Absolutely correct Shanker,I have, however it is not my wish to bore as some of my age group are wont to do. My interest in golf started in 1947, when as a schoolboy, our neighbour, Mr Fred Daly won the Open Championship. He encouraged me to be a caddy at his club, Balmoral, during the school holidays. I got smitten and he bacame my friend and mentor. He was a true sportsman in every sense of the word and he remained my idol until his death in 1990. Fred was a great raconteur I had the pleasure of listening to him over the years and also meeting many of the Irish and visiting pros. of that era.
Got to agree with you on Rothesay....my Grandad lived there until his recent death and I enjoyed nothing more than a round up on Canada Hill with the breathtaking view from the 13th I think it is.Just to die for,also some great views of Arran too.