Skymark = distraught

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IMO It's too easy to claim user error. If a pro can shank a shot, then I'm pretty sure many an amateur can and will miss by half an inch. If I were a club designer I could make the crown of the driver out of glass, sell it to the naysayers, and blame it on user error when it shattered. "What, your driver is broken? Sorry, not my fault, your supposed to hit the middle of the face every time. Buy another and take some lessons." Possibly a bit of an extreme example, but if you're producing a product for the masses, then surely you take into account user error, and build the product to withstand a mis-hit or ten.
I hit skies back when I was a youngster learning to play the game, clubs are not designed to be hit on the crown and if they were they'd be ugly and not conforming to regulations. Accept it and move on
I can’t believe manufacturers haven’t got to grips with this issue yet.

You pay £300-£500 for a club that marks up as soon as you hit 1-2 sky shots? Ridiculous.

If they can’t make paint bomb proof on the top edge of the crown then why paint it at all?

Driver faces are either unpainted or coated differently, why not just extend this area over the top edge of the crown? Seems a simple solution to me.
Why not just make drivers 700cc to make the game real easy. I think they should bring in a 380cc limit, it would at least bring an element of skill back
IMO It's too easy to claim user error. If a pro can shank a shot, then I'm pretty sure many an amateur can and will miss by half an inch. If I were a club designer I could make the crown of the driver out of glass, sell it to the naysayers, and blame it on user error when it shattered. "What, your driver is broken? Sorry, not my fault, your supposed to hit the middle of the face every time. Buy another and take some lessons." Possibly a bit of an extreme example, but if you're producing a product for the masses, then surely you take into account user error, and build the product to withstand a mis-hit or ten.

If I were you, I'd take my chances with Cobra, got nothing to lose really, however, in saying that, I'm with parsaregood, he's telling it as it is, you may not like what he says but just by reading the posts, he, in my opinion, is pretty accurate.
If Cobra are willing to take it back and have a look at it, why wouldn't you do it?
It's a no-brainer.
What's the worst that could happen?
They say No and send it back to you.

To be honest, if that sky was made by 1 shot then it looks like a dodgy paint finish to take that much off.
Don't be surprised if they replace it.
I think this is a paint problem a sky mark years ago was just lines on the paint.
This is a chunk that’s not adhered to the face imo.
With these flexing faces the edges of some finishes are better than others.
It’s very easy to respray a club head a car spray will do, prime the spot first and gentle wire wool and clean with sugar soap or tacky rag,just do the whole crown don’t just do the chip you will see it
The paint on my Ping G400 hybrids is like cheese! Annoying but it's only a golf club! It you smash something very hard into a golf ball, time after time, it's going to need very good paint.
(My G30's definitely has more resistant paint - there's progress for you!)
Took the driver back the golf centre where I was fitted, and asked for it to be sent back to Cobra. They offered to swap it for their demo head there and then. Deal!
You’ve been given a new head for rock all despite the fact that you stuffed it up. There’s a cost in there somewhere which you have not picked up.

Au contraire, sir, I've been given a used head in exchange for mine, which will be sold by my local driving range as an ex demo club when the range is updated. Granted they will make a small loss, but they were happy to do so, likely due to the fact I'm a loyal customer and spend a small fortune there every year supporting the golf industry. Your point is completely wrong, irrelevant and frankly quite insulting. Xx
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