Really not happy


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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So the waiting is over, the sticks finally arrived last week. Too late to play mind but I did get a chance to get out on the range with them.

Worked all weekend and really looked forward to my game today. I was meant to be playing the Nicklaus course at Carden park but guess what.... I cant play.

I woke up this morning with a crooked neck :(

Day in bed with the hot water bottle treatment.

So not happy, Prob have to wait another week to play!

*sobs into pillow*

I hope you've done a suitable workstation audit and assessment so that your PC isn't the cause of the problem ;)

I'm in the ame boat, slipped on old snow yesterday and now have a shoulder and neck problem. Hardly slept at all last night.
Well I am lying back with the laptop on my knee's, and water bottle under my neck.

Is that ok do you think?

I fell asleep with 3 pillows under my head and the window was blowing a mighty draft on my neck when I woke up. The 2 most common causes TOGETHER. Grrr.

Took a few pills, got the movelat gel on too. I am hoping by some miracle, Its better for tommorow maybe!
A bizarre injury but one we're all familiar with alas
Takes a couple of days to ease off usually.
At least you have your new bats! And your not stuck in work with a massive pile of paperwork to do.

One of my mates is a GP and he had a client who had the same as you for about 3 years! They had to be off sick for the whole time as they had a physical job, keep trying to move it slowly and gently massage the area mate.

P.S. Enjoy the day time TV
Well what a dramatic turn of events.

I necked a few pills, got the cream and hot water bottle on it and by 12:00 it was virtually gone. Should I go for a game? WHY NOT i thought.

Got ready, rang the club, course was open, very quiet skies were grey. Started to rain as I pulled up. I was so determined to use these clubs I thought there is no way I am letting a bit of rain stop me after over coming this mornings obstacle.

Quick warm up to make sure I was ok and discovered I could really only 3/4 swing and had to keep the head still in the swing. I thought this might work to my advantage, and guess what... It did.

I started with a nice drive down the middle. Not overly long due to short swing but left me a wedge into first green. I took the most perfect ball divot combo I could of wished for with the 53, ball popped up high and landed softly, right smack bang in the middle of the green from exactly 100 yards.

Next hole is my Nemesis. A 170 par 3 to a raised green shaped almost like a bloody boob. I never hit it and always struggled to reach it with a 4 iron. Off the winter tee's it plays about 10 yards shorter and I nailed the front with a 6. Perfect strike, perfect flight. Well happy.

Most of the round carried on the same, hitting about 8 out of 10 G.I.R's.

The par 3 17th Island green I usualy take an 8 to, a nice easy 3/4 9 had me a 8fter for an easy 2 put par.

The irons were just magic, I think I will be playing these for a very long time and I am now well and truley in the Mizuno camp. I honestly feel that my scores will start tumbling and I may just be able to break that 80 barrier in the next 12 months.

To summise, the key to playing great golf is, A sore neck :D
O and great irons too. :D
Good distance with the 53* wedge, Dont know why but I really struggle to hit my wedges well from anything over 50 yards, usually choke down on my PW and keep my fingers crossed, have been trying to sort it out the last few weeks with no success.
I used to hit my x20 gap 100 yards with a full swing. This one flys 100 with a 3/4. I think I will stick to using 3/4 swing with wedges as less usually goes wrong.

I didn't keep score Hywell as I didnt really expect to play well. I still dont know exactly what distance I am hitting each club but I was managing to find the middle most times. If not I was on the front.

I kinda gave my self 2 putts on the last few holes as the heavens opened and everything, including me boxer shorts got completely drenched. I should of walked off actually but I couldnt of been any wetter. I had the jacket on so my top half was warm and dry so I carried on.

I wreckon of the 10 holes I played I would have only been about 3 or 4 over. Seriously.

The 18th is usally a short par 4 but they have turned it to a short par 3. About 130-140 yards and the wind was really howling alot. I had decided to walk in at this point but I just couldnt resist as I had to walk past anyway. Got the 6 iron out and hit a low punch just to see if I could work the clubs and I hit the green first try. I changed down to a 5 and the wind carried on battering me, knocked another low one right into the middle of the green. I was so amazed I didnt care about the god awful conditions.

I can't wait to get out again.
Glad the round went well, and the knecks not serious!

I recently hurt my back a day before I was due to play Hellidon lakes, and had to pull out.

Of all the rock N Roll ways to do my back in it was picking my kid up out of bed!!! Simple bloody act I do every day meant 3 weeks off golf, I was gutted!
Crazy isn't it. The last time I had a crooked neck was because when I woke up, I stretched and cracked my neck four times. Pain was so bad I almost collapsed and was in bed for 5 days.

Should be better for tommorow and I hope to god the rain stays off!
I'm glad you managed to get out for a few holes and that the golfing gods don't seek redemption by giving you a cold or chill. Sounds like you may have discovered a golfing holy grail to hit everything with a short 3/4 swing.

It will be interesting to see what happens when you are fully fit again and swinging freely and whether the clubs still behave themselves. Not sure you'll be around to reply tonight as I magine each club is currently being lovingly washed dried and laid out to recover from the soaking and the conditions.
Dont be daft H, it was done as soon as I got through the door. :D

They are so easy to keep clean aswell because there is no cavity (so to speak)

Thinking about it, what class do the MP52's come in, they aint blades are they? Game improvement? or is that the MX range?
Glad you are giving them the love they need and desire. I'm sure HID thinks I am spending more time on my golf kit (just been putting spikes in some of my shoes for better grip and giving them all a clean) than her. As if!!!!!!!!
I think Mizuno call them Tour Profile Dual Muscle Cavity's What ever that means.

Don't worry too much about which class they are in. They work for you so they're 1st class!
Tour prefered, lets call them blades :D

I only ask cause someone asked me yesterday and he said 'yeah there game improvement' and I didnt think they were.
G.I blades then? :D

What ever they are, They are ace.

Just been to the range and let SWMBO pick my targets. I had a great workout.
I did ask if she wanted to play catch? There is a nice little raised green at our range I would of let her stand on. :D