Walking off after abuse


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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As re him putting out of synch, in 2 from 4 it makes sense. He drops in a 3 ft putt for 5 for 2‘ you already have a 2 pointer, so you can have a real go at a 5 footer for 4 for 3.
That said, what would of happened if you had played 18. He feels his actions are justified and just carries on. Me I would of walked off.I have had abuse on the course before from a player from another 4 ball. It was his Pp that basically told his pal to shut up. unfortunately are out there
It does make sense to putt out in a team game.
But I always ask “ shall I get the par to give you a free putt”
Just bad manners if you don’t.
As for abuse I know a few lads who would put him in a lake ,not miss their own golf.
Just make sure you don’t play with him anymore.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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Hang on. This was a team event? And you were on the receiving end of abuse so severe that you had to walk in? From a member of your own team?

Was this a club competition or inter-club event? If a competition how did you end up in the same team as this person? Did you enter your own teams or was it drawn?

I’m just curious to know how you ended up on the same team.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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. Does a rule cover etiquette and respect for others in the same group?

There are no longer any specific rules on etiquette in The R.A. Rules of Golf it is up to each club to set it's own rules.

These are now the only guidelines
1.2 Standards of Player Conduct
a. Conduct Expected of All Players
All players are expected to play in the spirit of the game by:
• Acting with integrity – for example, by following the Rules, applying all penalties, and being honest in all aspects of play.
• Showing consideration to others – for example, by playing at a prompt pace, looking out for the safety of others, and not distracting the play of another player.
• Taking good care of the course – for example, by replacing divots, smoothing bunkers, repairing ball-marks, and not causing unnecessary damage to the course.
There is no penalty under the Rules for failing to act in this way, except that the Committee may disqualify a player for acting contrary to the spirit of the game if it finds that the player has committed serious misconduct.
Penalties other than disqualification may be imposed for player misconduct only if those penalties are adopted as part of a Code of Conduct under Rule 1.2b.

b. Code of Conduct
The Committee may set its own standards of player conduct in a Code of Conduct adopted as a Local Rule.
• The Code may include penalties for breach of its standards, such as a one-stroke penalty or the general penalty.
• The Committee may also disqualify a player for serious misconduct in failing to meet the Code’s standards.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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As re him putting out of synch, in 2 from 4 it makes sense. He drops in a 3 ft putt for 5 for 2‘ you already have a 2 pointer, so you can have a real go at a 5 footer for 4 for 3.
That said, what would of happened if you had played 18. He feels his actions are justified and just carries on. Me I would of walked off.I have had abuse on the course before from a player from another 4 ball. It was his Pp that basically told his pal to shut up. unfortunately are out there

It only makes sense if it is discussed first; in our regular group, I might prefer to have someone hole out out of turn so I know where I stand, however others prefer not to have that happen as they don't like to change their routine or view their putt differently. That's their choice and needs to be discussed.

There's no I in team, and if he didn't discuss it with you first he's quite literally out of order.


New member
Oct 30, 2021
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You may well be right. I'm a relatively new member of this club too and while I know a number of other members, they choose a less convenient for me to play in the comps. I'm beginning to accept that my expectations are too high for many golfers, even though my expectations are not high at all.


New member
Oct 30, 2021
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Thanks for all your comments. Very helpful if for the most part psychologically. Looking back, I should have been fair warned as I have played with this bloke before and he nearly took someone's head out with his drive and not shouting fore. However, I felt guilty for losing the flight and not shouting myself. It was me who apologised for him to the group in front at ther end of the game.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Thanks for all your comments. Very helpful if for the most part psychologically. Looking back, I should have been fair warned as I have played with this bloke before and he nearly took someone's head out with his drive and not shouting fore. However, I felt guilty for losing the flight and not shouting myself. It was me who apologised for him to the group in front at ther end of the game.

Rather sums up the guy as being a total knob. I certainly wouldn't put my name down with him if I were you


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
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Thanks for all your comments. Very helpful if for the most part psychologically. Looking back, I should have been fair warned as I have played with this bloke before and he nearly took someone's head out with his drive and not shouting fore. However, I felt guilty for losing the flight and not shouting myself. It was me who apologised for him to the group in front at ther end of the game.
By sounds of things, he sounds like a right piece of work. So much so, I find it impossible that other members at the club have not had a run in with him before.

So, by sounds of things, all 4 players were on the same team. So, you didn't just abandon him, but you abandoned the other 2. So, either your reaction was a big over-reaction, or he must have been so bad that you felt you had no other option. I'll assume the second option is correct. What did your other 2 team mates think? Were they sympathetic of your decision to quit?? Did they also believe this guy was way out of order?

There is not really a Rules of Golf issue here. This is more of a disciplinary issue. Most people would likely live with nasty characters, play the game and just gossip about them after. However, you took a clear action to abandon the competition, so there is no hiding how you felt. Therefore, it would not be unreasonable to explain your actions to Committee. If the other 2 players in your team agreed that he was out of order, they may be willing to support your comments. Some people just think the world revolves around them, and everyone around them should act in a way they see fit. If he was that bothered about you not looking for his ball, why did he not just ask for your help at the time? (out of interest, why did you not help him, especially as it was in your interest to find it)


New member
Oct 30, 2021
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Hi thanks for taking the time to offer your advice. I did feel it was not right for me to continue because of his aggressive attitude. I have mentioned ther response of the others in previous replies, so would respectfully refer you to those. As I also mentioned in previous comments, I had already found two balls for him on the previous two holes, but I was distracted on this hole momentarily with my own lie.


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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Thanks for the replies. I'll try to respond to the points raised.
It was best two from 4 so it would have played best 2 from 3 after I left
The insults were bullying and aggressive behaviour.
What I'm after is to know if my actions to walk off would be considered acceptable under the circumstances
Yes, there's a story, but not much more flesh to add to the bone beyond what has been said. He had no right to be so aggressive or try to bully his play into mine.
Butting in was ignoring my play and just going to his ball, lining up and putting in between mine. I had putt and was putting out when her just cut across me.
I'm seeking advice on golf etiquette and whether my departure was justified under ther circumstances. Does a rule cover etiquette and respect for others in the same group?

Haha!!!! He was on YOUR team!!!! Walk off mate. Life's too short to have to deal with nasty people when you are out to enjoy a game of golf. Oh and make sure you never play with the inconsidernobate again.


New member
Oct 30, 2021
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Hang on. This was a team event? And you were on the receiving end of abuse so severe that you had to walk in? From a member of your own team?

Was this a club competition or inter-club event? If a competition how did you end up in the same team as this person? Did you enter your own teams or was it drawn?

I’m just curious to know how you ended up on the same team.

This was just a club comp and I had played with him before. I had noticed some issues before, (see previous answers), but none that would make me realise an issue, prior to this game of course. The booking is online and as a new member, I look for spaces in the booked slots around the times I can play as I am not in any team or group of members so to speak.