Things you'd like not to change post Covid19


Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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Played in a competition yesterday in a 3 ball. It was one guys first with the adjusted guidance. To keep things easy, and as we each had a card, we each recorded all three scores. At the end we left the 18th area, did a quick check bewteen us by calling out scores and then each entered them on-line. The score entry checks the tees used, the app knows your handicap, and no card signing - so 3 silly DQ opportunities avoided. I'd be happy to continue like this.

NB, doesn't have to be golf related.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 21, 2012
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Id agree, however, I also know of some folks that have just been marking their own score and not anyone else’s. Just seems a bit easy to cheat.

More flexible working will be great, not having to go to an office, get stuck in traffic etc would save (for me) 2 hours a day.

more than happy with online ordering of the majority of things, although I know how this would impact small businesses. Want to move to using a butchers for meat going forwards, rather than the cheap cuts you get at a supermarket


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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That bloke that shouts “In the hole!” and “Mashed potato!” and other nonsense to stay away from PGA Tour events.
More quality time at home.
Nice Spring weather.


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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Don't miss airplane noise at all.
That bloke that shouts “In the hole!” and “Mashed potato!” and other nonsense to stay away from PGA Tour events.
More quality time at home.
Nice Spring weather.
Yep. Crowds at US golf are a good shout (!).
I quite enjoy British crowds though, even the ones that politely clap a shocking bogey.


Head Pro
Mar 3, 2016
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I miss the (almost) empty roads. I have thoroughly enjoyed the slowed down attitude from most people...'ahh well, it happens when it happens' type thing.

I will be adopting as much of the lock down attitude as I can, I have unashamedly loved it.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I hope not now - much easier and leaderboard during the round is really good.
Not too sure of there be any advantage for me of seeing a live scoreboard. Last thing I want to see mid-round when things are going quite well is a few scores posted that I haven't a chance of getting close to :)

If I am starting a round after some have come in I'll not ask or look to see what scores are in...I like to start and then play with a least a modicum of hope :)

But I have heard others say they like the live scoreboard...


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Changes I would like to keep or to stay in place post Covid:

Limited numbers in shops. Would rather queue outside and have a better experience inside a shop with less people.
Shopping locally. Cannot see me going back to buying most things in supermarkets, going to stick to the local businesses who have changed to help people during this.
More time spent at friends' houses at the weekend rather than meeting in the pub. Purely based on how much I have saved over the covid period.
Spending more time with my wife and family. Not popular on here I am sure but realised that when you are both working all week it was inherently selfish to then spend 5 or 6 hours at the weekend (sometimes both days) playing golf. We are now looking for a sport we can both enjoy. Golf will be a once or twice a month thing going forward I suspect.
A slight easing of the 'I want it now' attitude that many of us have developed.

Those are a few off the top of my head.
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Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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People taking walks and exercising more.
We have a dog and so are out walking regularly. At the beginning of this we noticed a major increase in people out walking, often whole families. Now that movement restrictions have been lifted it is back to the same old faces, other dog walkers and some elderly couples who always take walks together in an evening. It is a shame so that so few have kept it going as I suspect a good number of people were doing more exercise than they had in a while.

Well done to those in Seaham if you are still seeing plenty out there walking.