Whats the point...

Clean your shoes with baby wipes and it keeps them like new.

Unless you wade upto the knee in cack!
I bought a pair of white Callaway shoes at the beginning of this year and they are still in the box under the bed as I have not worn them yet due to the crappy weather we had all year. Maybe they will get an outing next year, maybe not, we will just have to wait and see what the weather brings.
I have worn two pairs of old black AQL's all year and they have proved to be great shoes.
Got my lunars in march white/pewter still like new. Play twice a week just air hose them off after then baby wipe them clean as soon as I get home. White polish every three weeks. Our 4th hole par 5 has been closed more than its been open this year as the drainage on it is screwed and the rest has been pretty wet too!