Should I get PGA qualified?


Deleted Member 1156

People should be thinking about how to swing the club correctly for the type of shot they want to hit, NOT thinking about hitting the ball. It's as simple as that.


Sep 11, 2011
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Maybe I'm missing the semantics of impact but I always thought that the aim was to swing through the ball, not at it. Impact isn't taught because the swing is comprised of back and through. The danger of teaching impact is pupils end up thinking 'hit,' instead of 'through' on a particular line...


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Maybe I'm missing the semantics of impact but I always thought that the aim was to swing through the ball, not at it. Impact isn't taught because the swing is comprised of back and through. The danger of teaching impact is pupils end up thinking 'hit,' instead of 'through' on a particular line...

It's not about impact Hobbit in the sense of hitting the ball or hitting at it, and not swinging thru, it's about impact conditions. where the clubface/path will be at IMPACT. When you say to someone you need your club face open at impact you are not telling them to hit AT the ball. :thup:


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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Maybe I'm missing the semantics of impact but I always thought that the aim was to swing through the ball, not at it. Impact isn't taught because the swing is comprised of back and through. The danger of teaching impact is pupils end up thinking 'hit,' instead of 'through' on a particular line...

Thats what I've always been taught Hobbit. You've put that across in quite a simple understandable fashion :thup:


Tour Winner
Dec 13, 2012
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Ok, I felt I wagered a sensible contribution earlier, but now you're all talking tosh. We swing and hit a white ball, then we go find it and do it again, as best we can.

Good night.


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Now im no expert, that hardly shocked anyone , this IMPACT thing has me , i always said its about lining the club up behind the ball aiming where you want it to go then geting the club back to this exact set up position .. so for me its always about the position / relationship of the ball and the club at IMPACT .. how you get the club away from and back to the moment of impact is not as important ..

some times our back swing may be impared by branches or another obstruction etc set the club at the ball , swing as you are allowed , get the club back to where it was set up , good impact = good result

Just a hackers opinion tho ,


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Thats what I've always been taught Hobbit. You've put that across in quite a simple understandable fashion :thup:
Sorry Qwerty but you've not understood the question, but you are right in what you are referring to, you'd never teach someone to hit AT the ball, IMPACT happens (as you say) as you swing thru :thup:

Deleted Member 1156

Maybe I'm missing the semantics of impact but I always thought that the aim was to swing through the ball, not at it. Impact isn't taught because the swing is comprised of back and through. The danger of teaching impact is pupils end up thinking 'hit,' instead of 'through' on a particular line...

Where is the 'Like' button when you need it :thup:


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Maybe I'm missing the semantics of impact but I always thought that the aim was to swing through the ball, not at it. Impact isn't taught because the swing is comprised of back and through. The danger of teaching impact is pupils end up thinking 'hit,' instead of 'through' on a particular line...
to me it stiil has to be important of the position of club & ball at point of impact , then explode through that with your follow through


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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It's not about impact Hobbit in the sense of hitting the ball or hitting at it, and not swinging thru, it's about impact conditions. where the clubface/path will be at IMPACT. When you say to someone you need your club face open at impact you are not telling then to hit AT the ball. :thup:

Thats right. It's the 'impact Zone' that is important, a zone that starts around a foot before the ball to a foot after it.

I think that if people are taught how the clubface should pass through the impact zone then most other things will take care of themselves. Once someone is taught the basic setup of stance, grip and alignment they would learn better if they were given drills that achieve good impact conditions, these will change somewhat for differing clubs.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
So you determine the type of shot you want to hit... and then swing the club?

Seeing as you didn't reply:

If you agree with this sentence (which I do) all you have to do is swap the word SHOT with the word IMPACT

then you end up with this sentence

So you determine the type of IMPACT you want to hit... and then swing the club

Which is exactly what I said in the first place. Impact is the point of the swing, not the result of it. You've learned something without actually knowing it - which is pretty cool :thup:

impact comes before the swing, you determine impact and THEN make the swing, not the other way round. Impact is not the result of the swing....we swing to make the impact we have ALREADY decided on :thup:
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Deleted member 1740

Some proper cry arsin in this thread by grown men is embarrassing.

Back to the OP.

I think you should get qualified as a PGA Pro as it will only help you improve your coaching ability.

Btw, do you coach all your the pupils the very same way?

My pro i use is immense and has helped me and my game massively over 4yrs and i would certainly travel 70+ miles for 30min lesson.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Back to the OP.

I think you should get qualified as a PGA Pro as it will only help you improve your coaching ability.

Btw, do you coach all your the pupils the very same way?

Not really. People are of different standards so they need different things, Gibbo for example needed a better posture and to get his hands more ahead whilst Virtuocity had a mahoooosive overswing and needed less work on his posture, but they both collapsed their right elbow, but for different reasons. Virtuocity had a huge 'chicken wing' from casting the club, gibbo didn't - so things aren't the same even though the swing theory IS.

BTW. I don't teach stack and tilt......... (unless someone either wants to or is already using the pattern). Virtuocity was stack and tilt (well kind of) and we've gone away from that just a little to give him better impact conditions (his right shoulder was too high and his upper body was too far forward). But I'd still recommend it to anyone that is struggling with their game.
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Deleted member 1740

Not really. People are of different standards so they need different things, Gibbo for example needed a better posture and to get his hands more ahead whilst Virtuocity had a mahoooosive overswing and needed less work on his posture, but they both collapsed their right elbow, but for different reasons. Virtuocity had a huge 'chicken wing' from casting the club, gibbo didn't - so things aren't the same even though the swing theory IS.

BTW. I don't teach stack and tilt unless someone either wants to or is already using the pattern. Virtuocity was stack and tilt and we've gone away from that just a little to give him better impact conditions (his right shoulder was too high and his upper body was too far forward).

What's S&T got to do with what i asked you?

It's good to know your flexible with your teaching methods.

I had a overswing problem that plagued my game for nearly 2 months so i went to see my teaching pro and within 5 mins he'd FIXED my problem he never patched it up.

I've had 8 x 30 min lessons since i started playing properly in 2008 and my pro has built my swing.


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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impact comes before the swing, you determine impact and THEN make the swing, not the other way round. Impact is not the result of the swing....we swing to make the impact we have ALREADY decided on :thup:

So one we decide on what we perceive to be the prefect impact for the shot we desire then how do we achieve that perfect impact position ?

For me it's a swing of the club, 97 of them today . Room for improvement me thinks but do have injury to right foot making me hold back on the shot, any tips to overcome that James ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
What's S&T got to do with what i asked you?

It's good to know your flexible with your teaching methods.

I had a overswing problem that plagued my game for nearly 2 months so i went to see my teaching pro and within 5 mins he'd FIXED my problem he never patched it up.

I've had 8 x 30 min lessons since i started playing properly in 2008 and my pro has built my swing.

That's great, what's your h/cap? how often do you play?

(the reference to S&T is because people think that's what I teach so I thought I'd mention it)