When do you think you will next play golf?

I can't believe tennis is one of the sports being talking about as a safe one to play.

Players pant, sweat and breath all over the ball. Sharing balls too. Seems bizarre to me.

But you're still talking really small to minimal risk compared with contact/close quarter sports - the players are maintaining a significant distance apart and will be played outdoors (assuming fitness centres still closed) so the main route of catching it is gone around breath/spray on to you.

It's a physical activity so unlikely to have many playing with actual symptoms so the risk is around those who are at the early stages and don't show signs.

To transfer it on to the ball they'd need to have Covid 19, sneeze directly on to it (you don't really get that close to a ball during breathing), or on to hands, which then hold the ball and are picked up by the other person who would then need to wipe their face. And that could be stopped by using own balls to serve (just use a sharpie on them), flicking it up and hitting with a racket to begin rallies or just being aware and using hand sanitiser after rallies/play. There isn't much in the way of studies showing transfer in this manner (i.e. from surfaces) to be significant threat and to my knowledge nothing around transfer via sweat, and acknowledgement that it struggles more outdoors as well.

Edited - I'd expect the benefit of allowing this activity with precautions is much higher from both physical and mental than the Covid risk but also it presumably encourages people to gather in a way that maintains social distance than perhaps two friends meeting up in a house and chatting without remembering to keep 2ms apart.
Genuinely think it’ll be next week me

Our golf club have set the tee booking up on iG

Ten minute gaps and will only be allowed to book once every 3 days ... this will be reviewed on a daily basis depending on demand

there’s four slots per tee time so not sure if that’s mandatory or iG can limit it
Got an email from the club. Two balls only and only 9 holes to start with. Is that part of the EGU guidelines as I don't really see why we can't play 18
Didn’t think you were going to play initially anyway, just go down the range? Maybe they’re going for 2 t starting, get more groups around ?
Didn’t think you were going to play initially anyway, just go down the range? Maybe they’re going for 2 t starting, get more groups around ?
That remains the plan. However I still don't understand the necessity to play just 9 holes. Two balls has been a fairly standard convention in all the guidelines I've seen but most are talking about a full re-opening. Not sure if I'll have a chance to hit balls at the club as no mention of the practice ground opening or not so reliant on a range re-opening. Sure they will as they' be keen for the business
Didn’t think you were going to play initially anyway, just go down the range? Maybe they’re going for 2 t starting, get more groups around ?
If a course has 2 loops of 9 than that makes perfect sense. It allows more people to get out, 9 holes is enough of a fix right now. It seems fair for courses that can do it. My place could do it and I'd be very happy with that arrangement. Better than not getting out because there aren't enough tee times.
If a course has 2 loops of 9 than that makes perfect sense. It allows more people to get out, 9 holes is enough of a fix right now. It seems fair for courses that can do it. My place could do it and I'd be very happy with that arrangement. Better than not getting out because there aren't enough tee times.

Be happy with that too and it would work at ours.
Know a lad who is on council at another club and that is the proposal he has put forward.
9 holes will do for the time being, small steps.
That remains the plan. However I still don't understand the necessity to play just 9 holes. Two balls has been a fairly standard convention in all the guidelines I've seen but most are talking about a full re-opening. Not sure if I'll have a chance to hit balls at the club as no mention of the practice ground opening or not so reliant on a range re-opening. Sure they will as they' be keen for the business

If they gave to increase the time between starts to 10 mins or so, you will only get 12 players out an hour. Nowhere near catering for the members. Maybe they'll offer two tee starts for 9 holes, getting double the amount of players out.

that would be a good way to start. If they find there's a lot of empty tee times, they can adjust accordingly later. That would be my suggestion to begin with.
That remains the plan. However I still don't understand the necessity to play just 9 holes. Two balls has been a fairly standard convention in all the guidelines I've seen but most are talking about a full re-opening. Not sure if I'll have a chance to hit balls at the club as no mention of the practice ground opening or not so reliant on a range re-opening. Sure they will as they' be keen for the business
My slight issue is, 500 members, 2 balls 10 mins apart, there’s gonna be some disappointment , especially if you can’t play in the week. 2 tees 9 holes might be a way of easing that in the short term. Can’t work at ours as were x3 loops of 6. I’d go for 6 holes in the short term
My slight issue is, 500 members, 2 balls 10 mins apart, there’s gonna be some disappointment , especially if you can’t play in the week. 2 tees 9 holes might be a way of easing that in the short term. Can’t work at ours as were x3 loops of 6. I’d go for 6 holes in the short term
We're a similar shape, but can tweak it to 8 and 10 if necessary. Would probably be a good idea, but we'll see. We don't even use a booking system normally, and I've not received any notification of any changes, though obviously it'll be needed unless we all ring up the pro and he hand crafts the start sheet....