Staying hydrated on the course

Usually take a bottle of water and a bottle of diet irn bru. Have noticed a few times that in an important/close match I get caught up and hardly drink anything which obviously isn't going to help performance.
Now we're talking, a proper tip to take my scoring to the next level!
Usually sip on one while waiting in Glasgow airport in what seems like a lifetime ago...
I used to buy cheap sports drinks in bulk and take one for each round of golf, plus about a litre of water for the back 9.

It wasn't too expensive and was part of the day out, you shouldn't think people are crazy for buying a nice "treat" drink as part of their hobby.

If in doubt two bottles (about 1.5L) water does me unless its a baking hot day when I need more.
I too have one of these metal flasks. I gave up on the Lucazade Sport when I realised I was chucking away about a hundred plastic bottles a year!
On the subject of how much to drink, I play with a retired GP and this subject came up, I asked him how much and he replied, "Enough to make you pee twice!"
I’ll usually take a litre of a protein drink I use daily as part of my workouts, more out of habit of using it during exercise than anything else. I’ll have a 500ml bottle of water as well. Remembering to actually drink is more of a problem for me, although I’m planning on getting a trolley this year so hopefully with a drink holder I’ll be more likely to drink more regularly.

Paul's gonna lynch you if you start leaving your cans all over the course Robster! lol:ROFLMAO:
As many have said already i find bananas and nut bars handy and during the warmer months particularly i add a rehydration sachet (Dyralite or similar) to my water , i learnt quickly how bad Lucozade type energy drinks are not great , basically a sudden sugaar high followed by a crash
I usually have at least 2L of liquids in my bag which will be at least 1.5L water, with a small refill bottle of coconut water as well which is amazing for hydration & natural electrolytes & potassium.

As for @HomerJSimpson question of food, I normally have a banana, protein bar.
I usually have at least 2L of liquids in my bag which will be at least 1.5L water, with a small refill bottle of coconut water as well which is amazing for hydration & natural electrolytes & potassium.

As for @HomerJSimpson question of food, I normally have a banana, protein bar.

Hold on a minute there. I got suckered into trying a bottle of that coconut water after another one of these threads.

It is absolutely disgusting. How anyone enjoys drinking that I have no idea. You can keep your electrolytes. Haha
Hold on a minute there. I got suckered into trying a bottle of that coconut water after another one of these threads.

It is absolutely disgusting. How anyone enjoys drinking that I have no idea. You can keep your electrolytes. Haha
I like it but then I like most things coconut. It's not something you sit and drink like a Lucozade sport for flavour. But it is one of if not the best drink for rehydration and that for me is more important plus the sugars you get in those other drinks no thank you.

But its not for everyone ?
I like it but then I like most things coconut. It's not something you sit and drink like a Lucozade sport for flavour. But it is one of if not the best drink for rehydration and that for me is more important plus the sugars you get in those other drinks no thank you.

But its not for everyone ?

I'll rather die of dehydration thanks.
I wonder how long the perennial "oh dear, what shall I drink" thread will run on this occassion ...

It's usually a couple of hundred posts before it dies the death of inconclusivity & acrimony :)
I like it but then I like most things coconut. It's not something you sit and drink like a Lucozade sport for flavour. But it is one of if not the best drink for rehydration and that for me is more important plus the sugars you get in those other drinks no thank you.

But its not for everyone ?

I've only ever drunk it fresh (since it literally grows on the trees round here) quite nice but couldn't drink a pint of it. I doubt I'd stick a couple in the golf bag though
They are good and add a nice taste too. The SIS ones are nice as well but are generally more expensive
SIS have some good offers pop up on occasions, so I normally order a few tubes when they do. CNP used to do a ginger flavoured that I loved, but unfortunately discontinued it!
Given some of the comments you’d think it’s imossible for a human to run a marathon without drinking a gallon of sugary and salty water. How do they do that without eating or drinking for hours at a time? Its just golf we’re talking about here right? 4 hours casual walking with, probably, an electic buggy doing all the lifting work?

A coffee before a round and I carry a 330ml water bottle but tend to only drink half of it. Most bigger people than me likely need a bit more than that. Only time I eat during a round is if I’m walking past a steak pie and I consider that a greedy treat. On hot days i drink more water but don’t see many of those days.

There’s no single correct amount. The best advice is to drink if you’re thirsty, eat if you’re hungry. There’s absolutely no harm in an occaisional period of fasting. Its worked for hundreds of thousands of years and we’re still here. ?

Elite nutrition used by endurance athletes does not apply to the vast majority of people and especially not to golfers. Nobody can burn 6000 calories and lose 2kg water playing one round of golf. Be warey of the marketing hype of energy and sports food brands.