Putting in the livingroom



No harm in putting on a carpet, you have no reason to miss so should be able to groove a repeatable stroke. I use one of those mirrors with lines on to help set up etc.
Bloomin cats - mine is exactly the same, deflects putts just as they are about to hit the putt returner machine, she also takes great pleasure in continually pressing the return button even when there is no ball involved just to hear the motor whizz! She is currently busy mothering 6 kittens - unplanned, the dirty stopout! :mad:
My dog on the other hand just puts teeth marks in the golf balls !

need 6 names for kittens, 5 boys and 1 girl, was thinking golfers -
Monty, Sevvy, Tiger, Dottie, Olly and Daly.

Anyone got any better ideas?


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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That said, I haven't got any carpets, floorboards only. (no curtains to chip into either, or lamp shades to hit on the back swing). Only lived there 10 years, so no hurry to get these things sorted.

Putting on floorboards really doesn't work.

Frightens the cat too.

Mine tried chasing golf balls in the garden til I caught him full on the bonce with a 60 foot pitch. Soon cures them of interfering.

'Frightens the cat too'........christ that's made me laugh,I've got this image of the poor wee thing cowering away behind the sofa!!