Why did you start playing golf ?

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Dodgy knees meant that I could no longer play football and cricket. Golf filled a massive void, especially in the Summer as I played cricket Saturday, Sunday and at least twice in the evenings during the week!!
So the chance of you getting lung cancer have gone right down but the chance of stress related heart attack have shot up;)

Hahaha yeah pretty much!

I'll take the frustration over the ciggies any day though. Was a great way to stop
I've got a holiday home in Marbella and kept seeing what looked like great courses over there. Simple as that.
It's a plan during my lifetime

Football - snapped my cruciate

Tennis - got old and wanted to play golf

Golf - still doing it

Bowls - ?

Shuv halfpenny - ?

Die - !
Was looking for a new challenge and a escape from work

Use to play squash

Now play racket ball and tennis, see golf as my retirement thing

Also hid use to work on Saturday all day so had some free time a while ago

Been playing about 4 years still struggling to get under a hundred on most rounds and hopeless most of the time but have the odd flashes of consitance

My dad took me out with him when I was 9. I've hated him for the last 46yrs... wish is was still here to do it again.
To get out of the house!! Was working 12 hrs a day or more and weekends were spent recovering. Decided to get back into it as dabbled in my youth and bang hooked. Still pants after 3 years but couldn't give it up ever!
because i love being miserable and playing sports with people who moan about absolutely every little thing :d

i took it up after my football and athletic days were over . Became a grumpy git indoors and my better half got her friends husband to take me out for a round. I don't think my wife has ever forgiven him for getting me in to this enjoyable but frustrating game.

i attended an incident where some idiots had stolen a car, drove it round a golf course, parked it on the 18th green and set fire to it. Just as my colleagues where about to fill it with foam i suggested that we rolled it off the green to save trashing the green any more. The golf club in question thanked us with free golf for the year. Thats when this mental torture began!!!!

it's a plan during my lifetime

football - snapped my cruciate

tennis - got old and wanted to play golf

golf - still doing it

bowls - ?

Shuv halfpenny - ?

Die - !

like :d
my dad used to hack it around. he bought me a junior set of blades and took me out. what kid wouldn't like to take chunks out of the ground and wack a ball around. im still doing it now, except I like to think I know what I am doing even though i am using pretty much the same 10 finger grip and flat swing.
My father met the Pro at Reading golf club at a party, and the following week we started having lessons. I can still vividly remember the last one, when we went out on to the course for the first time. It was throwing it down with rain, but I still loved it.:thup: Needed to find a new sport, as I had just started at a school that didn't play football.
Used to go to the pitch and putt with my dad. One club and a putter. The nine hole course is now full of houses. Would love to play more golf with him but we are 300 miles apart.
I was 13 and one Saturday went round to my best mate Alan's to be told by his mum that he'd gone to play golf with Crawford (more Alan's friend than mine). I'd mucked around in playing fields beside my house hitting golf balls with my dad's mix of old hickorys and caramel brown painted (shafts) clubs for a few years, and when on holiday 'down south' my uncle used to take me down to the beach at Ainsdale (where they lived) and we'd hit balls off the sand there, but I'd not really played on a course other than Southport pitch and putt. However, with the shocking news that Saturday morning I decided I'd better start playing - so I joined Crawford and Alan going to the local municipal (Deaconsbank) most Saturday mornings - and that was that.
Use to be a semi-pro match angler. But it all got to intense and lost its enjoyment.
So thought I would try golf again (had played when I was younger). Treat it as recreation so don't loose my cool just have a good laugh. Play each shot as it comes and enjoy. If I got like some on here I would give it up.
It was as natural to pick up a club as a kid as it was to kick a can in the streets. We all did it. My first club was a rusty, hickory shafted iron that I found in the coal cellar when I was about six or seven. I remember going to the park with it and trying to hit stones and knock the heads off dandelions.
As kids (under 12) every boy seemed to have access to a rusty 7 iron and a couple of scuffed Commando balls

I've no idea where the club/s came from, the balls were finders and the 'course' was whatever local football pitch wasn't being used for football with the goal used as the target hole

Playing golf was something you did on alternate days you wern't playing footie, kirbie, soldiers, climbing trees or whatever else
My father met the Pro at Reading golf club at a party, and the following week we started having lessons. I can still vividly remember the last one, when we went out on to the course for the first time. It was throwing it down with rain, but I still loved it.:thup: Needed to find a new sport, as I had just started at a school that didn't play football.

There's not much football played down Reading way is there Rich? :whistle:
I have always played competitive sports, Rugby at county level from age 12! then half decent level of cricket during the summers, started motorbike racing age 21, more rugby.

A few crashes and a few reconstructed knee's later, saw me look for something less punishing on the body. Had always played a couple of times a year with the rugby or cricket club.