Alterations to WHS?

The world beating statisticians could still have used an average that they were presumably told to use by their statistically ignorant masters but they could have built in a simple ageing process by using a weighted average with the weighting based on age.

83.6% of all statistics are just made up on the spot!😉
The world beating statisticians could still have used an average that they were presumably told to use by their statistically ignorant masters but they could have built in a simple ageing process by using a weighted average with the weighting based on age.

You make it all sound so simple.
Interesting note on a related article saying the new (2023) pcc calculation was supposed to affect around 10 percent of scores. No idea how this is calculated obviously, but its currently on zero of my last 20, which lasts about the last 3 months...
Interesting note on a related article saying the new (2023) pcc calculation was supposed to affect around 10 percent of scores. No idea how this is calculated obviously, but its currently on zero of my last 20, which lasts about the last 3 months...
Do you play lots of comps, or do you have a load of social scores, perhaps playing a course where few others submit general play scores?
Do you play lots of comps, or do you have a load of social scores, perhaps playing a course where few others submit general play scores?
100% comps - normally over 100 players. Very few of my practice rounds would be eligible thanks to numerous balls in play, general disregard for the rules in favour of experimentation, tomfoolery, fun....
Interesting note on a related article saying the new (2023) pcc calculation was supposed to affect around 10 percent of scores. No idea how this is calculated obviously, but its currently on zero of my last 20, which lasts about the last 3 months...
It only came in at ours twice all year.
That does seem like there is something wrong.
We have almost 200 in the comps in summer.

Looks like the Americans are changing the way they do 9 holers and incomplete 18 holers.
I have found a 2024 rules of handicapping, from America, which has, "An 18-hole Score Differential is created by combining the 9-hole ScoreDifferential for the 9 holes played with the player’s expected score over 9 holes". But I can't find anything about how to calculate the expected score. Is this going to be a new, super secret calculation? Or is it going to be defined differently in different juristdictions?

I really hate all this insert swear word of your choice hear.
I have found a 2024 rules of handicapping, from America, which has, "An 18-hole Score Differential is created by combining the 9-hole ScoreDifferential for the 9 holes played with the player’s expected score over 9 holes". But I can't find anything about how to calculate the expected score. Is this going to be a new, super secret calculation? Or is it going to be defined differently in different juristdictions?

I really hate all this insert swear word of your choice hear.
Expected scores are already part of PCC, and the data & calculations aren't likely to be published. I believe the new scaling up calculation is intended to be universal, and applies to 10-17 hole scores too.
I have found a 2024 rules of handicapping, from America, which has, "An 18-hole Score Differential is created by combining the 9-hole ScoreDifferential for the 9 holes played with the player’s expected score over 9 holes". But I can't find anything about how to calculate the expected score. Is this going to be a new, super secret calculation? Or is it going to be defined differently in different juristdictions?

I really hate all this insert swear word of your choice hear.
Ridiculously, expected score is nett par.

So if you shoot the lights out for 10 holes then walk in, you get nett par for the remaining holes... I think they might say its 1 over nett par for the remaining holes, but still , I'd say it's open to abuse...
Ridiculously, expected score is nett par.

So if you shoot the lights out for 10 holes then walk in, you get nett par for the remaining holes... I think they might say its 1 over nett par for the remaining holes, but still , I'd say it's open to abuse...
That isn't bad. Plenty of times I've had about 22 points on front 9, and 10 on the back. Seems to happen regular with people I play with. Or vice versa, awful front 9 and immense back
Ridiculously, expected score is nett par.

So if you shoot the lights out for 10 holes then walk in, you get nett par for the remaining holes... I think they might say its 1 over nett par for the remaining holes, but still , I'd say it's open to abuse...
Or not so. If your 10 hole round is to count, it must be a 10 hole round declared before you start. You cannot abandon the round at a time opportune to any desired handicap increase or decrease. The score if invalid is you do so.
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Or not so. If your 10 hole round is to count, it must be a 10 hole round declared before you start. You cannot abandon the round at a time opportune to any desired handicap increase or decrease. The score if invalid is you do so.

Pretty sure you can, you just need a 'good' reason. What counts as a 'good' reason is up to your handicap committee...
Pretty sure you can, you just need a 'good' reason. What counts as a 'good' reason is up to your handicap committee...
No, they are defined, illness, bad light.
That is the same point as deciding lising your ball in fallen leaves is a good eeason to just drop a new one where you are sure it is and play. Maybe not point out what you have done to your playing partners if they might get sticky about it.
If you are comfortable to cheat, there are a hundred ways.
In my last 20 scores PCC came in three times.
Twice +2 and once +1.
Both the +2 are not in my best 8.
The +1 was at an away course and gave me a SD of 4.6 for a 8-over par gross (no adjustment). This is my 5th best score so it will very likely stay in my best 8 for the duration.
Ridiculously, expected score is nett par.

So if you shoot the lights out for 10 holes then walk in, you get nett par for the remaining holes... I think they might say its 1 over nett par for the remaining holes, but still , I'd say it's open to abuse...
No it isn't. The methodology is changing. Nett par (par+1) represented a neutral score, not the expected score.

There also has to be a valid reason for abandoning - simply walking in is not an option.
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