19 Years today


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Watching it live on the news when they were reporting the first plane It was then obvious what it was a they showed the second plane going in to the other tower. Stayed mesmerised to the TV for a at least a couple of hours.

Deleted Member 1156

I was working in a data centre all morning, came out and got in the car and heard the news on the radio.


I was working in Cumbria, came back a bit early to a mates house I was staying at and caught it live on TV, it was Kirsty Young as newscaster who was speaking to her husband in NY. It was pretty shocking but compelling viewing.
I have watched some of the conspiracy stuff around it which is disturbing.
An awful lot more people have suffered with the effects of inhalation of gases and noxious dust since.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I’d just got back in the office after a lunchtime walk. There weren’t many others in the office as still out. I remember sitting at my laptop on the BBC news website aghast at what was happening as others returned...


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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I heard reasonably quickly what happened, so logged on in work and seen the second plane fly into the tower, iirc.

It happened in the September, 7 months earlier me and 3 mates were standing on top of one of the trade towers, as went on a 5 day trip in the February. Somehow it made it feel more real.

I went with my dad to the memorial museum in 2007 just a stones throw away, struggled to keep my emotions in, TBH.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I was on a golf day for a society I played in. Thought, like others, that they had a movie on until I was told otherwise


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Dec 12, 2013
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I had finished work that day and has just got home. A pal rang and asked me if I had seen what was going off. I turned the telly on and it just seemed so unbelievable. After a couple of the mins the second plane hit. Words still fail me.
That night I went to watch City away at Notts county. No one talked, there was total shock. A City fan was bladdered And tried to get the fans singing. He was told to shut up in no uncertain terms.
went to New York a few years back and went to ground zero. Just one of those experiences one needs to do.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Just one of those experiences one needs to do.

I did it about 5 years ago, my first thought was that I couldn't believe that they could fly in such a tight space. It was really sad to see the names but heartening how the security made sure that everyone respected the place.


I did it about 5 years ago, my first thought was that I couldn't believe that they could fly in such a tight space. It was really sad to see the names but heartening how the security made sure that everyone respected the place.
They hit the towers pretty high up, WTC was a good way above the other buildings I think. Terrorist pilots were basically novices.
Remember flying into Jersey looking out at them and the Manhattan skyline back in 93. I haven't been to NYC since. Went to the top of one of the towers but we weren't allowed outside, restricted because there had been another terrorist attack a few months earlier if I recall correctly.

Deleted member 18588

They hit the towers pretty high up, WTC was a good way above the other buildings I think. Terrorist pilots were basically novices.
Remember flying into Jersey looking out at them and the Manhattan skyline back in 93. I haven't been to NYC since. Went to the top of one of the towers but we weren't allowed outside, restricted because there had been another terrorist attack a few months earlier if I recall correctly.

Also it would be possible for planes to approach the Towers from over the Hudson River.

We have visited the site on a couple of occasions and, for us, it is made all the more moving by everyday life going on around the memorial.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Was in Kuala Lumpur that year... got back home , order dinner and switched on the telly and thought it was something else. Called my colleague/friend in his room to check the news. Both saw the second plane go in. Not sure if I had dinner that night as we had to call an emergency team meeting. Our hotel was next door to the American embassy and no one knew where the attack would be next.

After a couple of years, moved to New York. Rented an appt in Jersery city across the river. Pre 9 /11 the USP of the appt was it’s unfettered views of NYC. Those days the view out of my window was eerily quiet. Strange times indeed


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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I was at the Ammunitioning buoy (UHAF, for those that know it) just outside Portsmouth RN Dockyard in the Solent, whilst HMS Richmond was getting fully armed up with harpoon, sea wolf and torps etc.

I was actually in my bed worse for wear when my shipmate woke me up and dragged me into the mess to watch the second one hit the tower on the telly.

Was awful

I know lads that were on ships in the Gulf at the time and after it happened. That day even though some ships were berthed alongside, they were pretty much at full action stations with radars fully on, people on the upper deck reporting every aircraft they saw visually back to the ops room.

I think they were even missiles ready to go just in the off change. I mention that because it literally does not happen ever whilst in port. Shows the significance.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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Okinawa, Japan (school teacher US military bases). I used to walk to work quite a bit anyway, but once this happened it was the quickest way to get to work. Security was cranked up a lot for a while and the lines of cars waiting to get through the gates (and checking each one) was understandably long.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I was in school, doing 6th year (final year of school). I remember it was a University Open day so half the class were away to see their prospective university campus. We had just started a double period of Business Management and the teachers phone rang in her office. She went in to answer it and had a few minutes of conversation. She then invited the entire class (about 8 people) into her office to huddle round a portable tele and watch the BBC breaking news. We saw repeated footage of the 2nd plane hitting and then watched as the towers fell.

I have to admit I certainly wasn't much aware of current affairs in those days, certainly international affairs, and really had no idea who might have done this or their motivations.

I have since been to the Ground Zero site in New York, twice, which is a very nicely put together monument. I'd imagine next year there will be some documentaries shown to mark the 20th anniversary and will make a point of showing my eldest (who will be 6 by then).

Deleted member 15344

21 years ago today

Still one of the most shocking days that changed the lives of millions


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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I had just got back from working days at the pit and a pal called me. We were talking on the phone when the second plane hit. It was just so surreal. That night City played Notts County. It was the worst ever atmosphere I have ever known at a game.
Oddly enough a Couple of months later me and Missis T went to Florida with the sproggs. The security at the airport massive. That day we were the last flight to leave the UK for America. All others were returned to the UK. American Airways Flight 587 crashed shortly after take off from JFK International airport. America once more went into meltdown thinking it was another terrorist attack. It wasn’t. The two weeks spent in the theme parks was surreal. It was dead. Literally the only people there was the British apart from Thanksgiving day which was rammed. Just after 9/11 the Americans would not fly anywhere.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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I had worked a nightshift and got to bed after 5am. Got up after midday, wife at work, put telly on.
Weird and horrible experience, all on my own, feeling groggy, thought it had to be the start of a world war 3 and that all our lives were going to be very different.