Re membership fees

Jules rules

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Aug 30, 2019
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Are golf clubs allowed to offer discounts on annual membership fees by offering a joint membership. For example a joint 7 day membership for a husband and wife enables full 7 day membership benefits for the same cost as a single 5 day membership. Is this discrimination you aren’t getting the same value for money?
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Jul 12, 2022
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My old club were offering bring your wife for a year for £1 but think they lost 300 members last year so there really trying to get new members. Guess a club can do whatever deal they want when they want.


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Sep 22, 2009
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My understanding is that they can't discriminate by charging different rates , say, to men or women on the same membership but they can charge differently to under represented groups to encourage more to join. So, if there's less (say) 7 day women than men they can offer inducements of lower rates to potential new members, so then, on my example women and men can have different rates.


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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Many cIubs do this and have been doing for a long time and is no different to bulk buy offers in the rest of the economy.
Be interested to know why the OP thinks it may not be allowed.

Jules rules

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Aug 30, 2019
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Are golf clubs allowed to offer discounts on annual membership fees by offering a joint membership. For example a joint 7 day membership for a husband and wife enables full 7 day membership benefits for the same cost as a single 5 day membership.
Are golf clubs allowed to offer discounts on annual membership fees by offering a joint membership. For example a joint 7 day membership for a husband and wife enables full 7 day membership benefits for the same cost as a single 5 day membership.
I just think it is unfair that they get 5 day rates with 7 day benefit. If we as a single person pay for 5 days membership you are excluded from playing in weekend and in trophy competitions. Surely if you are paying the same you should get the same benefits. This isn’t equality.. You aren’t allowed to get a discount if you buy 5 raffle tickets …

Generally joint members seem to have more competition to enter and they tend to play more casual golf too..

Jules rules

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Aug 30, 2019
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I just think it is unfair that they get 5 day rates with 7 day benefit. If we as a single person pay for 5 days membership you are excluded from playing in weekend and in trophy competitions. Surely if you are paying the same you should get the same benefits. This isn’t equality.. You aren’t allowed to get a discount if you buy 5 raffle tickets …

Generally joint members seem to have more competition to enter and they tend to play more casual golf too..

Many cIubs do this and have been doing for a long time and is no different to bulk buy offers in the rest of the economy.
Be interested to know why the OP thinks it may not be allowed.
You can’t get a discount for buying 5 raffle tickets ..


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Mar 6, 2024
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I just think it is unfair that they get 5 day rates with 7 day benefit. If we as a single person pay for 5 days membership you are excluded from playing in weekend and in trophy competitions. Surely if you are paying the same you should get the same benefits. This isn’t equality.. You aren’t allowed to get a discount if you buy 5 raffle tickets …

Generally joint members seem to have more competition to enter and they tend to play more casual golf too..
Every Club is different, I’ve just checked our, a 7 Day rate for a couple saves £215 over the combined individual, man/woman rates.

A 5 day rate for a couple saves £261 over the combined individual man/woman rates.

We give no discount to any other 2 people from the same household, ie, father/son, brothers/sisters etc.

We also give a £280 discount to offshore workers off the 7 day membership rate.

Discounts to under 19-21, 22-25, male & females over 65 and over 70.

All is published on the website and around the Club, don’t see any problem with any of the categories, if I don’t like it, I have the option to leave.

Alan Clifford

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I just think it is unfair that they get 5 day rates with 7 day benefit. If we as a single person pay for 5 days membership you are excluded from playing in weekend and in trophy competitions. Surely if you are paying the same you should get the same benefits. This isn’t equality.. You aren’t allowed to get a discount if you buy 5 raffle tickets …

Generally joint members seem to have more competition to enter and they tend to play more casual golf too..
Life is unfair.


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Apr 22, 2024
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One person in the couple gets a 50% discount at my club, everybody under the age of 36 gets some sort of discount on their membership too. Doesn't bother me, club wouldn't be giving money away if they didn't have too, have to trust them to do what they think will help the club / membership