

Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Swing had never been better, level par now for the last 27 holes at the par 3 after 9 straight pars this morning.

The issue I am having is not in the swing but that split second between the swing not having started yet and it starting. I don't have a swing trigger, maybe this is the issue?

Once the swing gets going it's fine, as is all my setup and alignment.

I fear this escalating and I end up being one of those who stand there for an eternity before the swing starts.

The coach? bobmac? Anyone?


Q-School Graduate
Jul 31, 2011
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I go through phases of this. Usually after a good run of form, I suddenly get a mental block when about to start the swing. Whatever you find the reason to be, please share 👍🏻

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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A couple of practice swing before taking up yer stance then perform another practice swing only this time the ball will be in front of the club-head...

I find that if I leave it too long between my practice swings and my 'hit the ball' swing 'or' I dwell on it to much I usually end up fluffing it...

So that's a couple of practice swing then just walk up and hit the damned thing, works 99.9% of the time for me... :thup:

ps, I spose you could say that the 'practice swings' are my trigger !...
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Swing had never been better, level par now for the last 27 holes at the par 3 after 9 straight pars this morning.

The issue I am having is not in the swing but that split second between the swing not having started yet and it starting. I don't have a swing trigger, maybe this is the issue?

Once the swing gets going it's fine, as is all my setup and alignment.

I fear this escalating and I end up being one of those who stand there for an eternity before the swing starts.

The coach? bobmac? Anyone?

couple things to maybes consider
in practice always use a repeatable psr that stays the same - same actions in the same order sam time period of that 10 secs or so
often times in practice the psr goes & the approach to set-up & pre-motion is entirely different to out in play

there are some Tours pro's (though not many - maybes Westwood being the one that most comes to mind) that play with a 'statue' final part of the psr - but gettin into a habit of a psr that involves small motion constantly before the club takeback is all just that - a habit - so that also needs repetition to become a habit that is then automatic

& if you think about the swing being a real dynamic motion it makes it a deal tougher to 'get into motion' having been stock still not many folks in other sports that don't have some small motion goin down before they move - place kicker before conversion - a hitter/batter in baseball or a pitcher - a keeper or kicker before a penalty

for sure stuff of a psr is individual but my take is don't really care for the forwards press of the handle (not to say many folks don't utilize one that works though - if it's a real small motion) as often times see the forwards res become so pronounced forwards that the relationship between handle & clubhead becomes a ways out of whack with a big forwards lean - often this can also 'open' or 'close' the face up in the ways it's done - tends to make the hands real active in the first part of the takeback -

my take of maybes something to look at would be obviously one of the last things that real important before the swing starts back is the look & focus to target with the imagination of the shot (real important this as 'the quiet eye' research has shown) - so that head rotation to take in the ball, the spot in front that the ball is goin to start out over & the target itself - a 'look' through these points gives the brain a real positive focus on what the intention of the coming swing motion is all about -
personally I have 2 of theses looks through the 3 points (once my set-up psr to get in position is done) then once last look just from ball to the spot the ball is being sent over then I rotate head eyes back to ball - that final look back is the trigger for motion - soon as the eyes are back over the ball it's automatically into the motion - all through the psr set-up there are small micro moves of weight pressure through the soles of the feet - also the clubhead is micro moving up & down but just real small - so at no time am I stock still

think what helps to achieve that is when picking target line from behind the ball that's where I have 2 kinda continuous motion part speed 3/4 swings - really just feeling what shot am about to make

then walk to side of ball to first line club face up to target line then complete the set-up to go into what's described above - don't have any practice/rehearsal swing while at the ball - that to me interferes with the 'seeing of the flight' and holding the line of the shot to target - also it would disrupt for me the psr 'set-up' into motion of the swing

though just putting my own routine down as 'an example' not as must do

do think it's real important though that any practice session involves the routine that someone adopts out in play - in order for it to be a habit that's more or less on auto-pilot


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I think the micro movements is the key to me. Not keen on the forward press, got me into trouble before and only got the issues out of my game this year.

I will take the head, eye and micro movements to the range and see what happens. Right now I'm getting too still, never done that before and I was worried it could get worse if not addressed now.

Hopefully this can get the best out of my improving swing.

Somehow I shot a PB last week with these issues but the impact of it was felt as I couldn't keep the game together for 18 and dropped three shots both this and last weekend. Looking back the only reason was the tension that built between taking my stance and actuallly swinging the club!

Hopefully I can get this in across all the clubs.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Playing crap this weekend but trying to simply go through a routine, pick my target and trust. I have never had a swing trigger as such and think it would be one more thing in my head I don't need. Personally I think we all know that split second we are comfy and ready to swing without the need to think about it


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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think it would be one more thing in my head I don't need. Personally I think we all know that split second we are comfy and ready to swing without the need to think about it

I'm gettint@g pretty good, not a lot going on in my head, swinging pretty clear since some of the things my pro had me doing have clicked. Rid myself of a hooky draw that I had even with my Wedges.

My issue is I don't know when I am comfy, I just go ready or not but after a delay that just seems to be getting longer and longer.

It hope I can continue to play with this dealt mind, it makes things much easier.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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I wanted to mirror Stenson's trigger...

Reason 1 - it looks badass as he crunches one away
Reason 2 - I too sometimes feel I'm 'freezing' like Westwood
Reason 3 - A small forward press has helped my putting flow

However I couldn't manage it (& probably looked ridiculous) and ended up swaying instead so quickly dropped it!

Hope you do better than me


Tour Rookie
Oct 26, 2015
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I'm gettint@g pretty good, not a lot going on in my head, swinging pretty clear since some of the things my pro had me doing have clicked. Rid myself of a hooky draw that I had even with my Wedges.

My issue is I don't know when I am comfy, I just go ready or not but after a delay that just seems to be getting longer and longer.

It hope I can continue to play with this dealt mind, it makes things much easier.

Great stuff well done, we expect to see that handicap tumble for sure.