Re membership fees

What clubs should do with their offers is to restrict them to non voting , who cares, and social golf with no county card. And I would apply to all reduced fees. If you want full benefits then pay full price
Just looked into my last club about rejoining at this time of the year....with a reduction in fees of course since this is swamp time of the year (I really need a field to practice on). It looks like the deal they have had for years (currently £850+ £5 a round) is going to be phased out and go to a straight full membership fee.....guess it wasn't paying off at this time.
Just looked into my last club about rejoining at this time of the year....with a reduction in fees of course since this is swamp time of the year (I really need a field to practice on). It looks like the deal they have had for years (currently £850+ £5 a round) is going to be phased out and go to a straight full membership fee.....guess it wasn't paying off at this time.
£5 a round was pretty generous compared to the full rate. May have cost them full members, ie why pay full rate. Ah well......
After the really wet winters of the past few years there have been many people who have switched to these sort of deals or dropped a category from one that had say £1000 and £10 a round to £700 and £20 a round as winter golf has become worse with course closures more common. This has reduced the overall income that clubs who offer such deals receive. No wonder some are beginning to withdraw them.
Subs should be due the Monday after the Masters finishes.😂
Not January when we’re freezing our nuts off.
My FiL's club, my first club, used to be Jan 1st. This year they have finally changed to 31st March / 1st April, as per pretty much every other club in the area. Trying to get fees out of people in January was always crackers, where is the enthusiasm for golf at that point?
My FiL's club, my first club, used to be Jan 1st. This year they have finally changed to 31st March / 1st April, as per pretty much every other club in the area. Trying to get fees out of people in January was always crackers, where is the enthusiasm for golf at that point?
My club used to renew November - it then accepted that that could be an issue for some.
We switched from 1st Jan to 1st April many years ago. It was quickly realised we retain many more members that way.

I know that the increase has been set but not announced yet, at least I know it will less than last years 20%.
My FiL's club, my first club, used to be Jan 1st. This year they have finally changed to 31st March / 1st April, as per pretty much every other club in the area. Trying to get fees out of people in January was always crackers, where is the enthusiasm for golf at that point?

Dad's club do theirs in early January. They are a coastal club situated right by an estuary, at this point in the year the course has closed itself in prolonged periods of rain and even in good times it is a composite course of 12 holes or so. Ludicrous time to ask people to hand over cash.
My FiL's club, my first club, used to be Jan 1st. This year they have finally changed to 31st March / 1st April, as per pretty much every other club in the area. Trying to get fees out of people in January was always crackers, where is the enthusiasm for golf at that point?
My club is very progressive in almost everything except this .
You would lose less members imo if your fees were in the middle of the good weather.🌦️
I've looked at the reduced annual fee plus a small green fee each time option, but that doesn't really work if you often go out in the evening/late afternoon for just a few holes and a bit of practice.