Why did you start playing golf ?

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Deleted member 15344

Simple question really ?

Why did you take up the great game that we love/hate argue/agree on ?

For me it was when I stopped playing hockey - before that I had the odd society game and my mate who quit hockey the year before spent all year persuading me to play golf - glad he did
Because i love being miserable and playing sports with people who moan about absolutely every little thing :D
I took it up after my football and athletic days were over . Became a grumpy git indoors and my better half got her friends husband to take me out for a round. I don't think my wife has ever forgiven him for getting me in to this enjoyable but frustrating game.
I injured my shoulder and had to give up playing rugby. Playing in the front row it was not as if I could shield my injury from impact. The rest of my family played golf and so I took it up as I needed some form of competitive sport in my life
Over the years I've tried (and been pretty decent at some) footy, tennis, hockey, golf, karate, tae kwon do, kick boxing and quite a few others. I settled on golf as I wanted a hobby/interest that all things being good I'd be able to enjoy into old age.........I can't drink as much as I used to, so bowls was out!
Motocross was trying to kill me on a weekly basis and trackday costs were getting out of hand.
Golf courses are everywhere unlike tracks and I could play at the drop of a hat so thought I would give it a go and haven't looked back.
Got to old for my footie and don't have the time for my other passion carp fishing. Just starting the knowledge but will always play golf once a week because I love this game.
I'd always planned to take it up when I gave up hockey. As it turned out I took to distance running and triathlon after hockey rather than golf. Spent a few years doing quite well at those but kept getting injured and a bad injury to my tibia was enough to make me see sense and take up something less damaging and more sustainable. HID already played - we've never looked back :-)
I attended an incident where some idiots had stolen a car, drove it round a golf course, parked it on the 18th green and set fire to it. Just as my colleagues where about to fill it with foam i suggested that we rolled it off the green to save trashing the green any more. The golf club in question thanked us with free golf for the year. Thats when this mental torture began!!!!
Really needed a hobby and I was a smoker so I quit the cigarettes picked golf and the money I saved from not smoking I spent on lessons.

2 years and about 50 lessons later I'm still hopeless at this game and struggle to break 100 but I've not touched a cigarette since!!
Really needed a hobby and I was a smoker so I quit the cigarettes picked golf and the money I saved from not smoking I spent on lessons.

2 years and about 50 lessons later I'm still hopeless at this game and struggle to break 100 but I've not touched a cigarette since!!
Sorry last part made me laugh and know your pain.
2 years and about 50 lessons later I'm still hopeless at this game and struggle to break 100 but I've not touched a cigarette since!!

So the chance of you getting lung cancer have gone right down but the chance of stress related heart attack have shot up;)
To spend some quality time with my dear old Dad. Oh and when I finally have to give up squash...:p

Same here. Has brought us much closer together and given us some common ground. Nothing beats a side match during a society outing and winning a few holes. Right enough I feel about 6 again when he expresses his disappointment if I miss an easy putt.
To spend more time with my Dad and Brother, and till this day I still enjoy the day out on the links with the family the most. I also enjoy the sport as a release and a bit of head space, I cannot understand when I see people going crazy on the course why they are playing what's the point in playing if it stresses you out!
When you are 5 years old you never really think that deeply.

Perhaps it was because we lived on a golf course my father was a scratch player and two of my uncles were golf professionals.
Really needed a hobby and I was a smoker so I quit the cigarettes picked golf and the money I saved from not smoking I spent on lessons.

2 years and about 50 lessons later I'm still hopeless at this game and struggle to break 100 but I've not touched a cigarette since!!

Brilliant :)

I took up golf due to my minor heart attack 3 years a go! Wanted something to do rather than sat at home eating crisps and greggs! My wife now plays and we even do golfing holidays together :)

the fact I am utter pants is not an issue and also that I will prob never win a comp does not bother me! I love the game and it was one of the best things I did taking up the sport :)
I went to a holiday camp where there was a pitch and putt course and I played every day and the bug was well and truly caught.

Great game because you get to experience all the emotions in one round joy, despair, frustration, elation. I love it and hate it in equal measure.