A warning, if ever there was one!!....................


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Last Thursday morning, getting ready for work as normal. In the bathroom, just brushed my teeth, coughed and went to spit into the sink and was shocked, and frightened, to see quite a large amount of blood.
Having lost a brother to lung cancer not so very long ago, I was aware of the dangers and warning signs, choosing to ignore the dangers as I enjoyed my cigarettes too much, but keeping an eye open for the warning signs.
Rang the doctor immediately I got to work, and after speaking with her for a couple of minutes she said she would get the local hospital to call me back, which they duly did within half an hour.
An appointment was made for a chest x-ray, which would have taken place this morning, had things not taken a drastic turn for the worse on Saturday.
Friday came and went, I was still coughing up blood, still worried, of course, but happy in the knowledge that I was going to be looked at eventually.
Woke up Saturday morning, coughed a few times and was pleased to see that there wasn't so much blood, and stupidly thought to myself that things were improving.
Went to work, lunchtime came around and I needed to cough badly so went to the toilet to cough into the sink. Jesus Christ, the floodgates opened!!
Blood everywhere. I was terrified!!
Immediately drove home, picked up my wife and headed to the local hospital's A&E department.
Two hours later I saw a triage nurse who immediately arranged a chest x-ray, CT scan and took samples of blood, five in total. She fast tracked them through to get the results within an hour.
Chest x-ray showed clear, as did the CT scan. The worst part was waiting for the results of the blood tests, you always fear the worst, but thankfully they all came back "pristine" (to use her words).
I was immediately taken to a hospital bed and have spent the last 4 days confused, scared, (terrified in fact), wondering what the hell was happening to me.
More blood tests, injected with something to stop the bleeding, laying in a hospital ward was something alien to me. Have never been ill in my life.
After running masses of tests, the Doctor discharged me yesterday evening, diagnosis was an inflammation of the lung and bronchitis.
On antibiotics for the next 14 days, and have to return to the hospital within the next 3 months for another CT scan and chest x-ray as follow ups.
As a lifelong smoker, that's it. I have had my warning. Enough people have advised me over the years to pack it in, but I've always chosen to ignore them.
But I have smoked my last. Everything to do with the habit has been thrown out of the house.
I am under no illusions, I know it is going to be hard. But I am determined to see this through.
Even sitting here typing this, I'm thinking "I'd most probably be on my second fag by now". But it ain't going to happen.
My wife and kids have been terrified and it's not fair on them.

Apologies for the ramble, just wanted to share my experience and say "thank you" to the wonderful staff of the NHS. They have looked after me brilliantly.
Also a "thank you" to my friends who have kept in touch throughout my ordeal.
Let battle commence.
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In most cases it's always the same where it takes something to happen before we action it.
Glad it's not as serious as you first thought.
Look after yourself and good luck in giving up the cigarettes.
I knew someone who had a similar warning. Still alive, I think, but struggled to get over the addiction effects for some time.
Good luck.
That’s a really scary time for you and glad it wasn’t anything very serious

Giving up smoking will do wonders for you
I dont know what to make of your story Rob, bad in so many ways but good in others. I hope that giving up smoking will resolve the matter and that everything is ok and stays that way for many years.

Very best wishes mate !
Clicking on "Like" did not seem appropriate or adequate.
Never been a smoker, but I do understand and I have helped others.
Try this,
Plan to spend half of the money you've saved by not smoking on a treat for yourself or a loved one at the end of each month.
When I stopped smoking, the thing that surprised me most was my sense of smell dramatically improved and suddenly I could smell the trees on the golf course, brill.
Good luck mate, you're not such a knob after all(y)
Glad to hear you got good news. When my FIL got his lung cancer diagnosis I have up immediately, I had tried for years and this shocked me into doing it. Your GP should be able to give help if you need it too.
Well, Smiffy, that was quite a warning, and you know what you have to do!

If I may offer my experience of giving up, it will be tough, very tough, at first, and you'll want to be chewing the carpet at times, but you can do it. Main thing is not to regard giving up as absolute & final. Your last ciggie is not your last ciggie ever - that's too depressing. It's just your last ciggie for now. Smoke your last fag, enjoy it, and tell yourself "that's it for today - no more before tomorrow". When the craving kicks in, and oh yes it will, just think how long you've already done and then add a bit on as a target. "Already gone 2 hrs, I can surely manage another half hour." "OK, that's the half hour up, I should able to manage another half hour" etc. As time passes, your targets just get farther away - lunchtime, teatime, tomorrow, end of the week and so on. Nicotine substitutes will help, but really, only if you put yourself into the right mindset and believe they will work. (I was absolutely sure mine worked - even though much later I found out I'd not used them properly). But never regard yourself as having given up. You're a smoker who's between cigarettes, and who might have one later. I'm still between cigarettes, although the last one was some 14 years ago, and I don't really see any need to have another any time soon.

Ps. Obviously don't know how many you smoke, but if you're anything like me, you'll eventually start wondering why you've got all this spare money about ...
Not doing something ever again is very difficult to take in and accept…forever is a very long time.

And so put that thought out of your head..instead…one day at a time..and if necessary at first…one hour at a time.

It‘ll be tough but addictions can be broken when the reason for trying and the willingness to do so are there, and def sounds like you are firmly in that camp. Wishing you well and much strength.
Hope you are soon feeling better Smiffy.

I had one session with a hypnotherapist and haven't smoked since. Coming up to 8 years now I think. No cold turkey or cravings. Could be worth a try as well.
I've not had a cigarette since being admitted into hospital on Saturday and am not really craving it if I'm honest
A golfing mate of mine used to be a heavy smoker. Many years ago he suffered a heart attack and was rushed to hospital. Once there and in A&E one of the questions he was asked was “do you smoke?” He replied “I used to”.
“How long have you not been smoking for?” asked the doctor.
My mates reply, “about 2 hours ago”. Don’t know if it’s a true story but he’s never smoked since the heart attack.
I (painfully) watched what smoking did to my father - not nice but almost the common deterioration in breathing till it killed him. I (painfully) watched my mother die a horrible death - the artery feeding the bowel furred up, and she quite literally died as her bowel exploded. And I (painfully) watched my mother-in-law die a long, slow death brought on by chain smoking - she had a respiratory attack that starved her brain of oxygen, leading to vascular dementia.

Reading that you’ve decided to pack it in is a joy to behold. I wish you every success kicking the habit, and I hope the current issues pass quickly.

You got this Rob!
I've not had a cigarette since being admitted into hospital on Saturday and am not really craving it if I'm honest
This can be the case with some people.
The chemical and biological aspects of addiction are not my sphere of knowledge.
The psychological and mental process is more my thing.
You sound like someone who can easily adopt the "need to" and "ought to" approach and have that conquer the "want to" and "like to" desires.
I am sure everyone here would like to help you and support you. Perhaps you won't actually need much help and support. I hope this is true.
It is not good luck that you need, but I wish you it anyway.
Just a general question, just to see what others think??
I have been prescribed antibiotics, and have to take them for two weeks.
One of them is to help clear up the lung infection.
Would you be worried about the odd larger cough of blood during the "recovery" stage.
No advice or warnings were given to me on my discharge..