What name did you make up, or did you take your partner's name?
My wife took my name in the end. She muttered about keeping hers and I agreed if she wanted to, I would have gone to hers then. She then decided to go traditional and went with mine, I think I shocked her by agreeing. If we had not been able to agree, we actually have similar, unremarkable surnames, then I would have suggested looking at both of our mothers maiden names and choosing from one of them as a compromise. We probably would have gone with her mothers name as mine was uber old fashioned Lancastrian that is not too flattering.
I would have gone with her maiden name, or one of our mothers maiden names rather than double barreled. Anything but double barreled.
If you can't agree on a current name can you combine part of each surname, mix up letters from each name, first 4 letters from each surname and mix etc?
Best of luck in making your decision.
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