Transport around the course

Golf boards are great. Tried one out for a round at the Grove a few years back, best fun on a golf course ever. But, as you have already found out, stupidly expensive.

These babies are about half the price and look like a lot more fun, certainly on my list if I ever come into some money. Golf is the electric,with single rider golf cart.&text=Minimize the environmental damage of playing a golf course.
They look great.
If I ever need one that’s the one I would have!
Most buggies would not be suitable when course is very wet. Safety reasons.Slopes and tipping over and all that.
I have a four wheeler mobility scooter type, Patterson eventer4, which is carried easily in my SUV, without dismantling. would also fit in estate car.
If needed, dismantles easily.
Loads in few minutes..
Excellent piece of kit.