What is the unluckiest shot you have ever hit?????

While playing the old Santa Ponsa course in Majorca a few years ago. One of my 4 ball decided to lay up short on a 240 yard par 3 that had water a just few yards short.
He then proceeded to pitch at least 4 balls into the water.

Much to the amusement of the rest of our party who were playing the adjacent holes .:rofl:
I hooked a driver from the tee box across a road and smacked the rear quater panel of a parked seat ibiza so hard it was ridiculous this year in Spain at Villamartin.

The ball flew unobstructed and hit a section on bodywork 8 inches wide clean in the middle but level with both the back and side windows.
Captains Day last year, not doing badly, drove into the middle bunker on the left in his pic,

Had about 75 yards to back flag position on top tier, thinned it 115 in through the function room door into the skirt of the bar manageress. The one day of the year that the door is open and I found the gap. Ended up scrubbing the last hole and ended with an average score, wasn't allowed to forget about it at the dinner neither.

I had to laugh. Same hole (Bangor) same result. Few years back. Into a head wind had a 9 iron - hit it flush.........only I pulled a 6 iron by mistake. Not good and so embarrassing. At least no one in the lounge. Still...walking in to pick up your ball is humbling :)
I shouldn't have started this thread as I had mine yesterday in a foursome knockout comp.
PP hit a bad drive into the trees up the left on 15, there's an adjoining fairway so I hit a great low punched 5 wood up there which would leave a 130 ish shot to the green, but as the ball began to slow it took a hop left and hit a trellis, this bounced it up and further left into a bunker next to the 13th green. Lost the hole and the match right there.
Hit the bottom of the flag stick on the full on the par 3 forth with my tee shot. the ball ended up 40 yards away and in an up playable position and only able to hit the next shot into a bunker, where the ball plugged in the face and an angle that a left hander might have been OK with, but not me.