Major Champion
According to the (caveat) drama…a Fujitsu Horizon Support Engineer testified in court that they could make adjustments to any sub-postmasters accounts without the sub-postmaster knowing. But it does seem a bit odd that Support changes would not be identifiable…unless Support used the sub-postmasters login credentials to access their accounts. And that seems possible as the Support were logging on to the live system and the system security is supposed to have been designed to ensure that ONLY the sub-postmaster could access their account. Support changes would then look like sub-postmaster updates.Whilst I agree with the sentiment, is it not the case that the PO were effectively acting as judge, jury and executioner in these cases and as such any of the judgements made by them in light of new evidence should be called into question? No different to new evidence being introduced that exonerates a party previously found guilt.
Ive not watched the drama yet or read up too much beyond what is in these pages (I do certainly intend to but two kids under 3 limits my time somewhat!) but as an accountant in a large company I find it hard to believe that what is essentially an accounting system could be so open to manipulation and free-entry without, seemingly, much of an audit trail for each of the entries made. The fact that entries were able to be changed remotely without an auditable correction being made is a massive red flag to me.
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