Away to Home Handicap without Notification from Player


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Jul 22, 2019
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What happens when a player is a member of 2 clubs, then leave their Home Club but stay at their Away Club, if they do not notify the Away club that that is now their only club? Do they simply remain as away players? If so, if they play in competitions, will their handicap just stay the same, as their scores are no longer being sent through to a home club?

Just wondering, as I've been told by a 3rd party that at least 2 Away players no longer seem to he members of their Home Club, but not yet been told by players themselves. Maybe they have left completely, or maybe they've not yet renewed their Home membership, but will do when they get the chance. They will probably play comps, so I'm just wondering if the system will flag this up to me (as handicap sec) if they do not tell me.

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Player must have a “home” club who administer the HC so it’s the player’s responsibility to either turn his away club into the home club or join another. Can’t have just an away club

It possible that if they have resigned you can check on CDH

or even better - ask them


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Apr 7, 2012
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I would think they'll remain members of the home club, scores will be shared between clubs until they resign or the next years fees not paid. Then nominate a new home club to administer their handicaps.
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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
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I know they must have a Home Club. But, perhaps their home club membership starts in january. Ours starts in August.

I can't go chasing every away player at the club every month to see if they still are a member of their Home club. Of course, in this case, as it has been mentioned, I can ask them when they next play a comp. But, had this not been raised by a 3rd party, I'm wondering what happens to their handicap in our system. Will it remain as an Away handicap, even though in reality they no longer have a handicap as they've not got a home club to administer it and not asked their away club to become their home club?

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I know they must have a Home Club. But, perhaps their home club membership starts in january. Ours starts in August.

I can't go chasing every away player at the club every month to see if they still are a member of their Home club. Of course, in this case, as it has been mentioned, I can ask them when they next play a comp. But, had this not been raised by a 3rd party, I'm wondering what happens to their handicap in our system. Will it remain as an Away handicap, even though in reality they no longer have a handicap as they've not got a home club to administer it and not asked their away club to become their home club?
The system is there, but it's a little theoretical!
When a player leaves a home club they are supposed to return that fact to the CDH...which would flag it as an issue if any other scores were returned to the record.
Clubs aren't quick to report leavers, especially late renewals, and the issue you are seeing is frequently an extension of that. It happens a lot more than some believe - it's got worse as financial accounting for memberships and Union fees has gone to large number reporting only (as I understand it). Flexi memberships etc have only added to the issue.
Obviously it will all change for the better under the WHS ?


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Feb 21, 2013
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Given that the CDH (which supposedly knows a players home and away clubs) should know if a player has correctly resigned from his home club, the CDH has no mechanism for informing his away club(s) that he hasn't got a home club. I think his status on CDH is shown as 'Placeholder.

However, under WHS this will be sorted. When a player is 'resigned' from his home club, his WHS status will be updated to show 'no legal handicap' (or such).
If he tries to enter a comp or supp score, the system will block him until he formally 'joins' a home club.


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Jul 22, 2019
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Cheers, so basically, if I have any away players who play in comps, I need to continually check they still have a Home Club under the CONGU system? It would be useful if Club V1, or whatever system was used, flagged them up as having no Home Club to send their scores to in some manner. Otherwise, I guess our system as the Away Club will just show their last handicap with AWAY beside it.


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Feb 21, 2013
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Cheers, so basically, if I have any away players who play in comps, I need to continually check they still have a Home Club under the CONGU system? It would be useful if Club V1, or whatever system was used, flagged them up as having no Home Club to send their scores to in some manner. Otherwise, I guess our system as the Away Club will just show their last handicap with AWAY beside it.
You current ISV should (certainly V1 does) produce an error report when your scores are sent to the CDH. I'm sure you do but many h'cap secs don't bother reading them these days as they originally were full of technical error related messages. I was speaking to EG earlier and that was the message they gave me.

Edit:I'm afraid my previous post wasn't the full story. I am no longer involved in the detailed management of comps and handicapping so don't actually 'get my hands dirty' with V1 or HM etc.

Edit: I have just realised that it may well be that as h'cap sec you may not see the upload report as it may well only be seen by the club manager or their assistant.
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duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Cheers, so basically, if I have any away players who play in comps, I need to continually check they still have a Home Club under the CONGU system? It would be useful if Club V1, or whatever system was used, flagged them up as having no Home Club to send their scores to in some manner. Otherwise, I guess our system as the Away Club will just show their last handicap with AWAY beside it.
The system, inc CDH, can only reflect what the clubs report back (As posted above).
Does your club report every member who doesn't renew on the first day back to the CDH? There are more players shown with CONGU handicaps on the CDH that don't have one than there are with away memberships only (just highlighting that it's a facet of a bigger problem rather than the problem itself - it all needs sorting but, as often gets quoted, many clubs don't have any fulltime staff at all; so it's very much slowly slowly persuasion