What would be the cost to regrip..

about mid range grips would do, I have been passed these from an uncle a 5 & 7 wood (not to sure about a 7 wood though) and they need regripping.

so £25 for both or each?
Both, what shop you going to?

7 wood? it all depends how you hit your long irons mate, i started of using a 9,7,5,3,1 wood im now down to using 1,3 and 5 wood and my much loves rescue club.
Callaway grips are about £8-10.
Fitting should be free if you leave them "with"...

I just had 9 irons for £35, it needn't be pricey.

3 quid!!!! where do you live Madandra? im stuck in Surrey and have got to pay through the nose for everything!

I use and love my Golf Pride New Decade Multi-Compound Grips, so quoted the price i paid for them. Expensive but worth it. I really should shop around more before i buy.
Jammy Git!!! And you pint is less than four quid in the clubhouse. Its a fiver for a bottle of magners around the area i play!
Cant wait for our lads weekend away up north! good old cheap night on the tiles talking golf and crap all night!
Nevada Bob's recently regripped my 2 wedges for £3 each. Standard no frills Golf Pride non corded grips. That included fitting. Cheap as chips if you don't go for expensive grips.
Oh, b.t.w. original callaway grips are £6.99
at that price, any fitting should be thrown in.....!
