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    • HowlingGale
      HowlingGale replied to the thread MARMITE MURRAY.
      We'll never know unfortunately but I firmly believe he would.
    • HowlingGale
      HowlingGale replied to the thread MARMITE MURRAY.
      Just came in and seen it. An absolute thoroughbred. Had all the talent when he was younger, realised he didn't have the physical...
    • HowlingGale
      HowlingGale replied to the thread The Footie Thread.
      No idea. BBC just said there were 3. Grant Hanley defo had one. I thought I must have missed the other two.
    • HowlingGale
      HowlingGale replied to the thread The Footie Thread.
      Not sure where you're all getting zero shots on target. We had 3, which is three more than the Germany game. The 3 were all absolutely...
    • HowlingGale
      HowlingGale replied to the thread Scottish Fitba'.
      I remember Scotland the brave at the football. Great tune but nobody knew the words. Then we copied the rugby and changed to FOS. That's...
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