Starting out

Jb Hopkins

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Apr 22, 2021
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Hi everyone just starting out at 52 and been going to the local Driving Range in Perthshire before going out on the course and embarrising myself.
Ive been hitting between 100 - 150 balls each time, but after each session i've been comming away with a blistered and very sore finger where i've taken the skin off, is this a common thing starting out or am i doing something wrong, i use the interlocking grip when holding the club.
Thank you in advance for any replys all advice will be greatly appreciated


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Jul 24, 2012
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Have you had any lessons? I ask as without lessons do you know what to practice and what you want to achieve with your practice? To be honest I’d consider 100-150 balls in a session way too many. I’d be hitting maybe 30-50 max but focussing and taking time on one or two clubs and what my lessons have told me to practice.

But i say that as someone who started on the course and never saw a driving range until I was single figures.


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Nov 1, 2016
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That's too many balls to be of any use in my opinion. Much better to hit 50 but actually take your time to think about each one, as if each one actually matters rather than just whacking it.

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Hi everyone just starting out at 52 and been going to the local Driving Range in Perthshire before going out on the course and embarrising myself.
Ive been hitting between 100 - 150 balls each time, but after each session i've been comming away with a blistered and very sore finger where i've taken the skin off, is this a common thing starting out or am i doing something wrong, i use the interlocking grip when holding the club.
Thank you in advance for any replys all advice will be greatly appreciated

Silly question, but are you wearing a glove? I forgot to take a glove to the range once and got blistered.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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Try a glove and if you have blisters on your other hand (especially fingers) wrap a little fabric plaster around that.
You could do this for the second half your session. That way you will build up resistance without shredding.

Over 100 balls is too many. Best to hit 50 - 75 and really focus on what you are trying to achieve.


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Dec 12, 2019
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I was the same 18 months ago. Blisters on fingers and hand.
My advice would be to pay for lessons as they will go through set up, posture and grip before you even start hitting the ball.
I found out I was gripping the club to hard and my set up and ball position was all wrong.

Jb Hopkins

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Apr 22, 2021
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Have you had any lessons? I ask as without lessons do you know what to practice and what you want to achieve with your practice? To be honest I’d consider 100-150 balls in a session way too many. I’d be hitting maybe 30-50 max but focussing and taking time on one or two clubs and what my lessons have told me to practice.

But i say that as someone who started on the course and never saw a driving range until I was single figures.
Hi i havent had any lessons, just watch you tube videos for tuition, i do intend to get lessons in the future when finance allows.


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Jun 9, 2009
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Probably a mixture of things, gripping it to tight, grip not quite right, too many balls and your hands not used to it yet.

i would consider lessons, you don't want to be ingraining a swing fult this early.

only time i've ever had a blister is when i overdid it on balls, good luck and get out playing on a course, much more fun than a range

Jb Hopkins

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Apr 22, 2021
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Thank you everyone for all your replys and advice, i was just keen to go out and practice and didn't realise that i should just use less Balls. In the future il take that on board and do just that.
I was looking forward to my next visit that would of been today but had to cancel because of my Blisters.
Thank you again everyone:)

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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That is way too much effort and time on slogging away at full shots. If you are starting out to learn to play golf, then you should split the time you have into 40% putting, 30% pitching and chipping (75, 50 and 25 yard shots) and 30% hitting full shots. Unfortunately very few ranges give you the opportunity to practice the 70% most important part of the game. Lessons can be useful, but I learned mostly from watching and emulating others and reading instructional books. This is my view. Others might give you a completely different perspective. It is up to you to use the advice that you think makes most sense to you. (50 plus years of golfing experience, current Handicap Index 3.8)

Jb Hopkins

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Apr 22, 2021
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That is brilliant advice, i always thought that most things about learning Golf was how far you could hit the Ball with your Irons, i will now concentrate on my Putting and Chipping, thank you so much for the advice ?


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
That is way too much effort and time on slogging away at full shots. If you are starting out to learn to play golf, then you should split the time you have into 40% putting, 30% pitching and chipping (75, 50 and 25 yard shots) and 30% hitting full shots.

Excellent point about practicing the rest of the game in addition to other than hitting full shots.... When you FIRST start, big improvements come from when you can get the ball airborne and find it again! The next big jump is when improve from 50 yards and in. Turn 4 shots into 3, then 3 into 2.

Yep, you can it it miles, but you have to be able to find it :) and then somehow get it into a wee hole! :) Remember a massive drive counts the same number of shots as a 2 inch putt

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Perhaps this belongs in today's philosophy thread, but it is another quote from my dear departed father,

"Two faults that you need to overcome on the course when learning or improving;
Standing too close to the ball after you've hit it.
Hitting the ball too many times."


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Hey @Jb Hopkins first off you might be gripping too hard but that’s possibly because you’re not gripping it in the right way - check out Padraigs great advice (all videos well worth watching)

A proper grip

Then, get yourself to a golf course! I did the same as you but you’ll find loads are happy to welcome a newcomer and god help you, impart their advice. Look at this place. Bunch of Lunatics. Except me. I’m fine.

Jb Hopkins

New member
Apr 22, 2021
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Hey @Jb Hopkins first off you might be gripping too hard but that’s possibly because you’re not gripping it in the right way - check out Padraigs great advice (all videos well worth watching)

A proper grip

Then, get yourself to a golf course! I did the same as you but you’ll find loads are happy to welcome a newcomer and god help you, impart their advice. Look at this place. Bunch of Lunatics. Except me. I’m fine.
Hey @Jb Hopkins first off you might be gripping too hard but that’s possibly because you’re not gripping it in the right way - check out Padraigs great advice (all videos well worth watching)

A proper grip

Then, get yourself to a golf course! I did the same as you but you’ll find loads are happy to welcome a newcomer and god help you, impart their advice. Look at this place. Bunch of Lunatics. Except me. I’m fine.
Thank you Curls, was going to wait 6 months or so before i went on a Golf course to save embarrassing myself and holding everyone up, everyone has been so nice to me with there replys and advice, think im going to like it here ??


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Hi i havent had any lessons, just watch you tube videos for tuition, i do intend to get lessons in the future when finance allows.

Cut back on the amount of balls you hit and you'll soon have enough for a 30 min lesson.
That will be long enough to learn how to stand at the beginning of the swing, how to stand at the end of the swing and how to hold it. That will be a good start.
I do like how you enjoy going to the range, that suggests to me with a bit of guidance, you will end up a good player but as has been said before, get the lesson sooner rather than later.