What's your biggest score difference between 2 consecutive rounds?


Club Champion
Jan 23, 2008
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How do you explain this wonderful game we call golf?

Yesterday I played my first open of the year and shot gross 67 (finishing bogey, bogey as well!! :)). I won and got £100.... nice

Today I played again and shot 80... not nice.

That's 13 shots difference in one day!!!!

What's your biggest difference in 2 consecutive rounds?
Can't comment. Last time I played 36 in the spring meeting I was mr consistent. 94 94 playing off 12. Took a lot of concentration too, as I needed to double bogey the last two holes to come in with 94.
Shot a round of 89 ( my best round for a very long time )and then in the afternoon hit a round of 104 !!

The second round, I three putted on 6 greens and took 3 of the tee on the last 2 holes.

But heres looking forward to the next round, it can't be as bad as the last one !! ( Can it???)
How about biggest score difference on front and back 9s. On saturday i managed to shoot a 16 over par 51 on the front 9 and a 4 over par 38 on back 9. Hows that for inconsistency.
Worst for me was just a couple of weeks ago shot scratch 94 in the Saturday medal, then a 78 on the following Tuesday and followed that up with a 75 on the Saturday.

Thankfully going the right way.
not sure about difference between 2 rounds, but todays front 9 was +13 and the back 9 was +3

I think it was the tuna sandwich & coffee on the 10th tee that turned it round!! :p
I shot an 83, 87 and 85 in 3 days, week later I shot a horrific 97. Don't know where it came from.
Prob be my last two rounds played my home course on Mon shot a 87(par 69) then went out last night with a few old mates to another course shot at 77(par 73) level par back 9 too!

I hope you are all awear there is non what so ever in the way of logic to this silly game we love