Anyone want a caerrer in glof?


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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On a slightly more serious note - does anyone else find this a little frightening?

The standard of basic grammar and the English language in that piece is an indication of the standard of education in this country.
Ok I'm not perfect but if I was putting out an ad like that I'd at least make sure the spelling was right.


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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I've worked in the computer industry since 1981. I use a keyboard every day, and I have a good understanding of English grammar, Japanese and some French too. Even with the amount of practice I've had, it is still too easy to make typo's, this is obvious reading back through some of my posts. The most common one for me is "teh" instead of "the" (have already corrected this post twice). My job involves posting to an internal support forum on a daily basis, no matter how har I try not to, I can always find typo's throughout the day.

I'll live with teh odd typo in a forum thread :) Having said that, if I'm putting something official out into the public domain, it goes through a spellchecker, which is what you would expect from a job agency that is going to be checking peoples education as part of their job requirements.


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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On forums, the odd typo is one thing (on saturdays I use my samsung omnia to browse here when at my daughters dance school and typos do happen). For formal or business use though, I always double check my spelling just in case something slipped through.

For what its worth, I repeatedly type teh also! haha.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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there is a very simple rule, if you can't (or couldn't) write properly with pen and paper why should you think you can with a keyboard.

far too many are permitted to send out documents in the company's name who clearly never reached the stage of using a pen.


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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there is a very simple rule, if you can't (or couldn't) write properly with pen and paper why should you think you can with a keyboard.

far too many are permitted to send out documents in the company's name who clearly never reached the stage of using a pen.

Different motor neurone skills. I don't make 1% of teh typos from a keyboard when I'm writing with a pen.

Kids these days not helped at school where they are encouraged to do everything by computer, very little essay type work done by hand, but then that's the real world scenario. I very rarely write much by pen these days, apart from the odd note, envelope addresses, birthday/ any other cards or the odd cheque. Everything I do at work is typed on the computer.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I agree that most written pieces are electronically produced. My spelling on the forum isn't great and to be honest I'm not too bothered on spell checking it before I post. However I was/am alway meticulous when doing the forum pages or sending other peices of work to MikeH for submission. It can be the best piece of work in the world but experience has taught me that editors won't give poorly spelt or grammatically incorrect much time as deadlines often mean there is no-one or no time to go through and make corrections.

As part of my day to day job I have to put adverts into national publications and onto websites (NHS jobs) and so again its critical these are correct especially any medical terminology. A lot of our Sisters are way too busy dealing with patients to worry about context and so its part of my job to make sure advets are correct. Its about a firm foundation in English language and an understanding of simple grammar both of which seem to be sadly lacking these days and will only get worse.


Assistant Pro
Aug 27, 2007
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Like an earlier forum member stated, I too have worked in IT since 1982, so am quite used to typing rather than writing.

I type reasonably quickly, but not with 100% accuracy, simply because I can rely on the "spell check" facility that is contsined within the majority of WP packages. It's not, in my opinion, necessarily a case of poor education, rather a lack of desire to do it correctly, knowing full well that mistakes can be rectified at "the click of a button". Writing with a pen, on the other hand, is a totally separate issue. Spelling and grammar mistakes made here, in my opinion, do sadly show a lack of "knowledge" for want of a better word.

I tend to make mistakes when I contribute on this forum, not, I like to think, because of a lack of education, but merely because I can't find the bl**dy spell check button, if it exists!

Anyway, that's my 2p worth - now back to the chilled vino!