Thread bingo


Pink Castle Tees

What is the best ball

Hitting the ball too far

Not hitting the ball far enough

Greens in regulation

Strokes gained


Wedge grinds

Modern irons are jacked

What shaft

Buttery soft

The Old Course is not even the best course in St Andrews

What works at my my club must be right for your club

Booking tee times

Balls out the chute


Bored now…

I must have missed all the threads about pink castle tees :LOL:
Is it the British Open or Open Championship?

Is the Trilby Tour good value for money and free from dodgy handicaps?

Anyone know a stack & tilt teacher near me?
Doing the autumn maintenance on greens too early - when the greens are in tip-top condition...

What are my options when I declare a ball lost...(or the many 'declaring ball lost' variants - surely already listed but I haven't spotted it)