5 day versus 7 day membership


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Probably been done before, but I'd like to reopen the debate and gauge opinion before our AGM. The club I play at has 3 categories of membership , 5, 6 and 7 day (there are reduced fee's for juniors, certain age brackets too). The 6 day members can play on the non competition day at the weekend.

Over the past few years, we have seen a migration by 7 day members to 5 or 6 day membership. These members are mostly retired as you would imagine, and they play pretty much every day. 7 day members , generally, work full time, have families and don't play as much. The 5 and 6 day fee's are pro-rata that of 7 day.

So, is it fair to charge those who use the facilities a lot less, more for their membership ? Or, is this the wrong way to look at it ? Yes, I know a 7 day member COULD play, but regrettably, work and family prevent this.

And finally, Do your clubs have similar fee structures , or, do they just have one category of membership ?

Thanks for your input.
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Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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TBH all these 5 and a half 6 day reduced rates ideas where started when the clubs were full at weekends and needed to offer some sort of compromise to people wanting to join without putting more strain on weekend use.

My club doesn't have any of these options apart from the under 30 cat. if we did 5 day every senior would just switch costing the club a huge amount in lost fee's.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Our club had a 5 day membership when we had a waiting list 10 years ago, if we still had it I believe we would lose a fortune.

So did they stop the 5 day membership mate? What happened, did most go back to 7 day , or , did they leave ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Dec 31, 2011
Central Scotland
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So did they stop the 5 day membership mate? What happened, did most go back to 7 day , or , did they leave ?

Back then you moved from 5 day to 7 day when a slot became available for full membership, it really wasn't an option. Effectively 5 day membership was a holding membership as opposed to an extra option that you chose to be in.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I'm a 5 dayer and pay about £300 less than the 7 dayers
I could play 5 days a week but I work so fit golf around my diary. Weekends are busy with work and family stuff.
At the Zoo, we are almost 2nd class members. We only get one comp per month from April to October and we cannot play comps at the weekends even if we pay a green fee. All the big, board events are at weekends. If a 7dayer wins a midweek comp the gain entry into the big comps - we don't.
This 2nd class membership, to me, is reflected in the cheaper membership fee.
If I wanted to play weekends I have the choice to pay more.
So, really, although a 7 dayer could play every day, realistically they don't. The extra membership fee gets them more comps and more chances to enter the big events.
These days, I'm not too fussed about big comps so the 2nd class membership allows me to play 2-3 times a week with Fragger and CVG.
Works for us.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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I'm a 5 dayer and pay about £300 less than the 7 dayers
I could play 5 days a week but I work so fit golf around my diary. Weekends are busy with work and family stuff.
At the Zoo, we are almost 2nd class members. We only get one comp per month from April to October and we cannot play comps at the weekends even if we pay a green fee. All the big, board events are at weekends. If a 7dayer wins a midweek comp the gain entry into the big comps - we don't.
This 2nd class membership, to me, is reflected in the cheaper membership fee.
If I wanted to play weekends I have the choice to pay more.
So, really, although a 7 dayer could play every day, realistically they don't. The extra membership fee gets them more comps and more chances to enter the big events.
These days, I'm not too fussed about big comps so the 2nd class membership allows me to play 2-3 times a week with Fragger and CVG.
Works for us.

Thanks for your input. It's good to get your perspective. Sounds like your a bit hard done by but I'm glad it works for you. We have a midweek competition every Wednesday which both 5 and 7 day members can enter, that said, 5 and 6 day members also can't play in board comps at our club.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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TBH all these 5 and a half 6 day reduced rates ideas where started when the clubs were full at weekends and needed to offer some sort of compromise to people wanting to join without putting more strain on weekend use.

My club doesn't have any of these options apart from the under 30 cat. if we did 5 day every senior would just switch costing the club a huge amount in lost fee's.

That's what I fear is happening, and what will happen more and more. Given the demographic at our club, lots are switching category, and of course the uptake with new members doesn't fill the gap.


Ryder Cup Winner
Dec 31, 2011
Central Scotland
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TBH all these 5 and a half 6 day reduced rates ideas where started when the clubs were full at weekends and needed to offer some sort of compromise to people wanting to join without putting more strain on weekend use.

My club doesn't have any of these options apart from the under 30 cat. if we did 5 day every senior would just switch costing the club a huge amount in lost fee's.

Ours would be exactly the same, we'd fold within a few years. We're just addressing our veteran fees now (agm tonight which should be fun) which should stop us losing money and allow clubhouse and course investment. We're not skint by any means but we could be a lot healthier.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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In our place there is no longer Seniors or 5-day membership on offer. Senior was essentially reduced rate Full. But 7 day seniors nowadays pay full membership. I believe 5 day membership is being run down - certainly you can't join on a 5 day membership. Existing 5 day members are able to continue as 5 day members at a reduced rate. But as 5-dayers 'leave' they are not being replaced.

Our focus these days is on providing a course and facilities that is attractive and value-for-money proposition for Full membership; Academies at much reduced subs for new golfers; Juniors - and age-banding Transitionals (18-24), (25-26), (27-28) (29-30)

We are in the happy position of being full - and with a bit of a waiting list. I am told that we have an engagement programme with those on the waiting list - to keep them there - interested to find out what we actually do...must ask
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duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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As I've tried to get over in another thread you really do have to consider most members clubs separately from propritory ones in these discussions.

A simple example. Whilst both types of club generally have weekends for 7 day members to use as they like such choice rarely exists midweek for these play every day types within the propritory environment! We are lucky, we have 27 holes and prior to 1000h the first tee of the main course remains members time - go down the road to similar clubs (Westeham and Nizels are good examples) and if you want to turn up and play at around 9 midweek on a regular basis you are in for a huge surprise. Head to Knole or Tandridge and whilst you might have to dodge to occasional society your diary will tell you and you will normally be able to get off ahead without getting up at 5 to do so.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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As I've tried to get over in another thread you really do have to consider most members clubs separately from propritory ones in these discussions

Good point. We're a members club, owned and run by the members. Whilst we obviously can't sustain a loss, making a profit isn't the objective.


Tour Rookie
Nov 23, 2013
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We’re in the process of increasing the 5 day membership by a few % each year in addition to the annual increase across all categories, in order to align it to the 7 day fee.

we have loads and loads of 5 day members who play 4-5 days each week and pay hundreds less than 7 day members who typically only play at weekends.

weve also closed the 5 day membership and won’t be replacing when 5 day members leave.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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Our club had a 5 day membership when we had a waiting list 10 years ago, if we still had it I believe we would lose a fortune.

That was probably the model that many members clubs in the central belt used at that time. You could play as a 5 day member whilst waiting for a space at the top table to become available. Not that many offer it now for the reasons stated :)


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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If the "profit" is reinvested in the club or course there isn't a problem. How do you fund course works or clubhouse works if you don't make a surplus and reinvest it ?

yes, profit is the wrong word... Surplus is how we describe it.... and RD had 3 Million in surplus;)


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Think we are just about full for 7 day members, but still looking for a few more 5 day members.

Course can be very full at the weekend especially in the winter with limited playing hours. Not easy to sign in guests at the weekend other than in summer. Course during the week is quieter, though we have a lot of societies, which is good for the bank balance. We have lower rates for younger golfers, though maximum age to qualify has reduced recently. We have also stopped flexible membership schemes, and have a reasonable joining fee now.

With the army moving out of Bordon, and thousands of houses being built within a couple of miles of the club, I think we are in a very strong membership position going forward. We have also picked up a lot of members in the last few months from other clubs which have struggled with the wet winter. The money spent on drainage a few years back was well spent.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Think we are just about full for 7 day members, but still looking for a few more 5 day members.

Course can be very full at the weekend especially in the winter with limited playing hours. Not easy to sign in guests at the weekend other than in summer. Course during the week is quieter, though we have a lot of societies, which is good for the bank balance. We have lower rates for younger golfers, though maximum age to qualify has reduced recently. We have also stopped flexible membership schemes, and have a reasonable joining fee now.

With the army moving out of Bordon, and thousands of houses being built within a couple of miles of the club, I think we are in a very strong membership position going forward. We have also picked up a lot of members in the last few months from other clubs which have struggled with the wet winter. The money spent on drainage a few years back was well spent.

Is your 5 day fee pro rata from your 7 day fee Rich?

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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We’re in the process of increasing the 5 day membership by a few % each year in addition to the annual increase across all categories, in order to align it to the 7 day fee.

we have loads and loads of 5 day members who play 4-5 days each week and pay hundreds less than 7 day members who typically only play at weekends.

weve also closed the 5 day membership and won’t be replacing when 5 day members leave.

I love the definitive last sentence!

There aren't many clubs that can accomadate all their members playing at the weekend peak times ; whilst you may have a current 5 day membership profile it will obviously change over time in response to your new categories and at some point you will probably be where Richart's club is and be looking to introduce a 5 day membership!