10 minute intervals

Why the 5pm limit, our club is going till 7pm (presume those booking them are aiming for 9 holes.

I played at 5:40 last night and easily round in 2 hours 40mins for 18. Could you look at that to get more in rather than potentially bunching up?

Our club now closes and locks the gates at 7.30 pm so the staff can lock every where else up and go home. We previously has some one living on site who used to do it at the appropriate time according to when it was dusk and or floodlit driving range closed.
Two balls at ten minute intervals. Front or back nine only. Working really well and hope it continues for a good while. Means everyone can have a chance at getting out there.
Daily timesheets are restricted to a minimum of 10, 12 or 14 minute intervals. Clubs may only choose one interval for each day. If clubs choose 10+ minute intervals, play is restricted to a single golfer per start time. If clubs choose 12+ minutes, up to 2 golfers may play per start time. If clubs choose 14+ minutes, up to 3 golfers may play per start .
That seems excessively conservative with spacing.
Does the caddie have to be from the same household as all three players in the 3 ball?
Daily timesheets are restricted to a minimum of 10, 12 or 14 minute intervals. Clubs may only choose one interval for each day. If clubs choose 10+ minute intervals, play is restricted to a single golfer per start time. If clubs choose 12+ minutes, up to 2 golfers may play per start time. If clubs choose 14+ minutes, up to 3 golfers may play per start .
That seems excessively conservative with spacing.
Does the caddie have to be from the same household as all three players in the 3 ball?

Yea GUI.
Daily timesheets are restricted to a minimum of 10, 12 or 14 minute intervals. Clubs may only choose one interval for each day. If clubs choose 10+ minute intervals, play is restricted to a single golfer per start time. If clubs choose 12+ minutes, up to 2 golfers may play per start time. If clubs choose 14+ minutes, up to 3 golfers may play per start .
That seems excessively conservative with spacing.
Does the caddie have to be from the same household as all three players in the 3 ball?
3 golfers any household, caddy from same household as player I believe. It seems stupid to me. I can go catch corona virus in the local Spar store but outside in 110 acres only 50 odd people at once are allowed even though social distancing is more natural most of the time. Tees and greens are the only areas when it needs to be consciously remembered.
I've only played with Mr Mimms so far and I tried to "practice" the 2m rule but kept forgetting!
But tomorrow I am playing with someone from outside my household so I will have to be much more aware
I've only played with Mr Mimms so far and I tried to "practice" the 2m rule but kept forgetting!
But tomorrow I am playing with someone from outside my household so I will have to be much more aware
We had the two ball in front of us on the first tee off and amble down side by side. The marshal was down there like Lewis Hamilton on the buggy. One of the guys would have been very much like the guy in Pathetic Sharks posts and wouldn't have taken kindly to it and the lady marshal can be blunt. Would love to have heard the conversation
10 minutes our place and noticed that with two balls it seems quite hard playing normally to catch the group in front, and so similarly low risk of being caught by the group behind.
10 minutes our place and noticed that with two balls it seems quite hard playing normally to catch the group in front, and so similarly low risk of being caught by the group behind.

so its working then :)

best thing golf could gain from these last few horrible months is decent starting intervals again going forward
so its working then :)

best thing golf could gain from these last few horrible months is decent starting intervals again going forward

You'd think so....
I actually convinced myself of this exact same thing
Alas, greed has already kicked in
5 days in.
Club has reduced 10mins down to 8mins?
Does anyone know whether it is permissible to have a shorter gap between 2-balls? My club is operating a policy of 18 holes teeing off between 7.30 and 5.00 so 116 people can play every day. Everything is going well, in fact I loved my first game, millionaires golf, round in just over 3 hours without rushing. Like the old days, 40 years ago.

However some members have suggested that we could reduce to 9 or even 8 minute intervals, while maintaining all of our other measures. Safety wouldn't be compromised and more people could play every day (we have every tee time booked for the first six days). Their argument is that England Golf have produced 'guidelines' not instructions, so the minimum 10 minutes interval isn't mandatory. I'm very sceptical and think we should comply with England Golf until the situation changes.

Also there are rumours (unsubstantiated of course) that some clubs have already introduced intervals of less than 10 minutes.

Opinions would be very welcome

As i read the guidance its a minimum of 10 minutes but more can be allowed.

If u have a lot of members a high demand for tee times and starting from 1 and 10 is feasable then a two tee 9 hole only starting option may work.

I'd be concerned of clubs ignoring the guidelines and risking censure. Worst case wcrnario they or all golf clubs could get closed down particuarly if either r rises or an outbreak is traced back to such a club.
Why would you label it as "greed"??

They've tried the 10 minutes and they've realised it's too spread out, so they've reduced it to allow more people to play.
8 minutes is an ample gap for 2 balls.

No it's not. I've had to ask our secretary to tell the shop to warn people to keep up with play after two morons held us us on Thursday. They'd already let a single player though. Searching in deep rough for their useless sliced / topped / hooked yes they had no idea where the thing was going off the tee.
8 mins is more than enough of a gap for a two ball but to ensure full safety at the moment 10 mins is the better way to go until things settle down on the course and then clubs can move to 8 mins
Why would you label it as "greed"??

They've tried the 10 minutes and they've realised it's too spread out, so they've reduced it to allow more people to play.
8 minutes is an ample gap for 2 balls.

Dead simple
Coz it is greed

Nothing to do with being spaced out
More to do with the fact they're one of the only clubs in area taking visitors
More tee times
More visitors
Cashing in on the fact that other clubs are showing loyalty to members, after lockdown, atleast for an initial period anyway.....
I thought the G E advice was

"There is to be a minimum of 10-minute intervals between tee times, but longer intervals may be more appropriate depending on the club/facility "

Which seems fairly clear to me. 10 mins to give adequate separation between groups or longer if necessary, nowhere does it mention reducing tee times. That's what we seem to be working with in anticipation of golf opening up here again.