Another Swing Video


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I nailed the par 3's so enough said ;)

personally I would be happy with the swing you have m8, its only miniscule tweaks to take it further and I dont think the forum are in a position to take you there (no offence to GM members)


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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The trouble is Steve, that it might look like miniscule tweaks but pretty much every range visit and even swing thought I have on the course is to try to fix early extension and the Elvis legs, but even when I think I'm getting somewhere I video it and I look exactly the same. It's a massive change for me if I fix even one of them.

I wasn't expecting 'help' per se from the forum, but was just interested to hear opinions other than my own.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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"sawtooth :
I thought laid off meant getting to parallel (or at least close to it) but with the club pointing left of target?
Overswinging is something I thought I'd got rid of, but it's a lot better than it used to be."

I think it is normal for short irons like the GW to appear laid off because they typically do not travel back as far as parallel. Typically the driver will not appear laid off because it goes back to parallel (or thereabouts) at the top of the backswing.

Probably semantics anyway, I was just trying to point out that you have a bloody good swing but possibly a bit long in the backswing but thats just a matter of opinion.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
TJustOne :
Early extension - check. It's been my companion since I started playing.
Jelly legs - check. See early extension.
Definitely appreciate being told how it is, you know that. I'm getting to the stage now where I try to improve things, think it's going well then film myself and see it's no different, so think I should maybe I should just accept it and stop trying to change. I'm sure I can stay where I am reasonably comfortably swinging like I do now, but might struggle to get any lower with the inconsistency of strike that I have.

Late reply (forum was knackered)...

I said the same to Sean (Sawtooth) in his thread... you're a solid golfer... now all you have to decide is that enough for you?, are you done now? and happy to be somewhere between 5-8h/cap - lot's of people would, is that you?

When I looked at my own swing I hated it.. I wasn't concerned with scores or what my h/cap was... I changed. It's about ME and my happiness... only injury has stopped me making progress. If you have your happiness then no worries.

If it helps...I'd suggest you have a better game in you :p


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Late reply (forum was knackered)...

I said the same to Sean (Sawtooth) in his thread... you're a solid golfer... now all you have to decide is that enough for you?, are you done now? and happy to be somewhere between 5-8h/cap - lot's of people would, is that you?

When I looked at my own swing I hated it.. I wasn't concerned with scores or what my h/cap was... I changed. It's about ME and my happiness... only injury has stopped me making progress. If you have your happiness then no worries.

If it helps...I'd suggest you have a better game in you :p

I think half the problem is that I don't know what I want half the time.

I mean, last week I didn't want new clubs :mad:

I think I'd like to improve it as long as it didn't take too much effort :eek:
What I mean is, I've tried but when I think I'm getting somewhere I film it and reality sinks in.

I just don't think I'm cut out to be down the range 5 times a week.
Or maybe I'm going about it the wrong way?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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A bit late here. I agree with much you have said yourself especially the sway in your legs, your look as if you strike the ball well though. I can only suggest some experimentation with width of stance, you may be able to get a bit more stability with a slightly wider stance or posting up more on your left leg.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Something the club fitter said to me on my visit there suddenly stuck a chord with me yesterday, and I'd planned to meet a friend at the range last night so tried something out.

Just before I swing I squat a little bit. I suppose it's been my swing trigger but I tried to stop doing it yesterday and still hit the ball pretty well.

I forgot all about filming it until the end so I grabbed 1 ball that someone had topped 5yds and got my mate to film it on my phone, so not the best quality and to be honest not the best swing, but I was only interested in seeing the effect it had on my legs.

I think it's slightly better, what do y'all think? (Just the legs).


Something the club fitter said to me on my visit there suddenly stuck a chord with me yesterday, and I'd planned to meet a friend at the range last night so tried something out.

Just before I swing I squat a little bit. I suppose it's been my swing trigger but I tried to stop doing it yesterday and still hit the ball pretty well.

I forgot all about filming it until the end so I grabbed 1 ball that someone had topped 5yds and got my mate to film it on my phone, so not the best quality and to be honest not the best swing, but I was only interested in seeing the effect it had on my legs.

I think it's slightly better, what do y'all think? (Just the legs).

You seemed to gain hight so I went back and looked at your original video and it looked the same. Trouble is its a swing I find very hard to find any faults with as it is so fluid and repeatable looking. I watched your video the other night then went and hit some balls and smashed them out of the park(I was not in a park). So ye, hard to see any difference, did it feel much different?, what do you see?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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You seemed to gain hight so I went back and looked at your original video and it looked the same. Trouble is its a swing I find very hard to find any faults with as it is so fluid and repeatable looking. I watched your video the other night then went and hit some balls and smashed them out of the park(I was not in a park). So ye, hard to see any difference, did it feel much different?, what do you see?

It feels different in that I could feel my left hip tightening on the follow through, like muscles were being stretched that don't usually get stretched.

What I'm looking for is my legs not to sway and collapse at the knees so much. It looks to me like I could be onto something but I haven't drawn lines over both of them to compare.


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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Looking at your orginal video id say you gain height in your backswing because your left shoulder turns into your chin, so instinctiveley go up to try get out of the way of it, id guess the solution is to turn your left shoulder down towards your right foot more so you don't get have to get out the way, making shoulder turn more vertical.

Take my theorey with a pich of salt though, i suffer with the same thing, and it feels very weird trying a more vertical shoulder turn
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