Preferred lies...

I think I would prefer taking advice from BIGGA on turf recovery rather than an administrative body.

Id prefer to be on a beach with a cocktail but beggars can’t be choosers.

In this instance I’d say doing something is better then nothing until such time BIGGA issue guidance.
Reason being given from the golf club (who have discussed with the greenkeepers):
With the continued dry conditions, the Kent Golf Union are approving requests from clubs to implement a short period of preferred lies. This will help with the reduction of grass coverage from divots as seed germination is not possible in these conditions, leading to poor lies becoming more common.
Not on the fairways!

My course is like concrete and the fairways are awful but it was shut for 3 years before AG bought it so this heat hasn’t done them any favours but there’s no mention on preferred lies yet.
fingers crossed the forecast rain next week will help all courses out
Play the ball as it lies!
How can a course need PL in the middle of summer?

Did you even think that through a little ? Have you not seen the weather over the last couple of months and how little rain there has been and the damage it’s done to grass ?!

Many courses are burnt out with very little grass covering
Attack mode from @Liverpoolphil as usual. ?

My answer is, yes I did.

“Attack mode” ?‍♂️
half the country down south is burnt to a crisp , many courses don’t have fairway watering , cracks are appearing in fairways , divots aren’t able to be repaired due to the lack of water so preferred lies in place - in the same way it is during the winter

Would have thought it would be easy to understand ?‍♂️
“Attack mode” ?‍♂️
half the country down south is burnt to a crisp , many courses don’t have fairway watering , cracks are appearing in fairways , divots aren’t able to be repaired due to the lack of water so preferred lies in place - in the same way it is during the winter

Would have thought it would be easy to understand ?‍♂️
But, playing from a divot is part of the game. A few "landing zones" at my club (links where replaced divots rarely re-grow) so hitting from a divot happens sometimes.
Besides, a ball hit from a divot has less impact on the condition of the course and is better for the course.
Simple really. ?
But, playing from a divot is part of the game. A few "landing zones" at my club (links where replaced divots rarely re-grow) so hitting from a divot happens sometimes.
Besides, a ball hit from a divot has less impact on the condition of the course and is better for the course.
Simple really. ?


How can a divot repair with no water ?

We aren’t talking links land where the ground is used to no water

So imagine how bad it’s going to get with no growth

And this highlights what’s happening right now

Why we don’t play proffered on fairways all year round has always boggled me. Pro’s get it after heavy overnight rain on perfectly manicured and tested courses yet the club hacker playing on over used, under maintained tracks do not- if a pro can’t play of a damp fairways they should change career!

Preferred lies at the moment for courses in my area.

We get a club length at my club in South Africa. But the latest newsletter from HNA seems to be trying to get rid of this.