Trigger or pre shot routine


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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One of my biggest faults on course is concentration . Want to get to Cat 1 this year . Think i have the game but need better mental game .. Working on a switch on trigger or pre shot routine to get me switched on when i get to ball ..

What do any of ye do .?

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I get one number clear in my mind, a target and a shape.

Then I instigate my pre shot routine and firing is a product of that.

What your routine is, and whether you have a trigger within it, is incidental. Mine is very very short - but that works for me and isn't necessarily right for you, or anyone else


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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On a serious note bit in a similar vein te hardest thing I find is clearing my head about others matters when settling down to the shot.

I try to have just two thoughts swing path back and swing path forward.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Hard to be subjective as a pre-shot routine or trigger is such a personal thing and so what works for one may not work for the OP or someone else. There are plenty of articles on NLP, golf psychology and thinking on the course and I would suggest it's a case of trial and error and maybe start by finding a trigger or routine and using that in practice on every shot to make it feel natural and see if it actually adds anything and helps


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Why not become your own caddy?

When you get to the ball. Talk to yourself through the options you have. What has happened previously, what you want to avoid and what you would like to do.

Saying it out loud would be best if you are prone to concentration lapses.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Why not become your own caddy?

When you get to the ball. Talk to yourself through the options you have. What has happened previously, what you want to avoid and what you would like to do.

Saying it out loud would be best if you are prone to concentration lapses.

Great advice. I figured this out when showing someone new to the game what they should be doing, I realised I (believe I) give everyone else great advice and not myself!

As has been said it's subjective and completely personal. I have developed one that fights my worst tendancies, but to date have only employed it with the driver (something I will correct this year). It involves 5 steps, each a second or less.

5. Standing behind the ball I pick my target in the distance and grip the club neutral and loosely
4. Take my stance, left foot first, and check my feet are aligned properly
3. Square my shoulders (my major swing flaw involved setting them open and compensating)
2. Take the club back a few feet to ensure I'm free to do so and on what I feel like is a good line
1. Confirm what my swing thought will be, this changes from day to day, whatever worked at the range such as "keep head central" to combat my tendancy to sway, or might be "focus on middling it at impact" if I've been poor at that recently, whatever once that's in my head the club goes back and it's all automatic.

Has done me the world of good. I used to get so distracted, my head would be eslewhere, now even if I can hear someone talking or notice a group watching I can disappear into this little world and make a good swing, before I'd be all over the shop.


Jun 20, 2018
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One of my biggest faults on course is concentration . Want to get to Cat 1 this year . Think i have the game but need better mental game .. Working on a switch on trigger or pre shot routine to get me switched on when i get to ball ..

What do any of ye do .?
Best hurry as category 1, 2 , 3 etc will be a thing of the past soon.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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For irons - and this is brand new for me as I work towards rebuilding my confidence and changing things a bit to stop me hitting the Arthur J Ranks - it's something like this
  • Decide on the shot and club to play;
  • I clear my head of all thoughts:
  • Quietly focus on carefully taking my stance;
  • Carefully and deliberately place the clubhead behind the ball;
  • Focus on the clubhead and the ball as one. Still no swing thoughts at all;
  • I think of the strike I want (at the moment I want to think striking ball off toe of club); Still no swing thoughts at all;
  • Focussing hard on the ground at the ball I trigger my swing, and then almost wait for the clubhead to return to the ball. Still no swing thoughts at all
And with luck and some good fortune...


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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My routine is minimal but I suppose I do roughly the same thing every time. Stand behind the ball looking up the fairway to get my alignment. If you can identify something two feet in front of the ball to line up with, that helps I think (only recently started trying this). Then I address an imaginary ball next to the actual ball and do a practise swing. Usually just one but if the practise swing is total gash I'll do a second one so I have at least some pretence of confidence. Then step forward an inch to address the ball and hit it. Nothing about it is pre-meditated though really, it's just what I ended up doing naturally.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I'm not sure I even know what I do.
It's instinctive, I don't actually think about it..whatever I do.. I just do.
I'm more focussed on the shot than making sure I've waggled the club 3 times and dipped my knees twice
Does that make sense?


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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I'm not sure I even know what I do.
It's instinctive, I don't actually think about it..whatever I do.. I just do.
I'm more focussed on the shot than making sure I've waggled the club 3 times and dipped my knees twice
Does that make sense?

Good God man it's 2 waggles and 3 knee dips do you want to get everyone killed?