Voting tomorrow, is there any point?

Will you vote tomorrow 7th May?

  • Yes

    Votes: 73 89.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 11.0%

  • Total voters


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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That completely depends (its hard to answer a completely hypothetical situation!). If I had seen them both cheat, that wouldn't necessarily mean I wouldn't vote for them. If one of them had plans for the golf club/course that I agreed with, and that would improve it for the whole membership, then yes I would still vote for them.

If you found out their promises to improve the club/course were lies and they had stealing from the green fees, would you vote for them?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 22, 2013
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If you found out their promises to improve the club/course were lies and they had stealing from the green fees, would you vote for them?

Come on, you have to answer mine as well! :)

If that was the case I would weigh up the options. If I felt that the benefits of them improving the club/course outweighed the theft of green fees (if we're doing this to scale, then we're talking a penny or so), then yes I wuold still vote.

If I believed strongly enough that neither could be trusted, as before, I would look to a third party. OR I would turn up to vote, and make a point that I couldn't trust either of them.

If I couldn't trust either, and didn't vote, then I would have no complaint about anything that happened at the course, including the theft of green fees, or the lack of course improvement. I didn't engage, so can't complain.


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2010
Northern Ireland
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It's my first time voting in Northern Ireland and I have no idea who to vote for.
I also wish total votes counted not the existing way with the most seats etc.
I know we had the chance a few years back not sure why it wasn't passed imo.
We are prabably going to end up with a coalition again this time it the party with the most seats might not be in power. Something about that just seems wrong to me.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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If you found out their promises to improve the club/course were lies and they had stealing from the green fees, would you vote for them?

So they are proven liars, thieves, and accused cheats? I may be wrong here, but I would expect the Club to refuse to allow either to stand in that case.. However, if in this mythical golf club, they were allowed to stand, then I would ensure that someone more fitting would stand against them. If I couldn't find anyone else, then I'd stand myself...


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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If you found out their promises to improve the club/course were lies and they had stealing from the green fees, would you vote for them?

No Bob, We would put you up as an alternative candidate :)

Back to the main debate, The last 8 letters of the word Apathetic sum it up for me

You have the right to vote, people have sacrificed themselves over the years to give you that right and it is simply wrong not to exercise that right.

There should, however,be a none of the above option, so those who dont like any of the candidates can make their protest known


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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You can't compare the notion of abstaining in a political system with a straw man argument based on a hypothetical club that operates under an unknown constitution.

Do those who feel non-voters should have no right to a say in society realise that that is the same as only granting citizenship based on participation? You realise what that sounds like don't you? Hint: It's not a democracy.
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Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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You can't compare the notion of abstinence in a political system with a straw man argument based on a hypothetical club that operates under an unknown constitution.

Do those who feel non-voters should have no right to a say in society realise that that is the same as only granting citizenship based on participation? You realise what that sounds like don't you? Hint: It's not a democracy.

Whoa there sunshine... Hold yer Horses...
What is actually being said is that "If you don't vote, don't come and complain about what's happening later" You'll still hold all the advantages of living in a Democracy, you just won't have a legitimate box to stand on when you're in the Pub with your mates mouthing off that XXX has raised your VAT and introduced another level of bureaucracy to your Fruit and Veg stall...


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I wouldn't vote for either of them, it would only encourage them.

If I were to vote at the GE, I would like it to be an informed vote. I would examine the lies....I mean policies and study each lying, cheating scumbag..... I mean candidate at great length.
As it happens, I would rather poke my eyes out with a blunt lob wedge than waste my time doing that.

And as for those who churn out that old chestnut 'If you didn't vote, you cant complain', I put it to the house that it is the person who DID vote that shouldn't complain, after all it was you who put him/her there in the first place. At least if I didn't vote, my conscience is clear


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I wouldn't vote for either of them, it would only encourage them.

If I were to vote at the GE, I would like it to be an informed vote. I would examine the lies....I mean policies and study each lying, cheating scumbag..... I mean candidate at great length.
As it happens, I would rather poke my eyes out with a blunt lob wedge than waste my time doing that.

And as for those who churn out that old chestnut 'If you didn't vote, you cant complain', I put it to the house that it is the person who DID vote that shouldn't complain, after all it was you who put him/her there in the first place. At least if I didn't vote, my conscience is clear

Of course you are correct.. Instead of engaging in the debate, what you do is Turn your eyes away and claim that "it was nuffink to do wiv me Guv" . I mean, lets be honest, if you never try, you can never make a mistake..

Or, as a voter, I have a say in our Democracy. If I don't like what is happening, as an engaged voter, I have a right to say something about it..

Or, to put it another way, The elected officials can study the voting statistics and decide exactly which demographics they can ignore.. As a non-voter, they can quite happily ignore you as it doesn't matter what they do, you won't make any attempt to hold them to account..


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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As a non-voter, they can quite happily ignore you as it doesn't matter what they do, you won't make any attempt to hold them to account..

They might as well ignore me as I'll be ignoring them.
Anyway, I've said more than I normally say on the subject of politics so I shall bid you all good evening and happy bickering. :thup:


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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What is actually being said is that "If you don't vote, don't come and complain about what's happening later"

So these non voters have no rights to participate in society. They are castigated as lesser citizens? Until when? The next time there's an election?

There are no horses to hold here. What you're suggesting is not a democracy. It's more like an aristocracy where only elite citizens are permitted to contribute in governance. It's the very thing we had the good sense to break away from in the UK. :)


Journeyman Pro
Apr 22, 2013
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So these non voters have no rights to participate in society. They are castigated as lesser citizens? Until when? The next time there's an election?

There are no horses to hold here. What you're suggesting is not a democracy. It's more like an aristocracy where only elite citizens are permitted to contribute in governance. It's the very thing we had the good sense to break away from in the UK. :)

I don't see any ban on anyone voting, and just leaving it to elite citizens?


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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So these non voters have no rights to participate in society. They are castigated as lesser citizens? Until when? The next time there's an election?

There are no horses to hold here. What you're suggesting is not a democracy. It's more like an aristocracy where only elite citizens are permitted to contribute in governance. It's the very thing we had the good sense to break away from in the UK. :)

Are you actually reading the posts you're reacting to? I have to ask as you have twice now completely misrepresented what is being said.. Maybe you are attempting to justify a standpoint you already have by taking partial comments out of context and reacting like a "Politician"....


Aug 19, 2011
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I will be voting because democracy was what my late father and uncles fought for in WW2. However I still don't know who for! I don't believe in any of the political parties, so probably the least bad option! :confused:
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Forcing people to attend is still taking away their own choice - people can "chose" not to attend - simple as that - free will.

You can choose not to pay your Council Tax but will end up with a fine and ultimately in prison. Is that taking away their choice?


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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Are you actually reading the posts you're reacting to? I have to ask as you have twice now completely misrepresented what is being said.. Maybe you are attempting to justify a standpoint you already have by taking partial comments out of context and reacting like a "Politician"....

I can't see how you think it's misrepresentation? I disagree with the suggestion that non-voters should have their voice silenced. So I'm going to argue against the suggestion that non-voters "just won't have a legitimate box to stand on when you're in the Pub with your mates mouthing off". Because it's wrong. They have as much right as anyone else.

Freedom of political opinion is a fundamental human right and an attempt to remove, stifle or use it against someone is wrong and in contradiction of democracy.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Seems some don't want to vote and will then be the most vocal when the elected government (however that is made up) make changes that will affect the lives of everyone. As others have rightly pointed out, plenty have made huge sacrifices over the years to ensure we still have a democratic vote and I feel as strongly as many others here that there's an obligation for that reason alone to go out and vote. Whether you agree with any party or not I'd rather see people out and cast a spoilt vote than no vote at all