12 Hole Course

That's sort of my point about outdated ideas. Just because the Major thinks "12 holes just isn't cricket", and he's been club president since 1872, he'll be dead soon and youngsters won't really mind. If its a comp, play 1 to 6 twice, its not rocket science.

Which would ruin tee slots for later players
Which would ruin tee slots for later players
It doesn't have to if it is managed properly. Matfen Hall up in Northumberland, Moor Allerton near Leeds, are two examples of 3 x 9 hole courses, both high quality. The pro manages which 2 you play, or 1 if that is all you want. They know exactly how to fit people on so that the course is not empty if it does not need to be. The same planning can work for 3 x 6 hole courses.

The only problem is if golfers are not honest about their intentions but that can be managed separately.
There's a 12 hole public course near me in Uxbridge. Apparently it used to be an 18 but 6 of the holes were knackered by botched drainage work and they ran out of money to fix it, or something like that anyway. I have only played there twice, if you want to do 18 they tell you to play the first six holes again after you've done 12. Playing 12 is ok for practise I guess, only a little bit longer than playing 9, but it's just odd as you can't really relate the score to your usual scores, if you know what I mean. Unless you work it out on points per hole with Stableford.
The courses I play most often are a twelve hole and a fourteen hole. They are both pay-and-play as opposed to clubs but they're both very decent and perfect for me, time-wise. I'd play a lot less if they were eighteen holers.
At my course { out with comps } most older golfers walk in after playing the 15th as it's only 150 yards from the clubhouse.
Our 16th is a very steep hill, probably about 45* it could easily be called coronary hill, our 18th is also a bit uphill.
Regularly play 12 ish at ours. Mostly as a single.

Yesterday in fading light I managed the front 9 plus 10, 17, 18. A touch over 90 mins.

Last week, 1-6 then jumped on the the back 9 at 12 and made it to 18.
I’m lucky that our course is quiet in the afternoons and the front and back 9s criss cross at several locations
I too am in the loops of 6 idea being the future for golf.
We have an 11 hole loop - 1-6 and 15-18 so I can see the concept of a 12 hole course. I think it is only because it forms an integral and easy to access loop that I accept it compared to a purpose built 12 holer. If there are two loops of six then I see how it works especially if there is an option for an additional loop to make 18. Places like Thames Ditton and Esher are nine holers but with two sets of tees so if someone is building a 12 holer on two loops of 6, putting three sets of tees in gives everyone an option. On balance though I still think a 9 hole course and practice facilities sits better (in my mind at least) but at least people are trying to be progressive
Golf should have been a 12 hole standard format from the off. If we'd never known any different, then people would be scoffing at the idea of 18 holes and 4 hour plus rounds.

12 holes, 3 hours max, more scope for midweek competition golf around people's work and lifestyle commitments, cheaper overhads, cheaper to participate, more attractive to less physically able players, and the option to play twice in a day for those that want.