Head Pro
The game / tournament needs him, if I was in the field I wouldn't want him dq`dNo, they just hate Tiger 'the man'
The game / tournament needs him, if I was in the field I wouldn't want him dq`dNo, they just hate Tiger 'the man'
The game / tournament needs him, if I was in the field I wouldn't want him dq`d
Why wasn't Tiger DQ'd? he signed for an incorrect scorecard,you only incure stroke penalties during play, what the hecks happening with the PGA and the rules of golf?
Don't need preach to me brother........hater's are just gonna hate :thup:
The game / tournament needs him, if I was in the field I wouldn't want him dq`d
Right decision- best player and most exciting player in the world............
we ALL love golf and love to see the best player in the world......
but majority of posts want him disqualified for a mistake even though he's been penalised 2 shots....
sad day...........but not surprising
Me too,pot of tea,plate of biscuits and Tiger shooting a 75 would be a good evening...........I'm going to WATCH the golf now, it's all a done deal, time to move on.
The problem is he should have been dq'd
It gives the impression that ANGC have bent the rules to breaking point to keep him in.
That doesn't look good for ANGC and I don't think it'll look good for Tiger either.
this decision STINKS,he broke the rules ,admitted in a press conference what he had done,then the MASTERS committee running scared used a rule that has no duristinction in this case to let him carry on,if it had been a lesser light or a european player they would have DQ'D them without fail,this just proves that THE MASTERS should not be a major and that once again it shows WOODS has no morals or integrity,and for all those that say he did nothing wrong and keep trying to justify what he did,would you cheat in a comp?