Thoughts on this scenario please!

not Mr 8 s fault the OP chose to stay out in the rain despite being 3 down, down to them concede, sounds to me like the real issue here is the OP hoped for a half... not sure why there a people having a dig at the people who where up in that match!!
I agree, not really sure what people expect the 8hcp guy to have done. Why should he be expected to offer a half when he's 3 up with 3 to play? Friendly or not that's just not really reasonable I don't think.
not Mr 8 s fault the OP chose to stay out in the rain despite being 3 down, down to them concede, sounds to me like the real issue here is the OP hoped for a half... not sure why there a people having a dig at the people who where up in that match!!

True OP should've gone in and waved at him with a beer in hand. Still, Mr. 8HCP sounds like a dry lunch to me.
Thanks for the replies on this everyone. Seems people are split! :D

I should probably come to Mr 8’s defence a bit. Maybe I made him sound worse then he is! :o At the end of the day, we play this competition every couple of years and although the primary objective is to have fun, we’re also all playing to win. Each individual is probably somewhere a bit different on the “fun versus competition radar” but you’d call it friendly rivalry really. I don’t blame him and didn’t think he was being a tool over the issue. There was no ill feeling from anyone afterwards.

not Mr 8 s fault the OP chose to stay out in the rain despite being 3 down, down to them concede, sounds to me like the real issue here is the OP hoped for a half... not sure why there a people having a dig at the people who where up in that match!!

I wasn’t hoping for a half. I started the thread to ask advice really because it was a bit of a unique scenario. As said, I’m not the most experienced golfer in the world. I’ve never been a club member, never played a proper comp, don’t play anywhere near as much as I’d like to.

What threw me in this situation was that the group behind us (ie playing the same “competition” as us) agreed the course was unplayable and so they stopped and called it a half. I was therefore a bit confused on the “rules” or “etiquette” of such a scenario. Unplayable for one group but not another? As said, I just didn’t know so wanted opinions.

In my head I was likening it to a situation you might find in test cricket. i.e. one team being massively ahead on the final day, blatantly going to win, but then it rains for the rest of the day and because theoretically the result could still go either way however unlikely, it’s called a draw. Annoying for the team on the verge of a win, but them’s the rules. Different sport I realise, but I wondered if the same scenario applied here. Like I said though, I wasn’t angling for an undeserved half! I was simply asking the question as it was a bit of a unique scenario and the rules of golf are so bloody complex and cover all eventualities, so I wondered if there was an agreed “correct” outcome in this.

Probably now having heard what people have said, me and PP would perhaps have just conceded the game at the point at which the other players went in and that would have been fair all round.

Cheers again. :thup:
Mr 8 getting a hard time because he didnt want to walk off and half the match with 3 up an 3 play. No chance. I would have done the same thing as Mr 8. You dont want to concede the match at 3 and 3 in the pissing rain then lets play another hole then.