Tees bashed into tee boxes.


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Apr 30, 2020
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My new pet peeve. I've started using my pitch mark tool to pull a few out before hitting a tee shot.....WHY, WHY, WHY does someone need to use a foot long tee on a par 3....and then mash it into the ground? Fair enough that some people hit driver on some par 3's if they need to, but the number of crazy long tee's I'm pulling out of the ground makes me worried I'm going to strike oil or something.
My new pet peeve. I've started using my pitch mark tool to pull a few out before hitting a tee shot.....WHY, WHY, WHY does someone need to use a foot long tee on a par 3....and then mash it into the ground? Fair enough that some people hit driver on some par 3's if they need to, but the number of crazy long tee's I'm pulling out of the ground makes me worried I'm going to strike oil or something.
Don't be worried about striking oil, especially in the current energy cost climate!
I suspect it is someone using an iron or hybrid, couldn't find a snapped tee, and using a full tee pushed into the ground. Hit the ball, drive the tee deeply into the tee box, not easy to get out, they give up and walk off.

My son does the above on a par 3 but doesn't leave without his tee. They can take a bit of removing so I can see why some just upsticks and walk away. Not condoning it, just observing.
It's quite common up here, lots of people using free tees given away by the club or other local clubs. Us tight buggers would be more careful if we were playing for them?
It's quite common up here, lots of people using free tees given away by the club or other local clubs. Us tight buggers would be more careful if we were playing for them?

Yeah we're given free (bamboo) tees, in two sizes, but sometimes it's just the longer ones, so that's what'll get used
Usually plenty broken ones if teeing off PM
I'm a bit nuts.....I don't mind breaking a tee, but losing a tee drives me nuts. I always pick up the short plastic tees when I pull a few out.....I'm a sucker for a free tee.
This winds me up too.
Plus green keeper at my old club said they chipped his cutter blades.
Yeah that's what they told me too, it's infuriating, I usually dig 2 or 3 out on each par3 with my pitchmark repairer and use one, saves a bit cash i suppose in these tough times for us pensioners !
Frustrates the hell out of me too. I often use the pitch mark repairer too.
I also know greenkeepers hate them being left in for the reasons mentioned above.
@Oddsocks, you don't hit the ball properly to bury the short tees into the ground anyway, buddy! ?
A different Tee story but has to be told. I keep finding long tees on our course wrapped in duct tape! I mean the cost alone must be more than the tees but who the hell wants to spend the time doing this! ??‍♂️
Really bugs me when you just catch a broken tee on your takeaway that someone has left half buried.

I've seen people hammer tees into the ground in frustration after bad shots, just makes me think they are a bit of a p1llock!
Really bugs me when you just catch a broken tee on your takeaway that someone has left half buried.

I've seen people hammer tees into the ground in frustration after bad shots, just makes me think they are a bit of a p1llock!

Surely if you’ve made contact with a tee on your backswing it would have been visible?