Pulling no punches.



Whats happened to this forum over the last 6 months? Its gone to the dogs and is full of utter tripe posts and numerous tripe posters, people seem to troll for fun nowadays and its lost its appeal.

Enough is enough and I have decided to take a very back seat in relation to the GM Forum. I used to enjoy logging on to see what was fresh and enjoyed a healthy debate. All you get now is bickering, nonsense, bad language and sniping.

There are some excellent posters on here and there are the ones who like to pick a hole or abuse, you will know who you are.

Good luck to everyone for the rest of the season, hope all your handicap wishes and battles are won. I may lurk once in a while but this place is not what it used to be and has lost its appeal. I'm not the only "forumer" to notice this or feel this and I know of 2 others who have binned the site.

Thanks for the pleasure when it was a pleasure MikeH and it has been good to meet some people. I will be in touch with a few of you via email for games.

Finally will someone please tell Homer this is not his bloomin forum. There I have done it. No need anymore, hopefully he takes the hint.

God bless


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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Whats happened to this forum over the last 6 months? Its gone to the dogs and is full of utter tripe posts and numerous tripe posters, people seem to troll for fun nowadays and its lost its appeal.

Enough is enough and I have decided to take a very back seat in relation to the GM Forum. I used to enjoy logging on to see what was fresh and enjoyed a healthy debate. All you get now is bickering, nonsense, bad language and sniping.

There are some excellent posters on here and there are the ones who like to pick a hole or abuse, you will know who you are.

Good luck to everyone for the rest of the season, hope all your handicap wishes and battles are won. I may lurk once in a while but this place is not what it used to be and has lost its appeal. I'm not the only "forumer" to notice this or feel this and I know of 2 others who have binned the site.

Thanks for the pleasure when it was a pleasure MikeH and it has been good to meet some people. I will be in touch with a few of you via email for games.

Finally will someone please tell Homer this is not his bloomin forum. There I have done it. No need anymore, hopefully he takes the hint.

God bless

It's a shame to loose a contributer whose opinion I definitely value, however your mind is made up and I respect your opinion. I agree a fair amount of trash has begun appearing and I have reduced my input also in recent times- however there is still an awful lot of good on the forum. And I have no real issue with any poster so will continue to contribute.

I hope you do return periodically as it would be silly to give up on the site completely.

Anyway happy golfing for now, and I hope the 2 thumb keeps working- I pick up my putter with 2 thumb grip fitted from my pro tomorrow :D


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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I was wondering if we had been infiltrated by a covert group of Golf Magic forumers looking to dilute the quality of 'our' forum. I am not as keen on the forum as I once was and for instance I came home today from a 4 day break to find 40 new threads and 400 new posts.

With 650 new members in 6 months I guess we have helped create this monster.

We have lost a few good men on the forum for various reasons and the loss of an honest fellow Scotsman will be a loss but I hope to meet up at Letham Grange soon.

Keep in touch m8.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'll be interested to see if the craw responds to my question or PM. Personally I had no issue with him and always thought of him as a valued member of the forum and one of the good guys who'd always call it as he saw it.

Irrespective of his views towards me I'll miss him as well and hope he has a change of heart over time


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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I was wondering if we had been infiltrated by a covert group of Golf Magic forumers looking to dilute the quality of 'our' forum.

That's a bit unfair isn't it?
The "Golf Magic" forumers that have appeared on here lately registered in response to the inter forum match that KeefG and I are trying to organise. They popped on here to say a friendly "hello".... not one of them, as far as I can see, has been abusive or has tried to dilute the quality of this forum.
It's little wonder that people think there is a bit of a "clique" going on in here with comments like this, (and others made over the last few months referring to "lesser forums"), which frankly do nothing other than reinforce that idea.
The inter forum match has gained a lot of support and interest from both Golf Monthly and Golf Magic with some light hearted banter on both sides. Everybody who has put their name down for it has said how much they are looking forward to the event...
Comments like the above do nothing but reinforce the "them and us" mentality which in turn will lead to resentment.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 28, 2008
Where the Queen Lives!
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I'll be interested to see if the craw responds to my question or PM. Personally I had no issue with him and always thought of him as a valued member of the forum and one of the good guys who'd always call it as he saw it.

Irrespective of his views towards me I'll miss him as well and hope he has a change of heart over time

Maybe the new 'craze' of posting the details of every shot in every round you play has tipped him over the edge....


Head Pro
May 1, 2008
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Maybe the new 'craze' of posting the details of every shot in every round you play has tipped him over the edge....

I'm prety sure thats not a new thing? and isn't that part of what the forum is for, sometimes your busting tell someone all about a round, or a hole you have just played and if you're anything like me you wont have anyone at home who is remotley interested.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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And I'm alone in that am I?????? No-one makes anyone read anything I post on here

I agree with Smiffy and think its unfair to lay the blame at "infiltrators". From what I've seen the Golf Magic gang seem ok and they do share the same passion as us so not sure what they'd have to gain by coming on here and making spurious posts.

I think its sad that he's made this decision (with others apparently) but a forum will always attract opinion that may not sit well with the views of others. Quality (content and vocabulary/grammar) doesn't have to be impeccable as long as it is readable and doesn't cross any lines.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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I was wondering if we had been infiltrated by a covert group of Golf Magic forumers looking to dilute the quality of 'our' forum.

That is the most stupid post of the week/ month/ year. I post on both forums and to be honest, at times, they both can be as dull as each other. By jumping between the 2 you can normally find something of interest on one of them.

What you don't get on the Golf Magic forum is any playground "our forum is better than yours" crap. It is more informative than this one if you want to have a real in depth discussion about something rather than yet another "what driver should I buy" or "I average 250yds with my 3 wood" drivel that pops up here all the time.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2008
I was wondering if we had been infiltrated by a covert group of Golf Magic forumers looking to dilute the quality of 'our' forum.

That is the most stupid post of the week/ month/ year. I post on both forums and to be honest, at times, they both can be as dull as each other. By jumping between the 2 you can normally find something of interest on one of them.

What you don't get on the Golf Magic forum is any playground "our forum is better than yours" crap. It is more informative than this one if you want to have a real in depth discussion about something rather than yet another "what driver should I buy" or "I average 250yds with my 3 wood" drivel that pops up here all the time.
Totally agree with the above. This forum, as has been posted already, is now full of rubbish "golf bore" and happy clappy posts, hugely cliquey, and with a noticeably elitist tinge often spoken regarding Golf Magic. The worst though is the sychophancy surrounding all things magazine, don't dare criticise nor even make comments about it, for fear of offending the 'Dear Mike' brigade.

I left a couple of weeks ago, and now post on GM instead where the content is better, less repetition, and no cliques or snobs.

My last post on Golf Monthly.


Tour Rookie
Nov 27, 2007
West Lothian
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I was wondering if we had been infiltrated by a covert group of Golf Magic forumers looking to dilute the quality of 'our' forum.

As somebody who has met Andy and knows he is always up for a laugh and making jokes, i read this quite differently and it raised a smile. I am sure he was not serious. A smiley would have helped though!!!

I must admit I am posting less on here and find it's usually the Out of bounds board that I find an intersting topic in these days


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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I would echo Stuarts comments,exactly how I read it!

Sad to see people go and even worse if they are crossing to the dark side because after all 'our forum is better than theirs' :D


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I think inevitably that if you have been on a forum for a while, the same stuff comes round and round, and interest drops among the longer standing members. Occasionally there is some interesting stuff, but it gets rarer.

However, the forum is for all, and if newer members chose to post what interests them, and it doesn't interest me, then that is for them to read and respond too.

I am not keen on the bickering aspect of it, and hope that disagreements can be settle with rational debate, without descending into a petty squabble.

I still enjoy it on here, but post less than I did. That's forums for you.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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There are some interesting points here. I've just looked at the Golf Magic site and it seems a perfectly unpretentious site (the layout visually was a bit daunting with all the different topic menus but that was a personal thing) and there are some good and funny posts. The swearing put me off a bit but again thats just me not advocating swear words in a written context.

Regarding upsetting the "Dear Mike" brigade, I find this perhaps even funnier than GM being infiltrated by renegade posters from another site. Knowing Mike (and the GM team) they are always looking at ways to keep both the mag and indeed this forum as fresh and lively as possible and would probably prefer CONSTRUCTIVE criticism on both. To be fair I don't think there is a sycophantic undercurrent and would hope if people had something to say, even negatively towards the mag or the site, that they would post their comments and explain their viewpoint.

The site has undoubtedly hanged in the last six months and that is to be expected as more and more people find us and join in. I think the same will happen on the Golf Magic site as they continue to evolve. Nothing stays the same forever.


Head Pro
Apr 28, 2009
London, England
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Blimey!!!!.....would the last one out of the forum please turn off the lights!!!!

Why has everyone turned into a highly strung sensetive soul all of a sudden?

I thought the idea of this and other golf forums was that we had a place to 'bore' fellow like minded enthusiasts?

As Homer said earlier.....we all have the option to ignore various posts! Don't feel you have to make a comment on each one, be selective and enjoy what interests you?

When i come in here i will flit through the topics until something catches my eye, then go have a read if it's not interesting or not what i thought it would be about, i search elsewhere.....simple as that! :D

So lighten up everyone!!!! :D


Assistant Pro
Mar 30, 2009
Aylesbury, Bucks
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Blimey!!!!.....would the last one out of the forum please turn off the lights!!!!

Why has everyone turned into a highly strung sensetive soul all of a sudden?

I thought the idea of this and other golf forums was that we had a place to 'bore' fellow like minded enthusiasts?

As Homer said earlier.....we all have the option to ignore various posts! Don't feel you have to make a comment on each one, be selective and enjoy what interests you?

When i come in here i will flit through the topics until something catches my eye, then go have a read if it's not interesting or not what i thought it would be about, i search elsewhere.....simple as that! :D

So lighten up everyone!!!! :D

I couldn't agree more. Come on everyone, we're all golfers aren't we, we all understand that things don't always go the way we want them to (especially drives!).

Why walk away? Stay involved and work at improving things if you think they need to be improved, add more serious posts come up with some new ideas, or revive old ones perhaps?