A warning, if ever there was one!!....................

I've been smoking on and off for about 35 years, since I was a teenager.
On the occasions I've given up for any length of time (sometimes years - stupid, I know) I've replaced the little ceremonies with something else: peppermint Extra gum, celery/carrot sticks, grip strengtheners. Nature doesn't like a vacuum - find something less self-destructive to reach for at those moments you'd instinctively get the cancer sticks out.

Good luck brother.
Just been out in the garden to sit in the sunshine with the missus. As I walked out of the dining room door I instinctively thought about a nice fag sitting on the patio. Soon passed, but another "trigger"
Just been out in the garden to sit in the sunshine with the missus. As I walked out of the dining room door I instinctively thought about a nice fag sitting on the patio. Soon passed, but another "trigger"
Maybe write out a ‘to do’ list (inc little things such as ‘clean golf shoes/clubs’, ‘de-frost fridge‘ etc) so that whenever you are triggered (no matter how much you try you can’t avoid all triggers or trigger contexts) you can immediately get on with something on your list - no thinking required, just action.
I've been smoking on and off for about 35 years, since I was a teenager.
On the occasions I've given up for any length of time (sometimes years - stupid, I know) I've replaced the little ceremonies with something else: peppermint Extra gum, celery/carrot sticks, grip strengtheners. Nature doesn't like a vacuum - find something less self-destructive to reach for at those moments you'd instinctively get the cancer sticks out.

Good luck brother.
Captains of Crush IronMind Hand Grippers https://amzn.eu/d/5DBpV3h

Stick it in your pocket where you used to keep your fags. Get the easiest one (Guide) cause you'll be using it loads. You'll have forearms like Garth and a grip like OddJob.
You have to remember there is a price to be paid for everything.
The price of smoking could be cancer or emphysema. Pleasure always leads to pain and holes in your lungs are not pleasant I'm told.

"Factors that increase your risk of developing emphysema include smoking.
Emphysema is most likely to develop in cigarette smokers, but cigar and pipe smokers also are susceptible.
The risk for all types of smokers increases with the number of years and amount of tobacco smoked."

Also applies to people exposed to passive smoking.

I find it an absolute disgrace that some of our politicians have actively encouraged people to smoke.
It's not a choice for non smokers who can't avoid inhaling this filth.
Good that you've seen sense and the jolt was a relatively minor one compared to what it could have been..
Stay strong and if you need us to remind you to keep off them..just shout.
Good luck Chap(y)
Hope you are soon feeling better Smiffy.

I had one session with a hypnotherapist and haven't smoked since. Coming up to 8 years now I think. No cold turkey or cravings. Could be worth a try as well.
Same here, my wife booked a hypnotist appointment unknown to me .
She didn't tell me till an hour before while sitting in the pub next door to the clinic, finishing of my last pack of Club Kingsize.
That was 33 years ago.
The £30 fee probably saved my life and a small fortune over the years.Hardest part is when having a drink ,
Best of luck pal.
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Same here, my wife booked a hypnotist appointment unknown to me .
She didn't tell me till an hour before while sitting in the pub next door to the clinic, finishing of my last pack of Club Kingsize.
That was 33 years ago.
The £30 fee probably saved my life and a small fortune over the years.Hardest part is when having a drink ,
Best of luck pal.
Easy answer to this one…stop drinking. And that’s only partially ‘flippant’ as for many smokers drinking alcohol triggers the smoking impulse/craving. So maybe be diligent in choosing what to drink alcohol and when to drink.
I don't know if this will be of any help to Smiffy, but here are my experiences of giving up smoking, which I finally succeeded doing in 1980 after trying and failing a few times...

1. Withdrawal: the first day is the worst, the second is almost as bad. After a few days it starts getting progressively easier. If you can hold on for two weeks you are on the home straight.
2. Temptation: it takes less will power to not buy fags than to not smoke them. Make sure there are no ciggies in the house, because if there are you are far more likely to crack.
3. Competition: it helps to have someone else trying to give up with you. You'll not want to be the first to crack.
4. Reward: after 6 weeks I worked out how much I'd saved and treated myself to a new stereo for the car.
5. Cravings: even years after you've given up, there will brief moments when the craving is just as strong, but it will pass in a few seconds. As the years pass, the frequency of those cravings will be less and less. I can't remember the last time it happened to me.
6. Relapse: I have made it an absolute rule not to have touched a cigarette since I gave up. My gut feeling is that the addiction could be reignited very easily.

Best of luck.
Not trying to hijack this thread, but just as we're on to a warning, I thought I would share another one.
About 5 years ago, I had a small skin tag under my left eye. I was getting some treatment for dry skin, so when I was in there I asked them to check it. They took a skin scrape and sent it off for testing. A couple of weeks later, I had a letter saying they had detected a carcinoma. That was a bit of a shock, but they called me in and booked me in for an op. In short, they removed a growth about the size of a 50p piece from underneath my left eye. A couple of days later, I looked like I'd done 10 rounds with Tyson Fury. There were a number of tests to be carried out over a year or so, but the good news is that I am now all clear.
So, if anyone has a concern about anything, get it checked. Better to catch it sooner rather than later.
Blimey Rob, hopefully on the mend now, and well done for not burying your head in the sand! Honestly, people do it! I did for 6 months when I was bleeding out of the other end!! I didn't want to know what it was and just hoped it would go away!!

Best of luck mate, you wont look back now after knocking the cigs, I did that 10 years ago, and gave up booze 3 years ago. I have turned into a right boring knob!! ;-)
Glad your on the mend smiffy. Re the smoking. I don’t smoke and I don’t mind folk who do smoke. We are all adults and know the later risks associated with smoking. Sometimes we have to work it out ourselves. The crap thing about smoking is all the problems it can cause eg strokes, heart attacks etc. Thankfully, your warning has given you an almighty kick up the jacksy and one which you have positively responded to. Re quitting smoking, it’s a massive step in the right direction but if I was you I would take this time to have a look at your lifestyle. I don’t know if you run 3 marathons a week or eat three marathons a
Day. But one of the problems with quitting smoking is the possibility of gaining weight. Take each day as it comes and look after yourself smiffy.
I don't know if this will be of any help to Smiffy, but here are my experiences of giving up smoking, which I finally succeeded doing in 1980 after trying and failing a few times...

1. Withdrawal: the first day is the worst, the second is almost as bad. After a few days it starts getting progressively easier. If you can hold on for two weeks you are on the home straight.
2. Temptation: it takes less will power to not buy fags than to not smoke them. Make sure there are no ciggies in the house, because if there are you are far more likely to crack.
3. Competition: it helps to have someone else trying to give up with you. You'll not want to be the first to crack.
4. Reward: after 6 weeks I worked out how much I'd saved and treated myself to a new stereo for the car.
5. Cravings: even years after you've given up, there will brief moments when the craving is just as strong, but it will pass in a few seconds. As the years pass, the frequency of those cravings will be less and less. I can't remember the last time it happened to me.
6. Relapse: I have made it an absolute rule not to have touched a cigarette since I gave up. My gut feeling is that the addiction could be reignited very easily.

Best of luck.

The reward one helped for me. I put a fiver in a jar for ecery day I would have smoked a pack of Marlboro. Does not take long to see a couple of hundred quid in there and a reason to go out and buy something nice.
Once you are well again, then the battle will really begin. Good luck with everything. Not much to add regarding tips as most are applicable, but I'll add, when you feel like one, do something else instead, don't sit brooding on it.