and my arms... My back was straight, My grip was textbook, my posture i struggled with early on but i eventually sorted the Early Extension, my ball position was neutral, my stance was square... So many things flying round inside my head and all this topped off with what my Pro wanted me doing.....

Bloody Impossible

The body HAS to work in sync..... Its the way it was designed...... It wasnt designed to twist at the waist while the legs remained glued to the turf.....Think of skipping a stone across water.... You'll just turn and throw it without thinking....You wont worry what your arm is doing or where your elbow is or if your feet rolled back then forward or if your hips were closed or open as your hand swung round you... It was you just letting your body down what it was designed to....

So iv since found that i swing a little similar to Jason Dufner..... I use his waggles in my setup... I stand similar, and i swing with a similar rhythm.... Iv started hitting the ball more flush and straighter than i ever have... All because it fells natural and im not trying to force my body into places that it doesnt want to go.....
Iv stopped trying to knock it stone dead from wedge distance... If i miss a green i relish the challange of trying to get up and down for par..
When im hitting shots im still trying to land them in a particular area but its now 20yards wide instead of 20ft wide...

The more i tried to force my swing the worse i seemed to get.... Now i leave everything nice and loose and feel the clubhead swinging through the ball rather than hitting at it... The club stays on plane better... My shots are straighter.... I play my little fade now to the envy i might add of my friend who plays a Draw off a 3 handicap and who has a wild hook or a block thrown in every now and again for good measure... He's still git a magic short game...

But i think that your going to have to give up trying to control your swing pal...
If you watch Dufners videos you'll see that its not a perfect swing but he's one of the best ball strikers on tour.... Why?

Its compact, Fluid, and loose....
If you watch the SlowMo videos you'll see that he starts the club back handle first with soft hands... Iv since twigged that for some reason this has stopped my pulling the club to the inside too fast... Its a very easy move to do....

It also stops the wrists from cocking too early and keeps a bit more width in the swing going back....And the other good thing for me is that he swing more left after impact than most players.....
I know that i got a little Techie there towards the end but its not off the wall.... The swing is so simple to copy that you'll pick it up pretty fast......

Banish the demons inside the head for a while Pal...... Forget what your Pro wants you to do and go hit it and find it and hit it again....Take it from someone thats been there done that Didnt take on board what Snelly,Bob, Murph, Imurg, Region3,PokerJoke, Smiffy, and god knows how many others tried to tell me to play with what i have....

I learned the hard way and its a bitter pill to swallow and i guess in some ways its a way we all have to learn but you'll be a better player for it....
I think from my own experience that there is no harm in striving for perfection save for the fact that you'll do your own head in but that perfection in and of itself is an Imperfect word....I believe there is no such thing as being perfect.... Be quirky, Have Your way of swinging a club... Not someone elses...

Get it to repeat and ingrain it so that you can do it in your sleep.......

Sorry for the long post but i think im qualified enough in the particular field to give my tuppence worth:thup:

Happy Chopping Pal.;)


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
my vote would be take a break.

Watch and enjoy the masters don't touch a club for a good week or so, you can always push your lesson back a week if you want a bit longer.

You can't play your best when you are not enjoying it, you can't let your natural swing come out when you over think it. People are giving good sounding advice regarding the score being very good for your handicap. The problem is you don't think you are playing well. My guess would be this is because it feels forced and like you are just holding on to a decent swing instead of letting the powerful smooth swing flow.

So take a break, declutter your head, then come back refreshed and eager to play again then just go out and have some fun.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Thought I'd update this instead of starting something new.

I got asked to play today and although I was considering a break, decided to play.

Decided that no matter what, today I was going to enjoy myself. No swing thoughts, no feelings thought the swing, just hit the bleeding ball. Have a walk to it and hit it again.

The only thing I consciously did different was something Snelly advocates in watching he club hit the ball. That has been a revelation for me, especially with irons and wedges. Seeing the divot begin to come out before turning the head to follow the ball flight was, strangely new.

Anyway. Enough rambling. I played really solid golf, short game was on fire from inside 120 yards and putted the ball probably the best I have in living memory.

Ended up shooting a 78 and that after taking a double bogey 6 on our par 4 18th after a cracking drive :mad:

Thank you everyone who contributed to the thread and (Hopefully) helped me through and past my slump.

London mike 61

Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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If you have reached a plateau then why not try and go and play a round of golf with a pro as a lesson or just go out with someone who is a cat 1 golfer and shaddow their play and course strategy .

I find it's often the case that when you play with better players, your own game goes up a notch.

If you decide to take a break then the start of the season is not the best time.
good luck with what you decide.