Shoulders too open at impact


Nov 16, 2011
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Different people learn in different ways.
Therefor, it makes sense that people teach in different ways.
I know teachers that are big fans of Homer Kelley and have read his book from cover to cover, does that make them better teachers......maybe, maybe not.
You obviously have an interest in the scientific approach to the golf swing. I don't.
I teach by feel, not mechanics. I feel it's a simpler method and doesnt invlove filling the pupils head with mechanical thoughts...hence the headcover drill.

Thanks Bob.

I'm actually rather in both camps. Feel strikes me as much more natural, but I also want to understand the mechanics (not actually word I like in relation to a flowing swing) as well. Classic query to challenge is 'length' and position of the left thumb on the grip! It actually has amazing consequences, but wouldn't be the obvious solution to/cause of the things it fixes/affects.

Both feel and positional/mechanical seem to have advantages and disadvantages imo. A mix is probably best imo.

And a thought to perhaps ponder with tonight's Merlot... I don't think you are totally 'feel'. Headcover drill is trying to do/not do something mechanical. And isn't the V-Easy very mechanical - though feel will be a result?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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And a thought to perhaps ponder with tonight's Merlot... I don't think you are totally 'feel'. Headcover drill is trying to do/not do something mechanical. And isn't the V-Easy very mechanical - though feel will be a result?

If I was to teach someone to swing more in to out, I could tell them what to do with their right shoulder, right, hip, wrist hinge etc in the transition...........
or ask them to swing in between the 2 headcovers.
The golfer would then do all the stuff with their hips, elbows, wrists etc without thinking about it.
To me, thats simpler.

And as for the V-easy...
you cant get a more' feel' training aid if you tried.
You set up to the ball, you swing back and you feel the wrists staying firm throughout the stroke. No instruction required.

And I've moved onto Cabernet Sauvignon


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi Bob tried the headcover drill

Now getting about 50 yds with my driver cover !

I have tried in the past many of these drills , head cover etc and mostly i always miss the object

I am sure my path is only a fraction out but enough to create a small pull of approx 15/20 yds left of target

When i sort my shoulders the ball flys straight or a slight draw, i am sure the correct shoulder movement is resulting in a better path

But for me the feel of it results in being able to reproduce so i am with you Bob FEEL is better than technical fixes


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Might help, might not, but try....

Stand at address without a club with palms together. Make your backswing with your right arm only, leaving the left where it is.
Swing down making your right hand clap the left one, sending the left towards your pretend target. That to me is the feeling​ you're looking for in the real swing.