when did you last play a round?


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Jul 22, 2006
GM Towers
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Morning all

Waking up this morning I realise it's now exactly one month and one day since I played my last game of golf. I haven't even been to the range. In fact apart from having a waggle with the clubs we sent out to the reader test panel just before Christmas I have barely touched a club.

This amounts to a major break from the game for me. I'm racking my brain I'm pretty sure that this is now the by the longest I have been without picking up a golf club since I started playing the game seriously.

The reason for the extended absence has as much to do with the weather and time of the year as the fact the last time I played (December 4 on the Old Course at Walton Heath) was easily the worst round I played all year leaving me thoroughly hacked off with the game.

Having made a very scabby double bogey at the 1st I redeemed myself with a good drive at the 2nd but with 200 plus still to go it was a tough shot. The fact my ball was on a hanging lie with the ball below my feet should have had me reaching for a mid iron and laying up but stupidly I opted for a hero shot with my 4 wood.

Predictably the ball went pretty much straight right - narrowly missing taking out Rob Smith (GM's course rankings moderator) on the way before nosediving into a load of bracken and general bund. Lost ball.

Successive pulled drives at 3, 4 and 5 meant the lost ball tally had reached four and I was nervously asking GM's instruction editor Neil Tappin how many balls he had in his bag.

At the 6th its started raining and by the 8th a weird fog had rolled in across the heath that only really lifted as we got to the 15th.

I proceeded to miserably chop my way the rest of the course. The only high point was a flop shot over a large tree at the par 3 17th after a tee shot that I pulled 30 yards left of the green. It was probably the best short game shot I have ever hit, getting it up and over the trees and stopping it dead 6 foot from the cup. The fact I then left the downhill par putt - which was to take thew match down the last - on the edge of the hole just about summed it up.

Due to work commitments opportunities for play and even practice in the next two weeks are non-existent but thankfully there is a light at the end of the tunnel. On January 18 (snow permitting) I'll be teeing it up once again, this time for the inaugural challenge Golf Monthly match on the Jubilee course at St Andrews where we'll be taking on four of the Scottish boys from this forum. I'm officially excited.

That means it's going to be a long 12 days waiting for the 18th to come around especially as I foolishly decided to give up drinking during January!

So, a rather long round about way of asking how long it is since other forum users played a round?

(GM editor)


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Sounds like one of my rounds mike!

I last played yesterday, it was a complete disaster, for details read my post "are these the 2 biggest morons in golf?"

St Andrews will be great mate, bet you are bursting to get up there!

As for giving up drinking, you are a brave, brave man!!!


Head Pro
Mar 5, 2007
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Hi Mike.

My last round of golf was 11th of november and at the moment cant see me playing for a few more weeks at least.
The reason as you all know is injury to the muscles under my rib cage.

This is a massive shock to my system because i am used to playing at least twice a week all year round and on the range at least 3 evenings a week.
The only consolation is its winter but 2 months without making a swing is like having your ---- cut off.


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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Getting your excuses in early Mike ;)
I played on the 27th of December at Troon Darnley which was a dump and your Walton Heath summary is a carbon copy of my round. My driver has gone into hybernation and nothing I do is wakening the thing up. My short game is hot but I am struggling to line myself up with the irons. I have swithered with the idea of a wee lesson but I am a stubborn person who likes to fix things myself. I was at the range on Monday with Little Miss Madandra and I think I have sorted a few things out.

Anyway, I KNOW the Scottish guys are just as excited about the game as you are.


Tour Rookie
Dec 11, 2007
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Hi Mike,
Last round was on Monday 31st Dec, had a game at Crieff Ferntower, started off realy well with 3 straight par's then dropped off a little as usual in the middle of the round but finished with an 83 for nett 69, 2 under so happy with my winter form.
Had a round on the Queens at Gleneagles booked for today but bloody weather has scuppered that.
Roll on the summer.


Content Director
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Jul 22, 2006
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the no drinking thing is really killing me but I felt there was no other option.

Even at the best of times I could do with shifting a few pounds but a fairly sustained run up to Christmas and then the 10 day break has left me struggling with the belt buckle even more than usual!

I'm hoping my current serene state might at least bring some clarity to my thinking on the golf when we get it on with madandra and the boys!

ps I read you post on the morons with a heavy heart - what a pair of ballons those guys were


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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What with Christmas and all that entails the last time I played a full 18 was the 9th Dec.

However, I was out with my daughter on 27th so that she could try out some oof her Christmas presents. We went out late in the afternoon with a view to playing a few holes before it got dark. She had a good 1st hole and a very good drive on the 2nd really boosted her confidence. We cut across and played down the 9th (to go back to the 1st)and she again hit two excellent shots reaching the crest of a ridge at 260yds in two. She eventually holed out on the winter green for a 7 but she had won the bragging rights that day no doubt about it.

Anyway, the snow has all gone now, the sun is shining so I may get out to the range later today who knows.



Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Christmas is ne of my few chances to get out more than once a week so have been playing at least 9 holes most days. Weather has been fine around here so most recent round was yesterday when I hit 4 gross, which is pretty good for me.


Q-School Graduate
Jun 20, 2007
West Country
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Played New Years Day and put a poor round down to
1. new (though not difficult!)course (Dewstow The Park)
2. slight (honest!) hangover
3. sudden onslaught of a bad cold
Two days later tried again with no excuses and did no better. This is not the way I planned to start 2008!
will today's sun tempt me out or do I take a break?
That's a rhetorical question, but I wish you all the very best of rounds at St. Andrews. Wrap up well and bring us back pictures, reports, videos! We want to know!
(And say hi to 'Hamilton Hall' - as it was - from me).



Mike my last round was late November so about 5 weeks ago. Since then I hit about 20 8 iron shots in a nearby field a couple of weeks ago. Combo of frost, snow, no light, too far to range, Xmas shopping, babysitting, putting my back out and having an awful cold has curtailed golf somewhat recently.
Missing it though and going to get some practice in the next couple of weeks, thaw forecast thankfully.


Assistant Pro
Dec 16, 2007
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Hi Mike, my last round was 31st December and was truely terrible! lost three balls off the tee on the second hole! wanted to go home by the 3rd. managed to grind out a low 125 :mad:


Q-School Graduate
Nov 2, 2007
York, England
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December 28th for me in 25mph winds, sleet and the darkest daylight I've ever known. Only played +4 on my handicap on a new course in those conditions (and with shockingly poor greens), so was well 'appy, especially with the back nine. We played the last hole pretty much by the light from the clubhouse!

Intended to play at some point this weekend, but with one thing and another, it hasn't happened. Still, should give me the juices to want to play sooner rather than later...


Journeyman Pro
Dec 4, 2007
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I played a few holes last week but my last 18 was x mas eve.
I played with my cousin against two coppers there handicaps were 16 and 15 my cousin plays off 23.
We were in society with some other guys. but as you do we had a little matchplay of our own.
This was my first round after a lot of technical swing coaching so was a little nervous with what was going to happen. Any way after laughing our heads off at the efforts to get on the fairway from the others, it was our turn to tee off . the first hole was reasonably short so i opted to hit a 6iron of the tee. I hit it straight but a tad thin an lost about 10 yards but in the fairway. Second shot was simple enough a 5iron to the green but i pulled it pin highto the left thengot up and down for par.. This aint too bad i said to my self, but next is where the recent swing changes affected me! Out comes the Driver! aimed just to the left of the 440ish par four fairway anticipating a little pull slice! so as i looked up after impact i sliced the bugger about 200yrds left of the target. For the next two holes i could do a thing but top the bugger! Thankfully my cousin was on fire and we were 2 up for the match play!. I got back to grips with it on the par 3 i put a 5iron on the green but it then bounced off, walked of with a bogey. the rest of the back nine was ok a bit ruff here n there but not bad.
sO on the tenth tee it was level for match play there 16hcapper had a night mare in a bunker so it was mine for the taking green in 2 birdie putt sank!! next hole par! next hole par the playing aat 165yards but into the wind so i pulled out a 6 iron and played a cut stuck it 6 inches to the hole. Birdie and also nearest to pin on the society £10.00 pound prize!! any way after that i was missing greens but still getting up n down for par by 15 were 3up to me this hole ruined my back nine when i hit a lob wedge just on top of the bunker and the backspin pulled it in! easily my worst shortgame shot of the nine! i double bogeyed that Anyway got over that and finished strong Par on 17 and par on 18! getting up n down all the way!
~I was walked away pretty pleased.
In total i got 35 points of which 10 on the front nine and 25 on the back! Worked it out ii played the back nine in 2over... Not bad at all!
Back to the club house i won my 10 pound from the society. my cousin won the day with 38 points and also two pints of bitter from the coppers for the matchplay win. probably one of the most enjoyed rounds of golf !!!


Tour Winner
Jan 15, 2007
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2nd January for me, Mike. Before that 30th December and 27th December with Madandra down at Troon. (People will start talking !) Would have played on the 4th too if it hadn't been snowed off.

Ah, the joys of proper winter golfing clothing. A good wind-cheater is worth it's weight in gold.

Already getting itchy to play again but I'm only a weekday member at my course, otherwise the New Year boredom would have meant a round yesterday, too.

Gotta get onto the course tomorrow now that the snow has melted! Was so bored yesterday I read "Four-iron in the Soul" from cover to cover! Great recommendation, birdieman. It's a cracking read.

One of my pals takes a month off the drink every year, too, but wisely makes it February, the shortest month. We go skiing abroad together every year at end January and there's no way he could be abstemious for those 4 days. But he does lose a stone every February apparently! A great detox plan.

Can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the challenge match at the Jubilee, Mike.


Assistant Pro
Dec 6, 2006
Nottingham, England
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I haven't played since the first week in October. Planned to play two rounds last week but a lower back strain put an end to that. January 23rd is my next planned round (my 37th birthday). I hope to play more this year, probably only played 20-30 rounds last year.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2007
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My last round was around the middle of December on the Buddon links and it turned out to be my finest round ever. Out in 33, back in 37 (net 59). I haven't been out since because you're only as good as your last game as my mate always tells me. (Dormie) Since then though I got a new driver and I'm going to have to get out and get swinging with it or else it could get messy on the 18th.
I'm hoping to get out tomorrow morning and hopefully a couple of more times before St Andrews.


Tour Winner
Dec 9, 2007
19th hole
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New Year's day. Texas scamble. We were 9 under gross with no bogies, net 57.4 and came 6th overall on countback. Winning team net 55.

Played this morning quite early. Course frosty, several temporary greens, played :eek: and it would have a complete waste of time if it hadn't been so nice to be out in the sunshine and (very) fresh air.

Like an idiot, hit a quite reasonable drive on the last so I've got no excuse not to play Wednesday.

Mike and the boys. Have a great time at St Andrews.