£2,000,000 or prison

The more i think about this. Average of 4 par 3s per round, 50 rounds a year roughly

That’s 200 shots at a par 3 per year.
so even if I took just 200 shots a day at the challenge, I have roughly 30 years of attempts at it.
I’ve played golf for about 20 years and I have 1 hole in one.
Odds are definitely in my favour
Furthermore, for those of you on the edge of saying they would do it or not. If it was slightly changed where, 5 years in prison for not getting a hole in 1 (as before). But, £2 million for EVERY hole in 1 you achieve. Once you get your 1st hole in one, it would be an absolute joy to continue the challenge for the rest of the month.
I never had a hole in one, but I had 3 tap in birdies in 4 rounds on the same hole, 110 yards, a little down hill. If I can take that hole I would give it a go.
My biggest worry would be inflammation, can I do as many shots as I need to? Do I have access to a physio?
Definitely I’d take it

31 days, esp with no work...
On a short 120 yard hole that’s perfect PW distance for me, and if spent all day every day on it you’d easily get dialled in to conditions (GW when wind is with, 9 iron when it’s against)

I would definitely do it. 1000 shots a day for 31 days — I’d take that bet
Imagine if you got injured on day 1, a repetitive strain injury, for example!

In which case you have the whole month to commit crimes that would net you the money as you're going to prison anyway. You just have to commit crimes that would only give a 5 year term and make sure you stash the proceeds somewhere the police couldn't recover them under the proceeds of crime act i guess!
The question comes- you are on the range, where you go many times, the range has flags which are used to aiming at, how many times have you hit the bottom of the flag on the range or nestled up against it?
At 120 yards and a whole month of hitting as many balls as I wanted I’d deserve the prison sentence if I didn’t make one!

In fact I reckon anyone with a reasonably consistent swing wouldn’t need a month.

Same green same pin position, 1000 balls a day learning how wind is affecting each shot and learning from that I’d be disappointed not to make one in a week.

Where do I sign up?
Can I pick which prison? I'm sure there must be one of those open prisons that has a golf course.
If it was a prison like you read about in tabloids where inmates have Sky, jacuzzis and butlers, I'd definitely take the bet. If it was one of those prisons you see on Louis Theroux documentaries in the US, then absolutely no chance.
At 120 yards and a whole month of hitting as many balls as I wanted I’d deserve the prison sentence if I didn’t make one!

In fact I reckon anyone with a reasonably consistent swing wouldn’t need a month.

Same green same pin position, 1000 balls a day learning how wind is affecting each shot and learning from that I’d be disappointed not to make one in a week.

Where do I sign up?

True that. Even for those who have never had a hole in one, how many times has anyone picked the exact club and hit it the exact strength to match the pin position? Probably extremely rare, let alone making a decent contact and perfect line to actually have a chance of a hole in one. So, in this scenario, it shouldn't take long before a golfer settles on the right club and gets a good feel for how hard to hit it. Once they get that, then any time they make decent contact and start it on a decent line, then the chances of it going in go up significantly, all down to the bounce and roll and whether you managed to hit it the perfect strength.

One thing I would do, however, is pay someone about £5 an hour to stand at the green and clear any balls that may be blocking the hole. I'd hate to have a hole in one wiped out by a pesky ball blocking the hole.