Slow Play on Tour - put on the clock

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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Wah wah wah. What sort of narcissism gives golf viewers the right to demand people playing for their livelihoods should play at a pace they aren’t happy with just because they find it boring?

And as for other professional players whinging about it - well of course they will. They know it will negatively affect their opposition thus making it easier for them to win, at least in the short term. They’ve played with slow players for years at this stage. They know how to adapt to it but still they whinge because it’s all about unleveling the playing field and making slower players lose their ability to be properly prepared.

If you take thirty seconds to hit your ball, fine. Start your routine later and relax in the mean time. That’s easy to do.

If you take ninety seconds and someone insists you do it in forty five, there’s no way to compensate and you’re immediately disadvantaged.

What an absolute joke.

Could you please explain why this is narcissism? I don't understand how this word works in this context.

Also, you do realise that professional golfers are being paid to entertain the audience? That is the whole object of professional golf. So it is normal to express an opinion if you are paying for entertainment and you do not feel you are being entertained.


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2015
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Nonsense, narcissistic post. It’s their job.

Their job is "entertainer", nothing else. All professional sport is completely and utterly worthless except as an entertainment for other people (be it the joy of watching, or as a subject for betting). If people aren't entertained then they don't pay. If there's no one who will pay to see it all the sponsors go away. If all the sponsors go away then all the money goes away. If the sloths think they'll keep their private jets without big corporate sponsors and TV deals then they're in for a surprise.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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It must come from the players. TV producers will switch cameras to other activity so viewers won't endure the wait: advertisers will be immune.


Jun 20, 2018
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Their job is "entertainer", nothing else. All professional sport is completely and utterly worthless except as an entertainment for other people (be it the joy of watching, or as a subject for betting). If people aren't entertained then they don't pay. If there's no one who will pay to see it all the sponsors go away. If all the sponsors go away then all the money goes away. If the sloths think they'll keep their private jets without big corporate sponsors and TV deals then they're in for a surprise.
I thinks it's only really an issue for the players, it certainly doesn't detract from the viewing experience. There is always something for the t.v. co to flick to if someone is faffing over a putt.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Thing is, even after all that faffing about, he missed the putt. It did not help. The ball did not even look close to going in. Playing stupidly slowly is not making him a better golfer, so it is pointless, unless it is done to disadvantage someone else.

Oh, and all this tv cuts to another player guff, they don't. Jumping about ruins the narrative the director is trying to show.

In the US, the tv coverage has a set window. If play has not finished by the time the schedule ends, it ends, and you have to google the winner. Slow play is ruining the viewing experience over there (along with ad breaks all the time).


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I thinks it's only really an issue for the players, it certainly doesn't detract from the viewing experience. There is always something for the t.v. co to flick to if someone is faffing over a putt.
Not really ,I must have watched that waterfall on Sky this weekend for quite some time.!


Head Pro
Jun 27, 2017
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I agree that this is an issue between professionals, but that doesn't make it less irritating or important to do something about it. You should need no more than 60 seconds to play your shot. That is ample time.

Any more than that and you are affecting the people you are playing with. Players continually taking longer should be penalised via stroke penalties. Financial fines will mean nothing.

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Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Thing is, even after all that faffing about, he missed the putt. It did not help. The ball did not even look close to going in.
After commenting to his caddie that it comes in a bit from the right, it didn't move and he missed on the right by a couple of inches, running on 2-3'


Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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good on the European Tour, its definitely a step in the right direction, lets see how its implemented!
Saw similar on Sky.

All very good in principal but are we going to see it applied for all groups including the early starters usually the lesser known players and who is going to work out the shot clock timings? Will there now be a timekeeper with every group? Sounds like good rhetoric but lets see it implemented fairly across the board


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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If I understand then it will work like this:

Players keeping up with the group in front will have 1 min 25 seconds/1 min 10 seconds to take a shot depending on whether they are first to play in the group. This 15% reduction in current timing still seems crazy long for the 2nd and subsequent players who have already had 1½ to 2½ minutes to prepare for their shots while player/s before them take their shot/s, get them down to 40 seconds!
There is surely no sane reason not to because this is the only place where round times can be meaningfully reduced because it covers the play of most players in the field, but by design its already being set for an excessive round time by only reducing the shot time limit by a paltry 15 seconds for subsequent players

However here's what would happen in a group keeping up with the group in front:
  • Player A breaches 85/70 sec shot time limit once, no action
  • Players A breaches 85/70 sec shot time limit twice, the player can use their one off ‘40 second time extension’, no action
  • Player A breaches 85/70 sec shot time limit for a third time and only then do they get a one shot penalty
If play by one or more players in a group is slow enough for a group to fall behind the group in front (so that they’re out of position) then players in that group are put on a more stringent shot clock of 50 seconds if playing 1st and 40 seconds if not 1st . Here's what will happen;
  • Player A breaches 50/40 sec shot time limit once, no action
  • Players A breaches 50/40 sec shot time limit twice, the player can use their one off ‘40 second time extension’, no action
  • Player A breaches 50/40 sec shot time limit for a third time and only then do they get a one shot penalty
Seems weak that it still needs 3 time breaches before any penalty is given. Is that really different to the current tour pace of play rules, except the current ones aren’t really applied anyway

As a tv viewer it doesn't really bother me how long they take but as a meaningful solution to address slow play by the Tour i'm not impressed :confused:

edited due to incorrect info
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Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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If I understand then it will work like this:

Players keeping up with the group in front will have 1 min 25 seconds/1 min 10 seconds to take a shot depending on whether they are first to play in the group. This 15% reduction in current timing still seems crazy long for the 2nd and subsequent players who have already had 1½ to 2½ minutes to prepare for their shots while player/s before them take their shot/s, get them down to 40 seconds!
There is surely no sane reason not to because this is the only place where round times can be meaningfully reduced because it covers the play of most players in the field, but by design its already being set for an excessive round time by only reducing the shot time limit by a paltry 15 seconds for subsequent players

However here's what would happen in a group keeping up with the group in front:
  • Player A breaches 85/70 sec shot time limit once, no action
  • Players A breaches 85/70 sec shot time limit twice, the player can use their one off ‘40 second time extension’, no action
  • Player A breaches 85/70 sec shot time limit for a third time and only then do they get a one shot penalty
If play by one or more players in a group is slow enough for a group to fall behind the group in front (so that they’re out of position) then players in that group are put on a more stringent shot clock of 50 seconds if playing 1st and 40 seconds if not 1st . Here's what will happen;
  • Player A breaches 50/40 sec shot time limit once, no action
  • Players A breaches 50/40 sec shot time limit twice, the player can use their one off ‘40 second time extension’, no action
  • Player A breaches 50/40 sec shot time limit for a third time and only then do they get a one shot penalty
Seems weak that it still needs 3 time breaches before any penalty is given. Is that really different to the current tour pace of play rules, except the current ones aren’t really applied anyway

As a tv viewer it doesn't really bother me how long they take but as a meaningful solution to address slow play by the Tour i'm not impressed :confused:

edited due to incorrect info
My issue is who is monitoring this and standing there with the clock and when the timings start and is it being done throughout the field from first group until the last one finishes. I admire the ET trying to tackle this and issuing a set out policy but not sure the logistics have been thought through completely


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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My issue is who is monitoring this and standing there with the clock and when the timings start and is it being done throughout the field from first group until the last one finishes. I admire the ET trying to tackle this and issuing a set out policy but not sure the logistics have been thought through completely

I think we have to assume/trust they've considered that and have a plan (I read they're trialing the group timing thingy at Wentworth)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I missed this back in 2016

Wonder if he was reprimanded behind closed doors
Seems he had a reaction to going quickly and it made him even slower since then. I can't help feeling this is all hot air from the ET and while I applaud them for recognising there is a problem and while it may be policed stringently for a few events I can't see it being a long term solution and as I've said I have concerns whether all players will be treated equally and each and every one monitored properly