Videoing yourself at the range.


Club Champion
Jul 28, 2018
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I've seen people getting their mates to film them hit a shot or whatever but thats about it.

Yesterday I was at the Belfry Academy, hitting balls for about an hour.

I saw at least 3 different lads in their 20's with tripods set up behind them filming their shots, reviewing the footage frequently.

Is this common at certain ranges or is it likely they were aspiring professionals and this was maybe part of their course requirements?

None of them seemed to know or speak to each other so wasn't sure if it was 'THING' nowadays?


Head Pro
Feb 2, 2017
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I am one that videos some swings at the range, mainly do this to keep an eye on things like posture, takeaway etc or if I'm changing something. Most of the guys you see are probably fairly decent working with a coach but using the camera to keep an eye as they can't have the coaches feedback all the time.
I don't really recommend it unless your working on something specific as it's very easy to get bogged down in aesthetics and you can get lost very quickly


Club Champion
Jul 28, 2018
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Have you seen these guys during the week or at weekends ?

Literally yesterday mid afternoon, I usually frequent the driving range at my club or one near my house and never see such things. I've not been to the Belfry driving range before so wasn't sure if it was the norm at these sort of clubs or if it's students for instance.


Club Champion
Jul 28, 2018
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I am one that videos some swings at the range, mainly do this to keep an eye on things like posture, takeaway etc or if I'm changing something. Most of the guys you see are probably fairly decent working with a coach but using the camera to keep an eye as they can't have the coaches feedback all the time.
I don't really recommend it unless your working on something specific as it's very easy to get bogged down in aesthetics and you can get lost very quickly

One reason I don't film myself mate, I would be trying to perfect my swing and destroying my golf in the same process.

I have video analysis time to time when I have a lesson but I don't really like to look unless the coach is showing me a particular flaw that we are trying to fix.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Would assume that it being the Belfry could be part of their PGA diploma on how to video etc but again that's an assumption.

Have video mine past and will again but only when something requires specific attention or if I'm playing badly as I'll want to see what my address position and posture look like as most of my bad habits creep in there and helps me put them right

Deleted member 21258

Would assume that it being the Belfry could be part of their PGA diploma on how to video etc but again that's an assumption.

That's what went though my mind.

Know son went up there for a day teaser a while ago, when he was looking into the diploma, so more than possible.


Head Pro
Jul 13, 2017
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I have on a couple of occasions there is also apps were you can analysis your swing, I personally like to see my swing and if its consistent if I'm at the range alone,
Iv saw a couple of people doing it but its not something I commonly see others doing

Deleted member 25172

One reason I don't film myself mate, I would be trying to perfect my swing and destroying my golf in the same process.

I have video analysis time to time when I have a lesson but I don't really like to look unless the coach is showing me a particular flaw that we are trying to fix.

Understand the importance of taking lessons, but most people (assumption) can't go to their local pro for £30 - £50 every time to fix their swing issues, or in many cases, imaginary issues. If I'm slicing the ball so that it could almost be mistaken for a boomerang with my driver, like I used to, why not check if there's anything that I can pick up myself from filming my swing?


Club Champion
Jul 28, 2018
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Understand the importance of taking lessons, but most people (assumption) can't go to their local pro for £30 - £50 every time to fix their swing issues, or in many cases, imaginary issues. If I'm slicing the ball so that it could almost be mistaken for a boomerang with my driver, like I used to, why not check if there's anything that I can pick up myself from filming my swing?

Very true and if you know the basic mechanics of golf you could iron out most issues yourself. I just know what i'm like, I've found my groove with my swing but with a video i'd look at it from the wrong perspective, I could solve issues of course but by my nature i'd be trying to make my swing 'prettier' and more aesthetically pleasing which is not its purpose.

My own mental flaws over anything else as I'd try an imitate someone like Adam Scott for instance.


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2015
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Isn’t the Belfry where Me and my golf are based? Maybe it is for some online customers to send something in?

Deleted member 25172

Very true and if you know the basic mechanics of golf you could iron out most issues yourself. I just know what i'm like, I've found my groove with my swing but with a video i'd look at it from the wrong perspective, I could solve issues of course but by my nature i'd be trying to make my swing 'prettier' and more aesthetically pleasing which is not its purpose.

My own mental flaws over anything else as I'd try an imitate someone like Adam Scott for instance.

My swing looks awful, but trying to make it prettier just makes it look even more awkward, so in that sense I've no problem. I just want the darn ball go straight, or somewhat anyway. Just trying looking for the most obvious flaws, which in case with my driver was that I came, and sometimes still do, come so much over the top that you'd think I'd try to chop the ball in half. :D


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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I use a tripod that I got from Amazon to film my swing from time to time at the range.

Whilst the outcome is never pretty it helps me see if i'm anywhere near doing what I've been taught.

Can also sent to my coach.

Cost about £10. Best training aid I've ever bought


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I've only ever seen pros doing it myself, you have to know what you are looking at to be bothering to do it in the first place IMO


Jul 13, 2015
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I've only ever seen pros doing it myself, you have to know what you are looking at to be bothering to do it in the first place IMO

Pro's like me who did it last night!


I may have emailed it to a professional though for him to slaughter it!


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I'm going through a series of lessons during which my pro videos many of my shots and sends some to me after the lesson, so I take a few when I'm doing a range session to check that I'm finding the same positions and not falling into old bad habits