What am I doing so wrong


Journeyman Pro
Aug 14, 2009
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My chipping from 50 yards or less has gone to pot fats thins tommy tanks you name it. It was my one of my strong points but the winter. Has killed it every other iron in my bag is great what am I doing so wrong


Nov 16, 2011
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Get out and practice!

Relax - especially the arms/shoulders - without being floppy

The one (well two maybe) thing that improves my connection more than anything is to make sure my eyes are focused on a spot on the ball (doesn't actually matter where) and I'm looking at the ground where the ball was after I've hit it.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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My chipping from 50 yards or less has gone to pot fats thins tommy tanks you name it. It was my one of my strong points but the winter. Has killed it every other iron in my bag is great what am I doing so wrong

Probably you're speeding up the shot & getting a might jerky, which tends to lead to a backswing that's too long for the distance required but also the head moves off the ball & there's a bit of a sway to the right. Then what happens subconsciously your brain realizes if you swing through your going to hit it too far.

So then the forward swing decelerates into the ball, causing you to either hit the 'big ball' before the small ball, fat, &/or your left wrist to collapse forwards which sends the leading edge of the club smack into the middle of the ball & you skull it.

Best cure, get yourself to the practice area start say with some 30 yard shots, making sure it's not just the hands & arms going back up, but it's a small body pivot back until your hands are at thigh height.

Don't sway to the right keep your weight on your left foot, ball in the middle of your stance. You need to concentrate on keeping the right wrist still slightly hinged through impact this will help keep your left wrist flat through impact which is what you need to be doing to get the correct impact conditions.

You use your upper body your chest & shoulders to turn through nice and easy this generates the distance, do nothing 'extra' with your hands & arms just let them go along for the ride taking a forward leaning shaft smoothly through impact, swinging through just a tad further than you took the club back.
So going back chest turns with the arms the hands just soften back a tad you keep that wrist flex through impact. Chest turns arms & hands go back to thigh height, then smoothly turn through to hands at waist height. Your weight stays left throughout, your head stays at address position, by that I mean it doesn't move forwards prior too or at impact.

With a small pitch or a chip, the swing is a shallow one, the feeling to work at is to get the club head to brush the grass, you don't want to pick the club up with big wrist hinge & get steep.

Just see what distance this little swing governed by your chest turning gives you on average. You'll then be able to work out other distances from this.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Several options. Get out and work it out for yourself. If you were a decent chipper it is probably becoming more of a confidence issue. Get a lesson and let the pro see your action and correct and faults. Thirdly come over to the dark side and look at the Gary Smith linear method on youtube


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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It sounds to me as if you may be trying to 'help' the ball up in the air.
Set up 2 baskets and an old club as in the video below then try and hit the ball UNDER the shaft. If you get it right, the ball will go OVER the shaft. The headcover is there to give you a good approach angle into the ball.


One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Several options. Get out and work it out for yourself. If you were a decent chipper it is probably becoming more of a confidence issue. Get a lesson and let the pro see your action and correct and faults. Thirdly come over to the dark side and look at the Gary Smith linear method on youtube

My pro has me using the linear method for chipping around the green and it's been a revelation for me.

I play the ball centre stance, with my weight on my lead foot and just let everything rotate around my left side.

As for pitching using the linear method, I'm not so sure. This is something my pro had me try, but I only had limited success.

Playing the ball so far forward for a 50-70 yard pitch never really sat well with me and I never felt comfortable over the ball.

I much prefer a traditional pitching method to linear.

It sounds to me as if you may be trying to 'help' the ball up in the air.
Set up 2 baskets and an old club as in the video below then try and hit the ball UNDER the shaft. If you get it right, the ball will go OVER the shaft. The headcover is there to give you a good approach angle into the ball.


Agree, this is a great drill :thup:


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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Agree with previous, don't you mean 'pitching'? Chipping is for shots just off the green innit, not from 50 yards away?


Q-School Graduate
May 8, 2011
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i'd check that you have a little pause at the top of wherever your backswing stops. i find that i'll hit terrible shots when i just go through the shot far too fast because the backswing is shorter than a full shot.

i'd also put a club down across your toes and check alignment & ball position. easy to mess up when you are so mindful of a target that is so close and you don't fully concentrate on proper alignment.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Open stance, feet almost together, ball in back of stance.

Open club face - use the bounce with quiet hands, swing from horizontal arms.