Pet Insurance

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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Its approaching that time of year when I need to renew our Pet Insurance for our 3 year old Golden Doodle. at the moment we are with Everypaw, their mid range "Lifetime" policy last year was £390, this year it has jumped to £507 which seems a lot as we have had no claims at all. What are other people paying and with what company?

gratuitous pic of pooch.....Christmas Teddo.jpg


Head Pro
Oct 9, 2013
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We have a 6 month Cockapoo insured through Bought by Many, had one claim so far have been excellent, because she is so young I guess it is low at the moment at £22 per month.

Cover to £12K, £99 Excess and the Video Vet has been very useful

With the weather and the course like it is I prefer walking her along the beach than playing golf at the moment, never though I'd say that


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Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Stopped paying for pet insurance after a bad experience with out last Springer - £800-odd vets bill, first claim in 8 years, the insurers eventually paid out less than £500 after quoting all sorts of excesses and exclusions. Was convinced the vets bumped the bill up as well - their first question was 'are you insured?".

That was 5 years ago. Since then I've put £100 away every month, never had to touch it, and have now got a nice amount in ISAs if and when we do need it.

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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Stopped paying for pet insurance after a bad experience with out last Springer - £800-odd vets bill, first claim in 8 years, the insurers eventually paid out less than £500 after quoting all sorts of excesses and exclusions. Was convinced the vets bumped the bill up as well - their first question was 'are you insured?".

That was 5 years ago. Since then I've put £100 away every month, never had to touch it, and have now got a nice amount in ISAs if and when we do need it.

That is the route i was thinking about but he is so daft always jumping into ponds or just crashing into big bushes after a ball that I can see a claim coming sooner rather than later! New quote is "only" £42 a month. I would feel a bit of a chump if he has an eye injury in 6 months and I only have £250 in the pot!


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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we have a 4 year old cockapoo insured with everypaw at £18/month for a £10K annual limit and £90 excess


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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Just bumping this thread

I have a 13 year old Springer Spaniel called Buster. He is is great health (superb really) with one exception. He has quite severe osteoarthritis in his front and back legs. Currently i am paying £110 per month for pain relief injections and by and large, these are really helping him.

He has had a lifetime insurance policy with Purely Pets (who used to be protect your and last year his monthly premium shot up from £90 to £120 per month, so circa 1.4k a year. i have not yet made claims against the injections but will be doing a batch this week.

Had a renewal email today and i feel sick to my stomach. They are increasing the premium to £240 per month so circa £2.8k a year. This covers everything with no limits but has a nasty 20% voluntary excess on any claim.

I wanted to see if this price increase was normal for mid sized dogs of Busters age? has anyone else seen this occur?

Deliberating cancelling the premium and just whacking the cash straight into a separate bank account, however having not owned a dog of Busters age before i don't know if i might need the cover due to his age and general health etc.

I am also sat here hearth broken that my wee boy is getting old and sore and i am sat here feeling downright awful dad because i am equating money to my laddos health.

Anyone have any thoughts or experience they can share?


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Just bumping this thread

I have a 13 year old Springer Spaniel called Buster. He is is great health (superb really) with one exception. He has quite severe osteoarthritis in his front and back legs. Currently i am paying £110 per month for pain relief injections and by and large, these are really helping him.

He has had a lifetime insurance policy with Purely Pets (who used to be protect your and last year his monthly premium shot up from £90 to £120 per month, so circa 1.4k a year. i have not yet made claims against the injections but will be doing a batch this week.

Had a renewal email today and i feel sick to my stomach. They are increasing the premium to £240 per month so circa £2.8k a year. This covers everything with no limits but has a nasty 20% voluntary excess on any claim.

I wanted to see if this price increase was normal for mid sized dogs of Busters age? has anyone else seen this occur?

Deliberating cancelling the premium and just whacking the cash straight into a separate bank account, however having not owned a dog of Busters age before i don't know if i might need the cover due to his age and general health etc.

I am also sat here hearth broken that my wee boy is getting old and sore and i am sat here feeling downright awful dad because i am equating money to my laddos health.

Anyone have any thoughts or experience they can share?

It's a tough one.

We've always had Springers, 13 is pretty old for the breed (median age life expectancy is around 12). It's a brutal thing to say, but you might not have him much longer, and if he gets a serious health problem, the vet may well advise you that the most compassionate thing to do would be to let him go. My experience is when they go downhill, it happens pretty rapidly, weeks rather than months.

As per my post above, i don't pay insurance once the dogs get to a mature age as the premiums and excesses just keep going up and up. Instead I put money into a savings account each month and leave it there in case it's ever needed. I do have insurance for our 8 month old pup and will keep that going for a few years yet.

If I were you, I'd just pay for the injections, and stick away whatever you can afford "just in case".