Slow Play on Tour - put on the clock

  • Thread starter Deleted member 15344
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Jul 11, 2009
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Three fines. What a complete non-story. It’s their job. It isn’t the local ten handicapper who needs to get home because his missus wants to go for Sunday lunch. Let them take as long as they need.
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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Seems a little pointless stat to keep and does nothing to improve slow play, from all those players on that list only 3 fines of 3k!


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Three fines. What a complete non-story. It’s their job. It isn’t the local ten handicapper who needs to get home because his missus wants to go for Sunday lunch. Let them take as long as they need.

It should be remembered that a lot of the tour's income comes from TV revenue. The TV companies have schedules and will only broadcast an event for a certain amount of time. It is not unusual for the end of an event not to be shown in America because another 'more important' sports event has started.

The tours cannot do anything about the amount of available daylight and if tour players start to take too long in order to get all players round they will start to reduce the size of the field.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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Three fines. What a complete non-story. It’s their job. It isn’t the local ten handicapper who needs to get home because his missus wants to go for Sunday lunch. Let them take as long as they need.

This is such a poor attitude to have. Part of the skill should be playing a shot under pressure without taking 90 seconds to do it. to read and appraise the course and conditions quickly and play without delay.

In my view the ET and PGA tour clearly has the resource to enforce timings a lot more readily than they do.

At the moment, players only get put on the clock if they fall behind the group in front of them, so there is a kind of vested interest in no one group playing particularly quickly because a) the group ahead are not going to allow them and b) they will succeed in getting the group behind put on the clock and they obviously realise another week, that could be them.

As a result the whole thing slows down to a standstill.

Ok, so a good broadcast can show a lot of shots without it appearing that play is all that slow, but the crux comes when you are watching a final group and there are really only 2 players involved in the tournament - you are watching maybe 80 or 90 meaningful shots and it could take 5 hours. When this is a Euro event and it is on during the day - it becomes very noticeable that your day is ebbing away and you can't believe how long they are taking.

I feel a much quicker game of under 4 hours would actually be a much more entertaining broadcast and things would move at a much brisker pace.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Issuing fines is a complete waste of time unless you're talking 10s of thousands - that might make them sit up and pay attention.
Unless the powers that be are prepared to dock shots from the perpetrators nothing is going to change.
But they get put on the clock - lo and behold they speed up until they're back in line and then slow down again.
They should be spending some of the huge purses that are on offer on more referees so each player can be timed.
Get a bad time anywhere in the round and they're on a last chance...get another and it's a shot gone
Episodes like Ko's caddy a couple of weeks ago are simply not right and shouldn't be acceptable.
Obviously, sometimes, there needs to be a ruling and that can take time but it's easy to take that into account


Jul 11, 2009
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I think football matches should be played over an hour, not ninety minutes. I don’t have that amount of time and it would mean they could show more games each day on the same channel.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I think football matches should be played over an hour, not ninety minutes. I don’t have that amount of time and it would mean they could show more games each day on the same channel.

Why not cut each match to 5 minutes and then they could show the entire season in a single show and as a bonus they could do away with the goal of the season


Aug 5, 2018
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I think football matches should be played over an hour, not ninety minutes. I don’t have that amount of time and it would mean they could show more games each day on the same channel.
The issue that televised golf has compared with televised football, is that there are millions out there willing to sacrifice 2 hours to watch a Premier League game. There are probably 5 figures at best watching a European Tour event on Sky, so they can't afford to have things like slow play putting viewers off.

You might not mind about players taking 2 minutes over 6ft putts, but I can assure you that the majority of potential TV viewers cannot be bothered to put up with that.

Deleted member 1147

The fact Fitzpatrick, a known speedster, is on that list highlights to me what a daft system they have in place. Who was he partnered with?
Why don’t they just time & punish the slow individuals rather than the group?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Still say its simple. Issue a yellow card for each breach and then a red for a second. If thats the same event its a DQ and if its the next week you miss the next. When the season starts and we get into the really big events that will cost a player plenty of cash. It needs something radical but it also needs every group, every week to be monitored to be transparent and fair. Are the ET/PGA really prepared to put resources into tackling a problem or like the ECB, happy to stick the odd fine out there and effectively sweep it under the carpet

Deleted member 1147

They don’t need bans.
Shot penalties would be effective.
It’s worse for the game to lose big names from events than to have slow play.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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They don’t need bans.
Shot penalties would be effective.
It’s worse for the game to lose big names from events than to have slow play.
But why should the big names be treated differently to a tour rookie?? Fines for the top players are a drop in the ocean with the amounts they earn so its hardly a deterrent.

Deleted member 1147

But why should the big names be treated differently to a tour rookie?? Fines for the top players are a drop in the ocean with the amounts they earn so its hardly a deterrent.
I didn't suggest fines - I said shot penalties, that s a proper deterrent!